Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1521: Holy Medicine Doctor Wang Pastor

Chapter 1521, Prince of Medicine, Pastor Wang

"If a young man goes to the medical center, with your powerful light, you can become an important bright pastor of our holy medicine hospital!"

"At the time, I will tell you about your business with the owner, and I will help you next time!"

"My old man, though not good at strength, has experienced the ups and downs of life and knows a lot of things. If there is anything in the young man, ask me, maybe I can give you some advice!"

Laohu is a very open-minded person. Even if Wang Xian has strong strength, he has not changed his attitude.

This makes Wang Xian very comfortable. When I come to this strange place, I can learn a lot from Laohu.

"I am going to tell Tang Mei about your business, you are staying here now!"

Lao Hu patted his shoulder and walked outside with a smile.

Wang Xian sat in the car and moved to look at his heart.

Around 80% of the whole heart is painted black, and the remaining 20% ​​is bright!

“You need to know more about Guangming and master and use more light!”

Wang Xian’s heart is dark.

When he entered the demon avatar, his understanding of the darkness reached a point of horror.

At this time, only he will improve the understanding and application of light to achieve a balance.

"Young man, the ruins of the Kingdom of God are here, come out and see?"

Not long after, the voice of Laohu came from outside.

"it is good!"

Wang Xian nodded immediately and immediately went outside, looking at the surroundings.

"this is?"

When Wang Xian came out and looked to the front, his face showed a shocked look.

A huge open space, the ground is covered with black slate.

A wild breath came.

Looking around, it is a variety of buildings.

Similar to the cemetery of the shemale, there is no city, and all of them are camps.

What struck him was the tens of kilometers in the distance. A huge black building, the building is like an altar.

There is a stalwart body on it, and the body is made of black stone, which looks like a sly sweep of the whole world.

Then, it used to be the owner of the ruins of the godland.

Later generations called it, black and half god.

Black Mighty God is a terrible power of ancient times, sitting in the forest of the entire country, the strength is thorough.

According to legend, at that time, even the Dragons were not afraid.

However, the black half **** fell on the road of breaking through God.

Staying in the ruins of this shrine, a huge space.

Their location is like the one in front of the palace.

This site, which is 500 kilometers long, is now a place where vast areas gather in these 500 kilometers.

The three super powers, the eight first-class forces, all gathered here.

They are all for the treasures of the ruins of the Kingdom of God.

To know that at the beginning, Black Mighty God collected a horrible resource in order to break through as a god.

These resources, if you take it out, can build a dynasty.

Even some people say that if you can get all the treasures of the ruins of the Kingdom of God, you can build an empire.

For tens of thousands of years, countless powerful people have come to this place. Even, an elite of the empire of Wanshou wants to enter, but never came out again.

However, even on the margins, there are horrible resources, and millions of people continue to enter the ruins of the Kingdom of God every day.

However, tens of thousands of years have passed, and the entire ruins of the Kingdom of God, 20% of the veil have not been opened.

Because the black **** is the attribute of darkness, the ruins of the entire kingdom of God are also filled with dark species.

There is a strange creature of darkness.

Some people say that it is the remnant of the black **** after the fall of the gods.

Because of the ruins of the kingdom of God, the profession of the bright pastor was born.

There are many people around, which is exactly the same as a huge chaotic city.

The more you go inside, the more luxurious you are, the more neat you are planning.

The whole space seems to be forbidden to fly, and everyone must walk on the ground.

The people passing by, Wang Xian did not see the fifth-order, which is superior to the fifth-order, and is very common here.

Bringing together the powerful forces and elites of the vast expanse of the region, it is conceivable that there are many strong people here.

After driving for three hours, the carriage slowly stopped in front of a shop.

A few kilometers away from the store are employment meetings, which is a central location.

This is a ten-storey shop with four characters in the holy medicine hall. At the door, two beautiful women dressed in white clothes are welcome.

The entire medical center accounts for about a thousand kilometers.

"When I arrive at Wang Gongzi, this is our holy medicine hospital. If you really want to be a bright pastor, I will take you to the top and meet our owner!"

The old man came over and said slightly toward Wang Xian with respect.

"Well, if there is no accident, I will stay in the holy medicine hospital for a while!"

Wang Xian nodded.

"Okay, let me go!"

The old man nodded and immediately took him to the inside.

Wang Wangxian and Lao Hu are behind them. As for the girls behind, there is obviously no treatment for Wang Xian.

"Don's supervisor!"

The three men walked toward the inside, and the two beautiful women at the door immediately shouted with respect.

“In our holy medicine hospital, there are six bright priests at the level of the hole, each bright priest at the level of the hole, who is the only one to treat the guests at the level of the hole!”

"And I am one of the main leaders under the level of the hole, the main income of our medical museum is from this medical institution!"

The old man said to Wang Xian, and took him straight toward the top.

As soon as I entered the medical hall, a strong light power came from me, and the gentle energy was like a spring, and it was refreshing.

There was a wounded person around to enter a room.

"The ruins of the Kingdom of God and the forests of the Kingdom of God have a large number of dark creatures, and they are all very different. There are different treatments for various injuries!"

"Our holy medicine hospital is placed in the ruins of the Kingdom of God. It is also a small name, only five of us are famous!"

The old man introduced to Wang Xian and walked upstairs.

The more you go up, the fewer patients you have, and you have come to the top.

The top floor area is a thousand meters, which is extremely luxurious.

"The old man can't do anything, and the head of Yungu is too deep into the bones. I can't solve it. The head of Yungu can go to the Shenguang Medical Center to seek a stronger treatment of the bright pastor!"

When they first came to the top, they saw an old man with white clothes and a scepter, and said to a middle-aged man.

Behind the middle-aged, followed by five or six middle-aged people who were bloody.

"Hey, the dark energy of the bone-cutting magic flower in the abdomen, if not solved, the strength will affect 50%, Pastor Tang Yi can't solve it, and only go to other medical centers to see it!"

The middle-aged man was shirtless with his upper body, shook his head helplessly and put on his clothes.

"Erosion flower, bone erosion?"

Wang Xian followed, and his eyes flashed toward the middle-aged abdomen.

(End of this chapter)

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