Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1758: Wanshou eighth-order peak

Chapter 1758 Wanshou Eight-Step Peak Fighting Force

Name: Wang Xian

Race: Yin Yang Wuxing Shenlong (People Dragon One)

Level: third grade of Wanshou (the fourth change of Shenlong)

Shenjing: 111/25000

Shentong: rule the aquarium (aquarium that rules below its own level)

Phagocytic organism (phagocytic extracting crystal)

Five lines of control

Gongfa: Shenlong

Shentong: Demon Soul, Fuling, Yinyang and Five Elements.

The law: the five elements of the big mill, the palm of the dragon country, the dragon head of the world, the Wanli dragon body, the yin and yang poles, the yin and yang five elements, the dragon and the tail.

Field: Colorful Dragon Field

Has Dragon Palace: Level 5.

Dragon Palace member: 23333

In the Dragon King Hall of the Dragon Palace, the three-kilometer-long Wang Xian swayed his body, and the whole body shone with colorful light.

A powerful Longwei went to the surrounding area.

The majestic dragon head, the huge body, two huge dragons...

Every part is like a singularly carved, completely flawless.

"This time the promotion, although not comprehending any skills, but the powerful power to wash, so that he has the terrorist power to kill the longevity of the eighth-order powerhouse!"

Wang Xian feels the power of his body, and his eyes are shining with majesty.

The area of ​​the colorful dragon domain reached a radius of 1,600 kilometers.

Within this thousand and six hundred kilometers, he was able to teleport to any place.

"Now, you should be able to kill two Longevity Eight-Order Dragon Emperors. As for humans, you can kill four million-eighth-order!"

Wang Xian’s eyes sparkled with luster, and this time the upgrade was too big.

"Aoshan Emperor now has the strength of the tenth birthday of Wanshou, and now the strongest person on the bright side of the proud mountain empire is proud of the strength of the seventh stage!"

"The Dragon Emperor of the Dragon Empire seems to be the seventh-order power of Wanshou. To put it bluntly, he is the second-largest man among human beings!"

"But there are more than a dozen of dragons, Wanshou eighth-order Wanshou nine-stage and half-step gods!"

In his heart, he looked at the entire supercontinent and approached the most powerful.


Wang Xian snorted and felt the powerful power, turning into a human form and coming directly to the Hualong Pool.

At this moment, in the Dragon Pool, all the members of the Dragon Palace are there.

Nine dragons squatting on the Dragon Ball, spit the dragon's blood.

Dragon blood is directly watered on the members of the Dragon Palace.

"After half a month, I don't know what the strength of the Dragon Palace members can reach!"

Wang Xian mouth corner slightly tilted.

The birth of the Dragon Palace shocked the entire super-continental continent, and the return of the female emperor also shocked the entire extraordinary continent.

The destruction of the Wan Yao Empire and the Feng Dynasty was even more shocking to all the people of the entire continent.

Since then, there has been no more demon empire and phoenix dynasty, only the Dragon Palace and the Phoenix Dynasty.

As time passed slowly, the Feng Dynasty changed its name to the Dragon and Phoenix Empire and became the territory of the Dragon and Phoenix Empire.

After Feng Qi copied the 17th National Congress, huge resources flowed into the Dragon and Phoenix Empire, creating a strong individual.

The entire extraordinary continent has temporarily entered a stable position.

Half a month later, all members of the Dragon Palace consumed the resources they had acquired, which gave the entire Dragon Palace a tremendous boost.

In the Dragon Palace, there are members of the first-class combat power of Wanshou, which directly reached hundreds.

All the leaders, all reached the second birthday.

As for the other members, the weakest one has reached the fifth level of the hole, and it can fight the sixth order of the hole.

The number of Saturn tortoises that have been conquered has reached more than 2,000, becoming the Imperial Department of the Dragon Palace. They absorb dragon blood and break through the blood limit. The defense is even more horrible.

In the same class, no members of the Dragon Palace can break their defenses.

The powerful and invincible defense, in exchange for their weak attack power, the weakest attack level in the same level in the entire Dragon Palace.

Even so, it is a very powerful race on the entire super-continental continent.

Even the turtles are ready to move in the direction of the Saturn Turtles.

Half a month later, Feng Xiao returned to the Dragon Palace.

The final decision, the emperor of the Dragon and Phoenix Empire, is still placed in the imperial capital of the former Feng Dynasty.

The Zhongzhou area is the center of the entire continent, where the quality of ordinary people is higher than that of the vast area.

The arrogance of the vast area, placed in the Central Plains area, may only be considered an ordinary genius.

After Feng Qi came back, he took out huge resources and began to improve his own strength.

The resources of the dynasty dynasty Wang Xian did not want to, with the resources accumulated by the seventeen families and the Feng Emperor, enough to get a huge upgrade.

"Xiao Xian, then we have to transfer the Dragon Palace to the extraordinary sea?"

Inside the Dragon Palace, a group of girls and Wang Xian were lying in the palace of the Dragon King. Lan Qingyue asked directly.

"Well, the Dragon Palace wants to continue to develop, we must go to the extraordinary sea!"

Wang Xian nodded.

At present, the Dragon Palace and the Dragon and Phoenix Empire have been stabilized. With the resources obtained by the fire hammer family forging weapons every day, up to five dragon palace disciples of the fifth-order hole of the cave to the sixth stage of the hole.

At this speed, more than 23,000 disciples of the Dragon Palace must be promoted to the eternal life, at least for more than ten years!

This period of time is too long, so the Dragon Palace must enter the extraordinary sea.

"The extraordinary sea is the site of the dragons. All the sea beasts are controlled by the dragons. If we enter, if they are discovered by the dragons, I am afraid there will be great trouble!"

Blue Qingyue frowned at the side.

"Dragons are indeed a trouble, but with the defensive power of our current five-level Dragon Palace, the Dragons can't break our defense!"

Wang Xian’s eyes flashed.

In the extraordinary sea, he once found a relatively remote place, where the Dragon Palace was transferred, and it could be quietly developed.

"However, if you want to improve your strength in the future, it will be a little difficult!"

Wang Xian slowly frowned.

Two huge upgrades in succession, one was to obtain resources in the ruins of the Kingdom of God, and the other two empire were destroyed.

Want to get a huge boost again, only to destroy the empire.

But don't say that there are no enemies with the two empires, even if there is hatred, he has no strength to destroy them.

"Qingyue, comfort, don't bother you, if you don't bother me, go in!"

Just then, the sound of the phoenix came from outside.

Her words made the girls look a little red.

"Come in, phoenix sister, what are you thinking about in your head?"

Guan Shu sighed and said directly.

"I am not trying to prevent you from disturbing your Yaxing. In order to prevent eye damage, please say hello in advance!"

Feng Xiao smiled and walked in.

In the past, she went straight into the palace because she did not pay attention, and after seeing a shameful picture of the living palace, since then, every time she came in, she said ahead of time.

Sometimes even if you shout in advance, you won't come in suddenly.

“Hey? Feng Wei, your strength has increased to the sixth stage of Wanshou?”

Seeing that Feng Qi came in, Wang Xian said strangely.

(End of this chapter)

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