Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1783: Long Wei, absolutely under control

Chapter 1783 Long Wei, absolutely under control

"The Dragon Palace has actually resisted this time, it is an accident!"

"Their strength is really beyond our expectations, but then their death is coming!"

After the screams of the Dragon Palace disciples sounded, in the center of the army of hundreds of millions of beasts, the members of the dragons raised their eyebrows and said with some surprise.

Now the secret hemp covers a few thousand kilometers of sea beasts, even one in seven or eight!

This seven-eighth is a huge number, and there are few billions of sea beasts.

In just half an hour, the members of the Dragon Palace have destroyed billions of sea beasts, which is already a very scary number!

The power of the Dragon Palace is completely beyond their expectations.

At this time, the dragons have been unable to see the specific conditions inside, thick and incomparable blood, countless sea beasts, have blocked their sight!

All members of the dragon are covered by a sky blue water shield to prevent blood and **** smells from passing.

They are still standing tall in the middle of hundreds of millions of sea beasts!

"Next, come to me!"

Wang Xian looked at all the members of the Dragon Palace and showed a slight smile on his face!

"All members of the Dragon Palace, take a break!"

Wang Xian stepped over the kilometer in the sky, and his body shape changed directly into a dragon shape!


A dragon screamed and Long Wei slowly covered it toward the front.

The sea beasts that are attacking in all directions are slightly stiff.

"It is the Dragon King!"

All members of the Dragon Palace immediately fell to the bottom with exhaustion.

Just half an hour of attack, although the opponents they face are not high, but every time a wide range of attacks, even the Dragon Dragon, they are also unbearable.

Once, Zerg was able to become the most top and horrible race in the universe, because of their huge number!

"If you swallow hundreds of billions of aquarium creatures, how much will your strength increase?"

Wang Xian’s eyes shot the hope of hope.

The invasion of the Dragons not only did not make him feel any fear, but a huge opportunity.

A chance to quickly improve your strength.

"The dragon in the palm!"

"The dragon is the world!"

"Long Miles!"

"The dragon is swaying!"


When all the members of the Dragon Palace retreated, Wang Xian immediately showed the strongest power.

For a moment, a hundred thousand meters in size hovered over the Dragon Palace, the horrible size, even the small blue are somewhat dwarfed!

The little blues who swallowed at least several hundred million aquariums were lying in the sky above the Dragon Palace.

Seeing the shape of Wang Xian, the eyes are full of awe.

"Ruling the aquarium!"

Wang Xian’s heart and mind moved, and an invisible momentum spread toward the surrounding.

It can rule for a radius of 500 kilometers, which is lower than the third-order aquarium creature of Wanshou.

The power of this rule is too strong. In order to avoid stunned snakes, Wang Xian does not cover the dragons!

"Hey, swallow!"

A loud snoring sounded from the mouth of Wang Xian, and the invisible energy shook the aquarium, which was 500 kilometers away.

Wang Xian opened a huge dragon mouth!

The body of 100,000 meters, the dragon mouth of Wang Xian, has a radius of five kilometers!


The buzzing sounded, the order was issued, and the aquarium creature, which is 500 kilometers away at this moment, flew wildly toward the mouth of Wang Xian!

Yes, it is to fly directly to the Dragon King's mouth and turn into a crystal!

So, a very scary and shocking scene appeared.

Wang Xian's huge body is entrenched in the sky above the Dragon Palace, opening the largest dragon mouth.

Countless aquarium creatures flew into his dragon's mouth.

"Oh, it seems that the members of the Dragon Palace have been unable to hold up, even the Dragon King Dragon King has already shot!"

"Haha, do you guess how long this Dragon King can support?"

"I hope it will last for half an hour!"

There are more than a hundred thousand strong dragons. All the dragon members heard the snoring of Wang Xian and smiled on his face.

From the screams of the Dragon Palace strongman to the roar of the Dragon King, everything proves that the Dragon Palace will soon be destroyed!

As their dragons expected, they don't need to do it themselves!

However, the hundreds of thousands of dragons can't think of it anyway. In front of them, countless aquarium creatures are flying toward Wang Xian's mouth.

If they can see it, they will be full of anger!

At this moment, Wang Xian seems to be turned into a beggar, and countless aquarium creatures are pouring in. Under the system, it immediately turns into a dragon and transforms into a god!

In front of the dragon gate, a group of girls saw this scene, and his face showed a shocking look.

There are scenes of dragons absorbing water on the ocean. Here, there are scenes where dragons **** hundreds of millions of aquatic creatures.


"This... with the power of the rule of Xiaoxian, the whole extraordinary sea, except for the dragons, there seems to be no more than the third-order creatures of the Longevity. Isn’t this billions of sea beasts have no threat to Xiaoxian? But instead become food?"

Guan Shuqing, a group of girls, stared at the scene with a big eyes, muttering in the mouth.

"If Xiaoxian can swallow so many sea beasts, what can his strength reach?"

Feng Xiao saw that this scene was a little trembling, and his eyes sparkled.

I am afraid that the desire of Wang Xian’s original will be realized!

"Dragon King is mighty!"

All members of the Dragon Palace saw this scene and looked at their king in awe!

Invincible king!

“Hey, congratulations on the improvement of the host level, reaching the fourth stage of Wanshou!”

Twenty minutes later, Wang Xian did not know how many aquarium creatures he swallowed, more than a billion, not more than a few billion.

Under the huge amount, the sound of the system sounded in his ear.

The level has improved!

Name: Wang Xian

Race: Yin Yang Wuxing Shenlong (People Dragon One)

Level: fourth grade of Wanshou (the fourth change of Shenlong)

Shenjing: 21/50000

Shentong: rule the aquarium (aquarium that rules below its own level)

Phagocytic organism (phagocytic extracting crystal)

Five lines of control

Gongfa: Shenlong

Shentong: Demon Soul, Fuling, Yinyang and Five Elements.

The law: the five elements of the big mill, the palm of the dragon country, the dragon head of the world, the Wanli dragon body, the yin and yang poles, the yin and yang five elements, the dragon and the tail.

Field: Colorful Dragon Field

Has Dragon Palace: Level 5.

Dragon Palace members: 23433

The improvement of the ranks has made Wang Xian's body shape once again greatly improved, from 100,000 meters to about 110,000 meters!

The colorful light flashed on his body, and the scope of the rule of the aquarium also increased by 100 kilometers to 600 kilometers.

The strength of Wanshou's fourth-order, so that his combat power can reach the fifth-order of Wanshou!

However, this still does not stop, the sea beasts killed and swallowed by Wang Xian and Dragon Palace members are only a quarter!

There are also a very large number around, at least to increase the strength of Wang Xian by two or even three orders!

Directly have the combat power of the level of the gods!

(End of this chapter)

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