Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1636: Counterattack on the vast area

Chapter 1636 counterattacks on the vast area

The vast area has assembled all the forces to invade their sea areas.

This matter cannot be ended in such a simple way.

Now they have this strength to counterattack the past.

At that time, the entire vast area will have to pay a huge price for it.

"Well, during the eight months of your resurrection, we have entered the vast area. At that time, the Wuji Dynasty did not take the shot. We are confronting the Weinan sect of the Southern Royal Family!"

"We have been fighting for eight months and have obtained a lot of resources. After one or two years of stability, we can basically suppress the two superpowers!"

"But the life and death of the Dan Pharmacy and the sacred forging workshop should have brought out some benefits and resources for the Wuji Dynasty to shoot!"

Feng Xiao nodded and said to Wang Xian.

"Wuji Dynasty? The most ruthless emperor family, and sure enough, there is only interest in their eyes, as long as there are enough benefits, they can do anything!"

Wang Xian’s eyes are cold.

He also knows that Feng Qi and Dragon Palace entered the vast area and enemies with two super powers to help him revenge.

However, the appearance of the Wuji Dynasty was completely out of their expectations.

"Go, we chase it!"

Wang Xian’s eyes showed a hint of coolness. This time, he wanted to shock the entire vast area.

Let half of the vast area surrender to the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty and the Dragon Palace.

The top five lines of the head are sharply ground, and the feet are yin and yang. Wang Xian quickly flies in the direction of the north stream.

Along the way, there are corpses everywhere, continuing to the edge of the northern stream.

All members of the Dragon Palace and the members of the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty stopped at the beach, hesitating whether to continue to pursue the past.

"Dragon King, Fenghuang!"

"Dragon King!"

When they saw Wang Xian and Feng Yu, they flew over, and all the soldiers and members of the Dragon Palace immediately shouted reverently.

The soldiers of the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty stared at Wang Xian with admiration.

"Gui Guixiang, sent people to the Dragon Palace, the rest of the Dragon Palace disciples, rest for an hour, with me!"

"All the soldiers of the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty, take a break and go with me and the Dragon King!"

Wang Xian ordered the members of the Dragon Palace.

Feng Yu also said to the soldiers of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty.

"It is the Dragon King!"

"It's Fenghuang!"

All the disciples of the Dragon Palace and the soldiers of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty showed an uplifting look.

This time is completely different from the last time. This time it is a real expedition.

Expeditions throughout the vast area.

To conquer a vast area with a small and weak land in the flowing sea area.

This is a feat of no time.

"The Dragon and Phoenix dynasty and the demon will counterattack our vast area, everyone will gather together, we will lead you and go back quickly!"

At this moment, at a position hundreds of kilometers north of the sea.

The two ancestors of the Wuji dynasty, the two ancestors of the Southern Royal Family and the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect.

All the strong men who came to the throne for nine days came, but now they are full of fear and wolverine.

The 120,000-strong army is only about 60,000.

Lost a full half.

This is what they all did not expect.

Especially the five ancestors, the face is gloomy and almost bloody.

The dark ancestors of the Wuji dynasty clenched their fists and their faces were filled with deep remorse.

This time, their Wuji dynasty not only did not take any advantage, but suffered heavy losses.

The benefits they receive are nothing compared to their losses.

"What? The demon and the dragon and phoenix will kill them?"

In the forefront position, more than a dozen middle-aged people changed their faces and shouted.

"Yes, this time the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty and the demon come again, but it is not so simple. This time we have trouble in the vast area!"

"At least the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty will occupy most of the territory of the vast region!"

The ancestors of the Wuji dynasty said with a black face.

The same as the dynasty, they know that the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty will definitely occupy a large territory and divide their fields.

"This this..."

These dozens of middle-aged people are extremely embarrassed.

They are the masters of the School of Life and Death, and the School of the Forbidden City. Once the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty comes in, are they not finished?

Moreover, how much of the entire vast area is the place where they lived and died, and the place where the sacred objects were forged?

"The monster of the wild goddess can carry more than 100,000 people, we must fly all the way!"

"You are the one who gave birth to all the medicinal herbs, and we have to fly with everyone!"

The Nanhuangjiang River took a deep breath and ordered the masters of the Life and Death Danfang.


The ancestors of the Wuji Dynasty saw the hesitant look of the birth and death of the drugstore, and icy.

"Yes Yes!"

The masters of the Life and Death Dan Pharmacy immediately nodded in horror and did not dare to have any resistance.

Nowadays, the five big names in the vast area are full of anger, and they still have their identity.

"Gather together, go!"

In order to prevent the army of the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty from catching up, the five top powers can only try their best to take them to the vast area.

More than 60,000 people, led by five strong men, have flown five to six times faster.

In less than a day, the vast mainland has appeared in their sights.

Looking at this familiar continent, the powerful people in the vast area, all sighed with relief.

The battle in the current sea area is definitely a terrible nightmare.

The reappearance of the demon, killing an ancestor of the Wuji Dynasty in an invincible position, suppressing a strong group in the vast area.

And they can only escape from the wild.

Now, I finally escaped.

In a city near the Beiliuhai, as a city with one of the most borders, the area is not very large.

The population is not much.

But in the recent period, there are many strangers in this city.

This group of people has no other purpose, they are simply waiting for the triumphant return of the vast area of ​​the strong.

Even, there are some weak sects, made banners and the like.

Once their vast regional powerhouse returns, they immediately welcome and triumphantly return.

This makes this small city pool a lot more lively.

"Hey, look, what group of people are? Well? It’s a powerful momentum, how can it be like the strong people in the rushing sea area!"

Suddenly, in the laid-back area of ​​the seaside, a middle-aged man with a sullen look at the distant position, surprised to say to his companions.

"How is it possible? The strongest people in our vast area will go to the sea area for at least ten days!"

The companion next to him shook his head and looked up, slowly frowning.

"Yeah, although it takes only one or two hours to extinguish the Longfeng Dynasty in the vast sea area with the strength of our vast region, it takes nearly ten days to fly back and forth. How?"

The middle-aged said, staring at the crowd coming from far away.

Suddenly, his voice slowly disappeared, staring at the five familiar figures in the forefront, as well as the powerful and powerful people behind him.

"How can this be..."

(End of this chapter)

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