Chapter 1777 Megatron Continental

"kill and kill!"

The dragon empire died and injured more than a hundred thousand strong people defeated and retreated to the city, the North North Ming directly led the army to kill inside the Dragon Empire.

Revenge began, and in a short day, the proud North Brigade led the Shiren to the Dragon City Empire Ten Cities!

Subsequently, the proud North Army led the army to sit in the business city of the proud mountain empire, ready to respond to the revenge of the Dragon Empire!

This battle, shaking the entire continent in an instant!

In particular, the two sides of the hunting devil employment city and the world's stronghouse, they really see the horror of the top forces in the mainland.

The result of the entire war was transmitted to other locations on the mainland at a horrible rate.

"The black murderer organization was easily assassinated by the Dragon Palace Dragon War, and one will not stay. Since then, the black murderer organization will completely disappear on the mainland stage, and the Dragon Palace Warriors will be the first killer organization in the mainland!"

"The ten-party big demon encounters the Dragon Palace Magic War Department, the Sky Eye Arrow Department and the Dragon Wei. There is no reluctance to rebel. The Dragon Palace plus the tens of thousands of strong players, each with the lowest level of combat power! ”

"The most horrible archery, the sharpest swordsmanship, the most violent attack, the most terrible assassination, the four wars of the Dragon Palace can completely sweep the Dragon Empire, even if it adds a big demon!"

"The strength of the Dragon Palace is simply too horrible. No wonder the Dragon King dares to kill the members of the Dragons and dare to confront the Dragons. This Dragon Palace is too strong. Does the Dragon Palace have the strength to fight against the Dragons?"

"The Dragon Palace fights the Dragons? This should not be possible. The Dragons have hundreds of thousands of years of experience, and the strength of the Dragon Palace should not be enough!"

"I think it is very likely to compete with it, but that is the strength of the lowest level of more than 10,000 people!"

When the whole Zhongzhou got the news, everyone was shocked and talked.

Especially for the strength of the Dragon Palace, one by one stunned, full of shock.

More than 10,000 people, at least the sixth-order man of the hole, the strength of the Dragon Palace, can completely sweep the entire Dragon Empire.

Not to mention the gods' killers, archers, swordsmen and violent magic monkeys!

In the end, many people are even arguing that the strength of the Dragon Palace is able to fight against the dragons.

Some people say no, but some people are possible.

Because the strength of the Dragon Palace is too strong and too strong!

Even if the Dragon Palace can't compete with the Dragons, it can be compared with it, which is also a powerful performance.

For the next war, some people who are not too big are full of expectations.

You know, this war, the number of deaths and the dragons, together more than 100 million!

This is definitely the biggest war in the last millennium.

Even if the Feng Dynasty and the Wan Yao Empire were destroyed, there were not so many dead creatures.

Time passed slowly, and a month later, the Dragon Empire was still calm.

The Dragon Empire did not organize a counterattack and did not withdraw its troops.

Wang Xian and the members of the Dragon Palace have been sitting in the city of Aoshan Empire, and the reaction to the Dragon Empire is full of curiosity.

"One month, there is no such thing as the Dragon Empire and the Dragons. It is a bit strange!"

Wang Xian and Ao Bei Ming sat in a courtyard and tasted tea, slightly curious.

"The more they do, the more difficult it is!"

Aobei Ming frowned slightly.

The calmer the Dragon Empire and the Dragons, the more heart-rending it is.

Wang Xian nodded in agreement: "I don't know, they are preparing for it!"

Not only Wang Xian and the Aoshan Empire, they are curious, and the entire super-continental mainland is full of curiosity about the behavior of the Dragon Empire and the Dragon.

A month later, the Dragon Empire and the Dragons did not make any revenge.

This is not like the practice of the Dragon Empire and the Dragon.

The overlord of the mainland is not afraid to attack the provocateurs. This kind of behavior has the power of the lost dragons.

Time, once again in the past month, the Dragon Empire and the Dragons still have no action.

“Don't the Dragons really fear the Dragon Palace and the Aoshan Empire?”

"Maybe it's really possible. After all, the Dragon Palace's one war department is too strong, and with the four major empire of the Aoshan Empire, maybe it can really compete with the Dragon Palace!"

After another month, the mainland is still calm, and some people are beginning to speculate and talk.

At the beginning, those who determined that the strength of the dragons were much stronger than those of the Dragon Palace also revealed a hesitant look.

This wave of operation of the Dragons is indeed not like their previous style.

If it is really stronger than the Dragon Palace and the Aoshan Empire, you should directly send a large dragon member to destroy them.

"Is the Dragon Palace's nest still not found?"

At this moment, in Longhai, the elders of the Dragons, the elders of the elders, and the sons of the dragons gathered on a mountain.

An elder elder looked up and asked.

"The elders are too embarrassed, there is no news yet, and all the forces have been dispatched!"

"According to our previous information about the Dragon Palace, the old nest of the Dragon Palace was in the ocean!"

Dragon's Land Dragon Emperor's face is somewhat unsightly and directly said.

"In the ocean? The elders of the water dragon, you bring the members of the dragons, and command the creatures of the extraordinary sea to search all the oceans of the mainland!"

The elders of the elders said faintly: "Whether you can find it, we will start the dragons half a year later, and we must collect the human blood that the dragon gods need!"

"Even if it is the Aoshan Emperor of the Aoshan Empire, we will not hesitate to pay!"

"Best, you can find the old nest of the Dragon Palace and destroy all the creatures of the Dragon Palace. Since we are going to shoot, we must completely kill and kill our ants!"

"Yes!" Dragon King Dragon Emperor respectfully nodded.

The Dragons are not too anxious, and the Dragon Empire is not too anxious.

All the initiative is on them, and if they are willing to pay the price, they are not afraid of Aoshan.

However, a small thing was taken to the point where they are today. They are afraid that after a year, the dragon **** blame, so it is so retreating.

The time has passed and the continent has returned to calm.

After more than a month, Wang Xian saw that the Dragon Empire and the Dragons had no movement at all, and they left directly and returned to the Dragon Palace.

After another month, the proud leader of the Aoshan Empire, the North Army, also returned to the 11th Aotian Mountain.

A war seems to end like this.

This makes everyone stunned!

"The Dragon Palace and the Aoshan Empire have defeated the Dragon Empire and no longer attack!"

"Is the Dragons not wanting to continue fighting? Or is the dragon's power to rob the Dragon Palace and the Aoshan Empire?"

"The period of the Dragon rule is over? The Aoshan Empire and the Dragon Palace have the strength to confront the Dragons?"

After the Dragon Palace and the Pride of the North left the front line, everyone in the entire continent talked about it and was full of surprise at the end of the war.

Dragon Palace, the thorough Megatron continent.

Its prestige is even above the four great empires of today!

(End of this chapter)

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