Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1749: Suffocating dragon king

Chapter 1749 suffocating Dragon King






The battle of the Wanshou strong has erupted. At the bottom of the land, the members of the Dragon Palace, the strongmen of the Dragon and Phoenix Empire, and the strong of the Nine Gods Empire and the Legion Empire and the Legion of the Phoenix Dynasty have also collided!

In just a moment of collision, the blood of terror was raised.

"No, the strange voice comes from the direction of the Dragon Palace. I feel that my strength is suppressed!"

"Oops, the soldiers under the hole can't even show their strength in this war!"

"Quick, go to stop the dolphin creature, go and organize the woman!"

The blood that collided with the blood in a flash came from the Wan Yao Empire and the Feng Dynasty. The horror was so incomparable, and it showed the most horrible things in the war.

The dolphins have a total of one thousand soldiers, and the lowest rank has reached the third level of the hole, and there are also many ninth and eighth orders.

When they gathered together to make a special auxiliary sound wave, a scene of horror appeared.

The Wan Yao Empire and the Feng Dynasty dynasty soldiers came here six or seven hundred thousand, of which, except for the 80,000 or so holes, the rest are all under the emptiness of the cave.

The extraordinary powerhouse, under the sound of a thousand dolphin warriors, was completely suppressed to a terrible level.

Even their strength can only be used to display one-tenth.

This is completely cannon-like in the entire battlefield.


In addition to the strange and horrible sound waves, there is a sharp arrow.

The 1,500 arm-length monsters can shoot four or five thousand arrows per second.

What frightened the Wan Yao Empire and the Feng Dynasty was that a round of arrows fell and they directly killed tens of thousands.

This is still secondary. What scares them most is that the arrow is poisonous and the toxin can kill a Wanshou strong man in an instant.

"Remote attack, kill me and kill them!"

"The movie demon, lead you to shadows!"

"The phoenix archers attacked the rear and shot them!"

Whether it is the soldiers of the Phoenix dynasty or the demon king of the Wan Yao Empire, they saw the terrible and long-range snarls of the long-range attacks suspended in the Dragon Palace.

"Hey, want to attack us!"

Gossip saw the overwhelming horror energy and the attack of three Wanshou strongmen, and his face showed a cold look.

"I am going to block the movie demon!"

"The archer of the Phoenix Dynasty gave it to me!"

Zhai Zesen and the gossip stood there proudly and said directly.


"Dragon Snakes!"

A line of arrows attacked the Shadow Monster, and the area of ​​the Eight Diagrams was directly shrouded in the eyes, the dolphins and the drug-making warriors.

In the field of gossip, dragon snakes rush, dragon snakes entrenched.

The tens of thousands of energy shocks came and fell on the field and were directly resisted.

"Oh, it’s too tragic, this... it’s just too bad!”

"In less than a minute of collision, nearly 100,000 people died. The members of the Dragon Palace are terrible!"

"In the previous collision, the loss of the Feng Dynasty and the Wan Yao Empire was too great. The archer of the Dragon Palace was too strong, and the strange sound waves seemed to have caused great interference to the Wan Yao Empire and the Feng Dynasty soldiers!"

"Now the war has just begun, the Wanxue Empire and the Feng Dynasty have already reacted, and then they can limit the long-range attackers of the Dragon Palace!"

"It’s hard to say who the deer died, but the power of the Dragon King is so suffocating, and one person has pinned all the top powers of the other side!"

In the imperial law of the emperor, everyone saw this scene of destroying the earth and destroying the earth, and his face showed a shocking look!

This is the real war, the world is discolored, and it is difficult for the strong and strong people to save their lives here.

The power of the audience was shocked.

As for the people of the Dragon and Phoenix Empire, let alone say it!

A battle has affected thousands of kilometers? This is something that all of them have never even thought about before.

But seeing them have the upper hand, the nervous heart is relieved.

"The demon family, kill those ridiculous long-range attackers!"

A powerful attack is on this side, and the look of the gossip is unpleasant.

The long-range attack of the eye-eye arrow is very horrible, and a round of attack can cause the devastating power of terror.

Once it is restricted, it will make the next battle very troublesome.

The Phoenix Dynasty also has a strong archer force, and they also have strong strength.

In the attack just now, they also killed many members of the Dragon Palace!

The Wan Yao Empire has a stinger, they can launch a deadly toxin, also a race of the horror of the Wan Yao Empire.

"Ah, ah, no, there is a killer, there is a killer!"

"Hey, there is a killer into the stinger!"

It didn't take long for the voice of the gossip to fall, and the horror of the Feng Dynasty and the Wan Yao Empire came.

Followed by, the screams of continuous screams.

The whole dragon palace, the most powerful is the dragon thorn department, 1,500 warriors, among them the scorpion monster with the sixth-order combat power of the hole, reaching 500!

When I was in Fengtian City, five hundred demon slayers were able to assassinate millions of people overnight. In this battlefield, they still have a lot of water.

One thousand five hundred demon sluts, they harvested the remote attackers of the two empire at a horrible speed.

In particular, the archers of the Phoenix dynasty, their own defenses are somewhat weak, and they are wide-eyed under the scythe of the death of the demon.

"Faith: Bright Space!"

Just as some archers and the stinger are reacting, a cold voice sounds in everyone's mind.

Followed by more than 20,000 archers in the Phoenix dynasty, more than 30,000 stinging monsters in the Wan Yao Empire, were completely enveloped in the law of the demon.


In an instant, the sound of screams is endless!


The screaming voice did not last for twenty seconds, and the entire bright space completely dissipated.

When the space was restored again, only the body remained there.

It is mixed with the bodies of some demon.


However, after the Feng Dynasty and the rest of the Wan Yao Empire saw this scene, they took a deep breath and were filled with a heart-warming look.

There, the enemy's bodies are up to one hundred and two hundred, but their archers and stingers are all assassinated!

The thought of the horrible killers around them is likely to be a deadly attack on them at any time, and their faces are full of fear.

"Oh, no!"

Just then, at the height of more than 100,000 meters, a screaming voice came, accompanied by a body of several hundred meters falling toward the ground.

"It is the sole rhinoceros, the scorpio, the fourth-order singularly demon lord of Wanshou... actually fell down!"

"It was the Dragon King who killed, the Dragon King... Horror!"

(End of this chapter)

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