Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1802: The top of the mainland, Dragon King vs Dragon God 4

Chapter 1802, The Dragon of the Mainland, Dragon King vs Dragon God 4

"All the disciples of the Dragon Palace, ready!"


The order of the turtles, the members of the Dragon Palace shouted and raised the weapons in their hands!

All members of the Dragon Palace quickly formed into a battle formation!

Their eyes are full of warfare and they are all staring at the Dragon and the Dragon Empire.

The dragons who saw this scene and the dragon empire all glimpsed, followed by a violent temperament from the dragons.

"Hey, more than 20,000 members of the Little Dragon Palace dare to be enemies with our dragons!"

"All dragon disciples are ready!"

The strong people of the Dragons are also violent, only about 20,000 members of the Dragon Palace, and want to fight with their more than 300,000 Dragon members?

Even if the Dragon Palace resisted their attacks, what happened to the hundreds of thousands of members of the Water Dragon family!

But now this situation is obviously the strength of Dragon Palace Dragon King is too strong!

And, from the Water Dragon elders, they also learned that the basic strength of some members of the Dragon Palace.

Although very strong, but can they be their opponents?

The water dragons are the weakest presence in their dragons!

"All the soldiers of the Dragon Empire are prepared. Anyone who dares to challenge the dragons will die!"

The dragon dragon, the Emperor of the Dragon, shouted and ordered all the soldiers.


All the soldiers screamed and raised the weapons in their hands.

"Dragon Palace members, give me an attack!"

The turtles saw the members of the Dragon and the Dragon Empire, and their faces were filled with ice.

He waved his hand and issued an attack command!



The moment the order was issued, the sound of the roaring dragon of the phoenix dragon sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a single arrow attacked directly at the position of the Dragon and the Dragon Empire in a horrible speed!

Today's Dragon Palace, after killing most of the sea animals in the extraordinary sea, the strength has reached a point of gloom.

What is the concept of the lowest level of the nineth order? Can fight against and even kill the half-step longevity of the strong!

It is equivalent to the dragon king level of the dragon!

Among them, 14,000 people have the combat power of 10,000-year-old level.

Of the 1,500 members of the celestial eye, more than a thousand have the marital level of combat power.

Nowadays, the entire Long family's Wanshou strong is just over 3,000!

The eye-catching arrow is a round of attack by members of the singer, and each arrow contains horrible power.

When an arrow attack came, all the members of the Dragon and the Dragon Empire were stunned!


The Dragon Emperor Dragon Emperor immediately screamed and greeted a root arrow!


The sound of a horrible explosion sounded, and the aftermath of terror went away in all directions.

"A terrible arrow!"

The Dragon Emperor looked at this horrible arrow, and the pupil was slightly shrunk, full of a stunned look.

Only the arrows released by more than a thousand members of the Dragon Palace have caused more than a thousand dragon emperors to resist!

This strength...

"Oh, a strong aftermath, we are going back, we are going back!"

"This... The strength of the Dragon Palace is terrible, and the scope is retired!"

When the battle between the Dragon Palace and the Dragon Dragon Empire broke out, everyone around them felt the lingering aftermath and quickly ran away in the distance.

For a moment, the whole Aotian Mountain is surrounded by chaos!

"Kill, hey!"

Just as the Dragon and the Dragon Empire were shocked by the horror arrow, the members of the violent Demon Wars rode on the Mount of Fire Phoenix, and rushed straight ahead.

On the side, Lei, Xingmu, and Longwei followed closely and attacked them directly.

"Counterattack, kill all the animals in the Dragon Palace!"

"Let them see the power of our dragons!"

Seeing the members of the Dragon Palace coming from the attack, the dragons of the Dragons shouted loudly!


The sound of the roar of more than 300,000 dragons sounded instantly, and the whole world was the sound of the dragon!

"Ring bell!"

At this moment, a special sound wave sounded, and a hundred kilometers away, a raindrop appeared out of thin air.

Countless raindrops fell towards the entire battlefield.

The sound was accompanied by raindrops, and when it fell on the members of the Dragon and the Dragon Empire, all of them were slightly stiff.

Even those dragon emperors feel that they seem to have a shackle out of thin air!

As for the maritime life below, all the dragon members and the dragon empire's strong face changed dramatically.


However, in just two seconds, the sound of a screaming screaming screaming in the top of the world.

“Be careful with these raindrops, they have strong corrosive and toxins!”

"Fire Dragon Howler!"

Sudden changes, nearly 80% of the members of the Dragon Empire and the Dragons have changed dramatically!

"Oh, we are still very powerful, and they are all cowards!"

In the rear position, the gossip took the dolphins leader next to him and said with a faint smile!

"The toxins you study will also deal with them, and it will be useless to meet the Qitian and encounter the Devil War Department!"

The pink-headed dolphins leader said faintly, making the gossip a little!

"This... just started to play, the Dragon and the Dragon Empire lost a lot, how is this Dragon Palace so terrible!"

"The Dragon Palace is not only the Dragon King, but the members are also terrible. You feel the momentum. It seems that there is no hole below the ninth order!"

"My God, how the momentum of the members of the Dragon Palace is so amazing!"

Around, all the human monsters hiding around, the face is full of shocking look.

This is just beginning the strange sound and the raindrops will kill the weak ones of the Dragon and the Dragon Empire!

Especially the Dragon Empire, a million-strong army, killed 90% in an instant!

"Hey, eat me, I’m a good day!"

"Thunderbolt is raging!"

"Return, ruthless sword!"

At this moment, the sound of violent, raging, cold and without emotions sounded!

The magic monkeys holding the metal sticks in one hand, the thundering shrimps with one hand and the thunderbolt, and the cold dragon guarding the metal sword!

Attack in one direction and attack toward the front.

In the position above, a cane is like a nine-day slap in the dragon!

A horrible attack, all members of the Dragon and Dragon Empire are paralyzed!

The sound waves that weirdly suppressed the strength, and the raindrops with strong toxins that can make the holes weaken have already made them forced.

When the Dragon Palace, the Magic War Department, Long Wei, Lei Department, Star Wood War Department and a number of mounts issued each attack, they were completely shocked.

They sense that 70% of this attack, which can threaten the strongest of the longevity level!

What is this unexpected? There are more than 10,000 Warrior-class fighters in the other side!

However, their Dragon and Dragon Empire all add up to more than 3,000!

That is the fraction of the Dragon Palace!

(End of this chapter)

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