Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1533: What is the Son of Light? on

Chapter 1533 What is the Son of Light? on

"Where, **** damn, this guy actually hits our two princesses, sin is unforgivable, sin can't be forgiven!"

"I must not spare him. Is the priest's combat power not very rubbish? How is that young man so terrible?"

Wu Qingyan and Wu Qingyan walked out of the fourth floor, Wu Qingyan patted his chest, a frightened look.

"The young man is indeed a bright pastor, but he is an extremely powerful bright pastor, especially for our dark attribute practitioners!"

The woman followed, and her eyes glanced upstairs.

The short-term battle just made her a little scared. The attack of the other side is too strange and terrible!

She is sure that if the other party wants to kill her, it may be very easy.

"Wind, is he really so abnormal?"

Wu Qingyan turned and asked.

"I feel that it should be a bright pastor of the seventh-order hole!"

The woman said with a dignified face.

"The bright priest of the 7th-order dong, the scorpio, the ruins of the whole country, there are only five bright priests in the seventh stage of the emptiness, this...this...too powerful!"

Wu Qingyan exclaimed.

"It looks so young, I didn't expect it to be an old man, no wonder that he called Grandpa Light!"

Wu Qingyan said that his face was black.

Today, she was originally prepared to teach the pastor of the king, and she did not expect that she would be taught by the other side.

Calling people to fight back? That is obviously too shameful, and if the other party is a strong seventh-order powerhouse, it will be a big face for them to come out safely.

"Old man? To my sister, let me see how old this guy is this year!"

Wu Qingyan said with a curious face.

"Well? What do you think?"

Wu Qingyan looked at her and asked in a wrong way.

"Dark year rounds, you can see anyone's annual ring!"

"When you were talking, I secretly took it out and looked at it. The old guy, who pretended to be a handsome guy, was really embarrassing..."

Wu Qingyan said while taking out the Faro.

When she looked at it, she wanted to watch it, but she was glanced at Wang Xian and scared her to receive it.

She said in her mouth, the words have not been finished, her eyes are very big, and her face is staring at the compass in an incredible way.

"No... impossible, it must be broken, it must be broken, how could it be less than thirty years old!"

Wu Qingyan's big eyes, holding the compass in an incredible face, tempted his sister, and tempted the woman, and saw the appearance of the ghost.


The Wuqing smoke and the woman on the side are also full of stunned faces.

"From the voice of the young man and every move, it is not like old age, and this dark annual ring will not go wrong!"

The woman’s eyes flashed and the pupil was full of shock.

A seven-step strong man who is less than thirty years old? Is this going against the sky?

"How is this possible, will he have any treasures to hide his age?"

Wu Qingyan said something that he could not believe: "If he is really less than 30 years old, it is too horrible!"

Yes, it’s terrible!

Simply, can't be trusted!

The three of them headed for the location of the Guangming Mountain Villa.

"If nothing unexpected, the light and darkness in my body will be balanced tomorrow!"

In the Sheng Medicine Hospital, Wang Xian looked at the dark heart of his body, and his heart was dark.

Today, his understanding of light and light has reached a point of horror, coupled with the understanding of the dark and the tai chi, and soon he will be able to complete a transformation.

On the second day, Wang Xian continued to treat various patients free of charge. This time, he made 20 patients come together for treatment.

The speed is directly doubled.

In the afternoon, the number of people treated reached more than a thousand.

At this time, the darkness in his body also maintained a balance.

"There are a lot of people around, but they are all old and weak. If you treat such a person, I can do it without any effort!"

At this moment, at the entrance of the Sheng Medicine Hospital, two young people, six or seven girls came to the front.

A young man swept a group of people around the line of treatment, said slightly contemptuously.

"Oh, let's go, I really want to see and see, in the end, who is willing to refuse the invitation of the smoke princess, this time, come out to the Qing smoke princess!"

Another young man dressed in white dress, holding a light scepter, his mouth slightly tilted, his face full of smiles.

"The Prince of Light himself personally shot, naturally able to make the young man swear by himself!"

"It’s just a matter of self-deprecation. It’s estimated that the son of the only son of the glory is the leader of the prince, oh!”

There were several girls singing and laughing.

They are the brightest pastors of the most elite of the Shenguang dynasty, six or seven girls, each of which is close to the realm of the hole.

The emperor, who is known as the Son of Light, has reached the second order of the hole.

"You, are you?"

At the door of the Holy Medicine Hospital, a receptionist saw them coming over and asked.

"The son of the Light, the Emperor of the Light, is coming, don't you let me know?"

The young man snorted at the girl who was receiving it, and everyone went straight ahead.

"The Son of Light?"

The girls at the reception were slightly surprised, wide-eyed, and looked at them with shock.

Follow, and quickly catch up.

"The Son of Light, is that the Son of Light?"

"No, that is actually the son of light, this is this..."

Some people around them heard their words and their faces were shocked.

The Son of Light, this is a very honorable title among the bright pastors.

Representing the most outstanding pastor of the younger generation.

Every young man and woman who can become the daughter of the Son of Light, the future is not a top bright pastor.

Today's generation of the Son of Light is the prince of the Shenguang Dynasty.

The background of the daughter of Light is even more powerful. It is the princess of the Wuji Dynasty.

The young man turned out to be the son of light?

"What is the light son, what are you doing?"

A crowd of people around him was full of mistakes.

"The son of the light, a few young ladies, are you going to the fourth floor? Our priest Wang is treating the patient, don't bother!"

The girls at the reception caught up and saw them walking towards the fourth floor and shouted quickly.

"Noisy, here is where you speak!"

The young man standing beside the Emperor of Light heard the voice of the host girl, and his face was impatient.

With a wave of his arm, a force of light directly hit the hostess.


The girl who just stepped on the last stairs was hit by this force and fell straight down and gave an exclamation.

Wang Xian, who was treating the patient in the room, heard the sound and exclamation from outside, and the eyes flashed a cool color and looked out.

(End of this chapter)

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