Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1674: Do not stop the skylark family do not stop

Chapter 1674 does not extinguish the skylark family does not stop

"Life and death Dan Pharmacy disciples, the expedition! The target fire cloud bird family!"

"The sacred object forging disciples, the expedition! The target fire cloud bird family!"

The main city of the two major forces, when the death and death of the Dan Pharmacy and the sacred forging workshop disciples from the Fengtian City two days, again assembled.

This time, the assembly can almost be said to be a nest.

Nearly all of the two forces have all the holes and weaknesses.

"Do not stop the skylark family from stopping!"

"kill them!"

An angry roar came from the mouths of the two powerful powers and disciples, and each face showed excitement and murder.

They looked up and looked forward, and the dazzling, medicinal master was suspended in the sky.

The strongest of the two forces, personally led the two forces to go!

This time, the two major forces can be described as coming out of the nest.

"set off!"

Two forces, second only to the empire, set off from their main city and flew in the direction of the firebirds.

The two forces eventually assembled in 10,000 kilometers.

A total of 200,000 people, tens of thousands of strong people in the hole level!

The remaining 190,000 people are all no less than the extraordinary seventh order!

This is the full strength of the two forces.

This strength can easily rule a large area like the vast area.

"Oh, now all the forces in the world think that it is ridiculous to let us die of the death of the Dan Pharmacy and the sacred forge."

The owner of the horror fireworks showed a cool color on his face, and said to the drug master.

"The mysterious killer organization is really strong, disrupting some of our plans!"

In the eyes of the drug, the eyes flashed and looked into the distance.

"It is indeed a trouble. If they are hired by the fire skylark family, it is better to say something, but if it is the fire skylark family, it is a bit tricky. At that time, we have to deal with it for a while!"

The main faint nodded.

A sudden killer organization completely disrupted their plans.

They originally wanted to spend another half a year with the larvae, and they were directly involved after the sacred fire left.

But the emergence of the mysterious killer organization, the two men bite their teeth and immediately decided to shoot.

In the past two days, they handled the Holy Fire and the Demon God tribe and immediately led the disciples to the nest. .

However, they did not put a killer organization too in mind.

Big deal, they personally shot with this killer organization, two Wanshou strong and a killer organization consumed, few killer organizations can withstand.

The two major legions, the mighty 200,000 strong, quickly flew directly toward the firebird family.

When the birth and death of the Dan Pharmacy and the sacred forging workshop drug masters, the two top mainland powers announced the emergence of the fire skylark family.

When they led the army to lead the army, all the forces of the entire continent were shaken.

"Did they not just evacuate? How come out suddenly?"

"The owner and the drug master personally went out. It seems that this time, they are ready to make a complete decision with the fire skylark!"

"With the strength of the two forces, even if the fire cloud bird family is destroyed, it will be a heavy loss?"

The entire super-large continent has got the news, and his face has a surprised look.

However, when I thought of these two forces fighting to the present, my heart was relieved.

All forces are concerned about their battles.

Includes the loss of two powerful forces.

After more than a year of fighting, the losses of the two forces were extremely heavy.

They are merchants and they don't want to see this loss.

Going all the time, for them it is always losing.

Possibly, this is their determination to break the boat.

Moreover, some big forces also know that at present, there is no powerful force that will help the fire skylark family.

Even if it is a holy fire, it will not.

Two Wanshou strongmen have a strong advantage against a Wanshou strongman.

All forces can be expected, and then, it may be a fierce war.

"What? The two forces are coming out and coming to us!"

The message was quickly passed to the firefowl family.

When this information was obtained, the eyes of all the people of the Fire Skylark showed a dignified look.

"It is the ancestor, the news has been confirmed, the two forces are now about 100,000 kilometers away from us, and the drug master and the owner personally lead the army!"

"It is expected that they will come over tomorrow morning!"

In the Huoyun Mountain, all the high-rises of the Fire Skylark gather and report to the Fengyun Laozuhui.

"Only they have two forces?"

Feng Yun frowned, his face full of dignity, asked.

"According to our news, only the two forces, they have not seen other forces, there is no movement in the demon tribe!"

An old family said.

"The ancestors, the demon **** tribe was completely destroyed by Wang Gongzi at that time, will it be the demon **** tribe to pressure the two forces!"

"Plus they are afraid that Wang Gongzi's killer organization will enter their home to carry out assassination!"

The Queen of Fire Cloud guessed.

"There is this possibility, but there is still a possibility that the Demon Tribe was invited by them!"

Feng Yun's ancestors made the worst plan to say.

"The devils of the demon gods? The demon gods should not have to participate in this war, their strength is comparable to the combination of the birth and death of the Pharmacy and the sacred forge!"

An old man frowned and guessed.

"Under normal circumstances, if there is no deep hatred with our fire skylark family, there is really no need to help them!"

Feng Yun slowly nodded.

"Command down, let everyone exit the volcano city and enter the Huoyun Mountain Range!"

Feng Yun continued to order: "We have to make the final plan!"

"Yes, ancestors!"

The fire skylark, a group of old people, immediately nodded.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

A rush of Fengming came from the Huoyun Mountain Range.

A fire skylark, which is only a dozen meters in size, swayed the flame wings and flew toward the city of Huoyun.

In Huoyuncheng, standing a famous old man.

"All the firebirds listen to the orders, bring all the items, and retreat to the Huoyun Mountain Range, tomorrow morning, ready to fight!"

An old voice shrouded the entire volcanic city, leaving the entire city quiet for two seconds.

"Disciples listen to orders!"

In the volcano city, a strong man in the name of the hole was slightly shocked and immediately responded loudly.

"All disciples, bring everyone's items ready to evacuate!"

"Retreat into the Huoyun Mountain Range and prepare to meet the enemy tomorrow!"

A famous person with a strong hole immediately executed the order.

At this time, everyone on the face of the fire skylark showed a shocking look.

They listened to a loud command and were a little wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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