Chapter 1651

"It’s really right to come here, you can kill it with impunity, you can plunder without any scruples!"

Looking at the improvement of the demon power, Wang Xian’s face showed a smile.

In the vast region, unless he destroys the three superpowers, it is absolutely impossible to obtain so many resources.

However, here he can easily get it.

Killing people and goods, war, is the fastest way to get rich.

Wang Xian continued to fly in the distance. He looked at his own attributes and upgraded the resources needed. He was able to improve by half.

"The remedy above the hole, you can upgrade by tens of thousands!"

Wang Xian’s heart is dark.

After all, his current strength is only a fourth-order, even if the upgrade requires a lot of dragons, but tens of thousands of holes in the level of the drug, can still improve his strength.

The medicinal tract at the level of the hole is also a relatively precious item in the Zhongzhou area.

"The next goal is to be one of the two great medicinal sites in the Dandan Pharmacy, Tianna Valley!"

As the life and death of the entire super-continental continent, the birth and death of Dan Yaofang, their heritage is very scary.

They are able to open the Pharmacy to the entire continent, and the most important thing is that they have two caves.

One place is the life and death medicine garden!

The other is the Heavenly Medicine Valley!

Among them, the life and death medicinal garden is the base camp of the birth and death medicinal pharmacy. At the core, there are Wanshou strong people sitting in the town all the year round.

Once the Wanshou strongman leaves, the formation is directly opened, and the Wanshou strong is difficult to enter.

The Tianna Valley is less important than the Life and Death Garden.

However, it also has a guardianship of the 10,000-story level. It is difficult to get into the sky if you want to break into it.

"According to the information of the fire-flying bird family on the life and death of the Dan Pharmacy, the Tianyao Valley is half a step of the Wanshou strong guardian!"

"But in this war, the power of guardianship there should be reduced by more than half, and most rely on the guardianship!"

"The defensive array method has no effect for me!"

Wang Xian mouth slanted slightly, knowing oneself and knowing each other.

He came here to help the fire skylark family, the most important thing is the body of the strong and the Dan medicine of the birth and death of the drugstore.

The body of the strong can be placed in the dragon pool to enhance the strength of the Dragon Palace.

The drug is self-evident.

"As long as you can get the medicinal herbs in the Tianyao Valley, even if you get a part, it is enough to upgrade your strength."

"Once you upgrade the first order, you are the strongest under the longevity. Next, in this war, you can also let go of the Quartet!"

Wang Xian thought in his heart, his mouth slightly tilted, and quickly flew toward the Tianyao Valley.

At a distance of 50,000 kilometers, Wang Xian’s flight will take a long time.

There are some cities in the middle of the road, some of which belong to the life and death of Dan Yaofang, but Wang Xian did not start, he is ready to come to a big one.

Going to stop and stop, Wang Xian used a day to come to the Tiannao Valley in the Dantang Square.

"It is said that these mountain peaks are the founders of the birth and death Dan Pharmacy. With the power of the stalwart, the mountain peaks are directly moved over and formed into a valley!"

"Every mountain is covered with a strong array of methods. If you want to break in under the longevity, you can annihilate it directly. Even if it is the second-order of Wanshou, it is difficult to enter!"

Wang Xian looked at the valley surrounded by the forty-six-six-six-seven-kilometer mountain peaks, and his eyes flashed with a crazy look.

The yin and yang five elements of dragons opened, and Wang Xian’s vigilant glances around the surrounding area for 100 kilometers.

Within a hundred kilometers, everything is within sight.

Wang Xian hides his body shape, and now his stealth ability is no worse than a demon.

Always flying to the height of 10,000 meters, Wang Xian looked down.

"Well? You can't penetrate the battle, you can't resist the big battle of the Wanshou strong!"

Looking at the position below, Wang Xian found that the Yin and Yang Five Elements Longyan could not penetrate it, and his face was a little surprised.

He hesitated and slowly fell down.


Without the slightest wave, Wang Xian easily penetrated the array and suspended in the sky above the Tiannao Valley.

"A good horror aura, a horrible medicine!"

When he entered the battle, a powerful aura directly hit, and at the same time, a powerful elixir scent came.

Just taking a deep breath will make you feel refreshed.

"The aura here is medicinal and can be compared with the Dragon Palace. It is worthy of being a mainland-level force. It is really profound!"

Wang Xian was amazed by the suspension in the sky.

Practice here, you can praise the Dragon Palace, you can imagine how terrible it is.

Of course, it is impossible for people to practice here, because cultivation will destroy the grasses here.

"The grass here, oh~"

When Wang Xian looked down, his face was very shocking.

The piece of Lingcao is divided into nine areas by the array method.

Each field has a variety of properties of the spirit grass tree.

Each area is 10 kilometers in length, and the entire Tianyao Valley covers an area of ​​more than 50 kilometers!

But it is the scope of more than 50 kilometers, the planting of Lingcao Lingshu in billions!

In the most central position, a 20-meter-high, leafy tree stands quietly there.

Around the entire spiritual tree, there is a red glow of fire.

The light shrouds around two hundred meters, making it a space!

On the top, there are fruit, a fruit tree red to purple, with a soft flame, and the rest are blue.

"The tree of the Wanshou class, the spirit of the Wanshou class, is worthy of the mainland level of power, this level of the tree has!"

Wang Xian’s heart is extremely shocking.

He swallowed and spit, his eyes looked around, half a step of life, the hole was nine steps, and the eight-step spirit of the hole was everywhere.

But many Lingcao Lingshu are still not fully mature.

Lingcao is removed before it is fully mature, causing great losses.

As the Tianyao Valley of the Life and Death Medicine Square, these Lingcao Lingshu will only be removed when they mature.

These spirit grass trees have been planted for tens of thousands of years.

"This is the bottom line. Even if it is this war, the fire skylark can win the life and death of the drugstore, and they will not fall down in an instant!"

"As long as there is a valley of heavenly medicine, they still have a great chance of rising, not to mention their base camp for life and death!"

The foundation of some forces is really frightening.

"Half-step longevity three, the hole is nineteenth-order fifteen, the hole is eight-order thirty, this is the power of guardian, this is also the hidden power of the birth and death pharmacy!"

Wang Xian's eyes flashed and swept down.

Such a strong force, once he appears, will be broken.

"However, the entire valley is divided into nine places by the formation, and only three places have half-step longevity strong guards, and the rest are not!"

Wang Xian slightly narrowed his eyes.

If he can get the grass of the entire Tianyao Valley, he can at least continuously upgrade two or even three orders!

Still owe one more!

(End of this chapter)

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