Chapter 1779 Dragons Roar


A dragon screamed and rang through the dragon city of the Dragon Empire, full of majestic snoring, shaking the entire city.

"It's the adults of the dragon!"

"See the adults of the Dragon!"

In the Dragon City, everyone heard this voice and immediately squatted on the ground.


The Dragon Emperor, located in the Dragon Palace, immediately flew toward the mountain.

This period of time has been the most irritating period for Longdi.

Half a year ago, the World War I caused the Dragon Empire to suffer heavy losses, and the prestige of the Dragon Empire was hit hard.

The mission of the Dragon God is now only half done, and one year is coming, and half of it is not completed.

Once he can't finish it, he may die under the dragon of the Dragon God.

"Wind Dragon Elder!"

Seeing the emergence of more than 50 dragon strong men in the foothills, the Dragon Emperor quickly rushed to the road.

"The son of the dragon, my dragon group sent fifty dragon emperors to help you complete the mission of the dragon **** adults, as soon as possible, there is no loss!"

The elders of the Wind Dragon immediately ordered the Dragon Emperor.


The dragon emperor glimpsed: "The elders of the dragons, if the strongmen of the Dragon Palace come to help the Aoshan Empire, I am afraid that fifty dragons may..."

"Dragon Palace Dragon King? The group of ants will soon disappear into the extraordinary continent!"

The words of the dragon emperor have not been finished, the elders of the dragons are directly interrupted, and they squirt a whirlwind.

"Elders of the Wind Dragon, we found the place where the Dragon Palace is located. That's great. In front of the power of the Dragons, the Little Dragon Palace can be easily destroyed!"

Longdi’s face was a joy, and he said quickly.

"On the side of the Aoshan Empire, if the Aoshan Emperor dares to shoot, immediately report, the fire dragon will come to the elders to deal with!"

"Don't have any fear, the mainland, and the roar of the dragons has not been heard for a long time!"

Feng Long elder said with pride.

"Yes, the dragons roar, the Wanzu surrender!"

"The mainland has not sounded the roar of the dragon for a long time!"

The face of the dragon emperor showed an excited look. He directly bowed to the front of the elders of the dragon and shouted loudly.

"Good, go, listen to the arrangement of the Dragon Son!"

The elders of the dragons proudly moved their wings and disappeared directly!


Seeing that the elders of the Dragons left, the Dragon Emperor roared.

His pair of dragon horns radiated flames, and his body slowly turned into a fire dragon.

A figure of more than ten meters, a dragon wing with a length of thirty meters.

This is the strongest state of the Dragon Emperor. As the son of the Dragon, he is the only dragon who can be turned into a dragon-shaped battle!

“Overseas, start listening to the roar of the dragons!”

A dragon screamed, accompanied by an excitement of arrogance, the dragon emperor fluttered his wings and flew directly into the dragon hall.

Behind him, fifty dragons followed, swaying with huge wings to follow.

In the Dragon City, all the people of the Dragon Empire heard the roar of the Dragon Emperor, and the eyes shone with a strange glow.

Soon, the army in the Dragon Empire moved.

Fifty powerful dragon emperors, the army of millions of soldiers, followed behind the dragon emperor, and drove in the direction of the proud mountain empire.

Some businessmen in the Dragon City, and everyone on the road, saw this scene, his face showed a shocking look.

"What are they doing for the Dragon Emperor? They are still following the strong of the 50 Dragons!"

"Scorpio, the Dragon Emperor almost led all the Legion of the Dragon Empire. What are they doing? Do you attack the Aoshan Empire!"

Everyone was shocked to see the Legion of the Dragon Empire and the fifty Dragon Powerhouses.

After half a year, is the Dragon finally going to work?

The news of the Dragon Empire quickly spread to other places on the mainland.

The actions of an Imperial Legion, together with fifty dragon strongmen, instantly caused a shock to the entire continent.

When the news was passed to the Aoshan Empire, the entire Aoshan Empire was also a huge change.

At the time when the North Pride prepared to lead the Legion to greet it, the border of the Aoshan Empire had already heard the news.

More than a dozen cities have been slaughtered by the Dragon Empire!

Once the news came, the entire Aoshan Empire was angry!

"The strong dragons of the United Dragon Palace, even if they have 50 dragon strong followers, we can also destroy the Dragon Empire empire!"

"Kill them, this time they must kill them, even killing more than a dozen cities in the proud mountain empire!"

The entire Aoshan empire was furious, and all the people shouted at the United Dragon Palace and vowed to completely destroy the Dragon Empire.

There are dragons in the war department, even if there are fifty dragons, they are not afraid.



"All the creatures in the nearby waters come together to go to the southern waters, trample the Dragon Palace, and devour all the ants in the Dragon Palace!"

At this moment, at the seaside of the extraordinary sea.

Countless people on the beach are playing at the beach, and suddenly the waves are making a big splash.

Just when they thought it was the tsunami, a dragon screamed and made everyone look shocked.

Immediately, the sound of violent and majestic sounds is in their ears.

Everyone was wide-eyed, staring in front of the incredible.

Wicked beasts, fierce beasts, sea beasts, endless sea beasts, they are marching neatly in the extraordinary sea.

A variety of sea beasts, from the extraordinary circumstances, to the powerful environment of the hole, at first glance, can not see the margin.

In the sky, countless seabirds and beasts cover the entire sky.

It is a billion or a billion, and the number is unclear. The total number is unclear.

All the beasts and the beasts are moving forward. They dare not speak, dare not growl, only the dragons are full of majestic voices!

"My God, the dragons in the command of the sea of ​​all the sea beasts to destroy the Dragon Palace, they are to kill the Dragon Palace!"

"This...Scorpio, this monster and fierce beast is boundless, the sea of ​​the beast, the sea of ​​the beast, all the beasts and beasts if they rush to the mainland, almost all humans can be destroyed!"

"I have always heard that the dragons are investigating the old nest of the Dragon Palace. Is it true that the dragons have found it, Scorpio, such a terrible team, how can the Dragon Palace resist?"

"The creatures of the extraordinary sea are going to attack the Dragon Palace, and there are more than a hundred thousand dragons who are leading the strong, even if the Dragon Palace is strong, it must be destroyed!"

"Is this the horror of the dragons? Order the creatures of the entire extraordinary sea, hehe!"

On the shore, everyone looked at the scene with a blank look, watching the fierce beasts of the beasts heading toward the southern seas.

Not long ago, they just learned that the Dragon Empire and the fifty dragons attacked the Aoshan Empire again. Nowadays, the dragons lead the hundreds of thousands of extraordinary sea monster beasts to attack the Dragon Palace.

The Dragons, for the first time in tens of thousands of years, have roared roaring for the first time.

For the first time, it shows the power of the mainland hegemon!

Horror, it’s heartbreaking!

(End of this chapter)

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