Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1698: On the tragic battle

Chapter 1698, on the tragic battle

"Oh la la!"

The fire scales fell on the huge body of Wang Xian, which is more than 20,000 meters long. The blood dripped away like a rain.

Every fire scale can tear a wound of a kilometer, and an instant attack makes Wang Xian's body full of scars.


Feeling the great pain from the body, Wang Xian’s eyes shot the look of a monk.

The yin and yang five elements smashed under the attack of two Wanshou third-order dragon dragon emperors.

The powerful law of the same level and invincible was actually broken.

"Go to death!"

Wang Xian swayed the huge dragon tail and attacked directly toward the two fire dragons.

"Fire Dragon Shield!"

The two dragon emperors screamed loudly, and a tens of kilometers of fire dragon shields erected directly to meet the dragon tail of Wang Xian.

"Touch and touch!"

The horrible collision caused a fissure in the Fire Dragon Shield.

"The five elements are annihilated!"

The colorful light on the tail of Wang Xianlong flickers, and the enormous power and the power of the five elements of annihilation fluctuate.

"Oh, what kind of creature is this guy, even under the same level is even more terrible than our dragon!"

The two dragon emperors had a shocking look on their faces, shaking their huge wings and quickly escaping to the side.


However, the power of Wang Xian’s horror fell on the two dragon emperors.

The two dragon kings, like flies, slammed directly into the walls of the volcano.

The whole body was completely caught in the wall.

Wang Xian smiled coldly, opened a huge dragon mouth, and rushed straight.

A gray annihilation force, the impact of the two dragons.

"Ah! No matter what creature you are, today, you are going to die!"

The bodies of the two dragons are embedded in the volcano, and a large amount of blood overflows in the mouth.

They looked up at the same time, and with a rotating flame directly rushed toward the gray annihilation.

Two rotating fire pillars resist the power of the five elements.

"I am a fire dragon, a flame king, the fire of the world is under my control, the flame enters my dragon body, and I show my dragon flame!"

The two dragons shouted loudly, and the rolling flames gathered toward them.

The whole volcano seems to have been attracted by horror, and the endless spurt of smoldering, in a flash, the body of the two dragons directly became hundreds of times larger.


The wings were swaying, and the two dragons and one right and left directly attacked Wang Xian’s body.

Wang Xian's face was dignified, and the dragon claws were caught toward a dragon emperor. The five elements and the powerful dragon claws of Yin and Yang were almost invincible.

Falling on the dragon's body, grab a piece of the syrup directly.

But this did not cause much harm to them.

"Touch and touch!"

However, every attack of the two Dragon Emperors fell on Wang Xian's body and would tear a few kilometers of wounds.

"Five lines of great grinding!"

Wang Xian saw this situation and screamed at it.


The law of the five elements of the great grinding with weapons, directly to the two dragons hit.

Every impact, like a volcanic eruption, the blood of two dragons wrapped in flames directly in the mouth!

"The **** creature, the **** ants, I swear, I will take your bones and lick your skin!"

A dragon emperor was violently rampant, and the flame mountain beneath him was shocked.


From the bottom of the Flame Mountain, there was a terrible temperature, as if the entire volcano had to erupt.

"Give me a hit!"

Wang Xianlong's claws are placed on top of the five-row large-grain phase, and a heavy pressure is placed toward the lower position.

"Touch and touch!"

The five rows of big mills slowly split, but the flames around the two dragons quickly collapsed, and their bodies even had a crack.

A dragon's wings are directly melted under the powerful Five Elements.

"Give me a burst!"

The two dragons screamed and the entire volcano shook again, and the interior space began to collapse.

Wang Xian’s battle is like a war of extinction, and the volcano collapses.

The syrup stone below is like a horrible rocket, and it is directly attacked by Wang Xian.

Densely dense, at least hundreds of thousands of syrup stones!

Wang Xian saw this face change dramatically, his body quickly shrank, and soon reached a size of only a dozen meters.

He quickly avoided the smoldering stones.

But this syrup stone is too much, covering almost the entire sky.

A piece of syrup stone fell on Wang Xian's body and was shattered by him.

However, it followed the dense sulphurous stones, causing it to spit blood.

"A good dragon!"

Wang Xian's face was a little pale, and a pair of dragons stared at the two dragon emperors, biting their teeth and flung directly toward them.

"Five lines of operation, the flame is extreme!"

Wang Xian swooped down and the colorful light of his body began to transform, eventually turning into a flame dragon.

"It’s time to fight the flesh!"

Wang Xian’s eyes showed an angry flame, and the flames on his body worked with all his strength.

"Dare to rush over and die!"

The two dragon emperors in the magma saw Wang Xian swooping in, waving his wings.

The wings of the flames drive the power of the volcano, and the syrup turns into a spear, directly smashing toward Wang Xian.


The flame of Wang Xian’s body was shocked, and an invisible gas field suppressed all the fire attributes in the space!


"What kind of monster is this his mother?"

The two dragon emperors saw the flames in the surroundings calm down completely, and the face showed an embarrassing look.

"Competing with the physical strength, you think that our dragons are afraid of you, the whole continent, we are the strongest existence!"

A dragon emperor bit his teeth and rushed straight toward Wang Xian. The huge flame wings exude a deep red awn.


Another dragon screamed and rushed up.

The dragons are still not afraid of the strength of the flesh.


A collision caused them to fly straight out.

Wang Xian's face changed.

Nowadays, he is only the strength of the eighth-order, even if the dragon is very terrifying, but the other side is too high.

Moreover, the dragons of the extraordinary mainland can be regarded as a weak dragon species.

"You must kill them!"

In the eyes of Wang Xian, the horror of the horror was shot, and the colorful light on the dragon's claws shone, and the light shrouded.

The dragon head, the same is true, under the full force of the explosion, a pair of dragon horns, looks sacred.

"Touch and touch!"

The collision and killing of the flesh is a very cruel and **** confrontation.

In a few consecutive collisions, the two dragons and Wang Xian were full of scars.

However, at this time, Wang Xian’s body turned out a faint light of light, and the light repaired his injury.

He smiled slyly and continued to attack toward the two dragons.

"Damn, let's die like this!"

The two dragon emperors saw that Wang Xian’s injury was gradually recovering and his heart sank.

"Go to hell, you guys, this arrogant guy!"

Wang Xianfei passed, the dragon claws waved, the dragon swept, the most primitive flesh confrontation!

(End of this chapter)

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