Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1813: The end of the extraordinary continent

Chapter 1813 The End of the Supercontinent

"Xiao Xian, what are you laughing here? You smile so wretched!"

Wang Xian, who teleported into the room, smelled his hand and looked like a wretched look.

At this time, there were a few girls who were puzzled!

Wang Xian’s slight glimpse immediately converges on his eyes and looks at several girls.

However, when he turned his head and looked at it, he suddenly stopped!

Noble, beautiful, seductive!

Fat ring Yan thin!

Everyone wears noble and beautiful robes, and the temperament has improved several grades!

"Nothing? Xiao Yu, you have to go to Fenglingtian, I have important things with you."

Wang Xian said seriously.


However, Xiao Yu’s contempt was white and he flew directly to the outside.


A group of girls naturally know what he is going to do, and look at him without words!


Wang Xian smiled, and the incarnation of the werewolf rushed over!

Outside, the face of the phoenix phoenix changed indefinitely, and took a deep breath and walked toward it.

When she just walked to the door, she stopped and her face turned red to green!

The moonlight is good, today is a flourishing world for the entire extraordinary continent!

Below the Aotian Peak, the lights are bright, destined to be a sleepless night!

Everyone is looking forward to curiosity about tomorrow's mainland reunification ceremony and the major reforms in the women's emperor!

For Wang Xian, the spring breeze quickly passed, and the next day, the whole main peak was bustling.

The Legion of the Dragon and Phoenix Empire and countless people gathered nearby.

At the foot of the main peak, there was originally a huge square, and in front of the square, there was a high platform!

Inside the square, some powerful family forces lined up in front of each other.

Only those people of the family power occupy the entire square.

After all, this is the strongest of the whole continent!

Outside the square, hundreds of millions of humans and monsters gathered together!

"Unification of the mainland, our extraordinary mainland has not been unified for hundreds of thousands of years!"

"I heard that our female emperor is about to become a god, and only God can manage the entire continent!"

"I don't know what a major event will be announced today!"

In the square, one big power family and the strong one whispered.

The unification of the mainland may have a great impact on them!

"The fire cloud has come out, the female emperor may have come, everyone is quiet!"

At this time, on the main peak, Huoyun kissed a group of members and flew down from the main peak. The square and the surrounding locations were all quiet!

They looked up at the mountain and waited quietly for the appearance of the female emperor!


At noon, a low-pitched voice rang from the main peak, and the voice was filled with endless majesty!

"this is?"

Everyone was slightly stunned, his pupils were miniature, and his face was shocked and he looked up quickly.

"This is? Dragon King!"

On the main peak, a dragon with an eight-kilometer body made a low-pitched voice!

He circled around the main peak and slowly flew down to the bottom!

In the head of the dragon, a female emperor with a red fire cannon stood in the center.

In the latter step, nine women stood in the back position.


As the dragon climbed down, the swordsmen holding the golden swords and the archers holding the longbows were neatly suspended in the sky.

From them, everyone can sense a strong pressure.

"Hey, the Dragon King actually carried the female emperor directly. Is this a woman's support?"

"Dragon King is showing to the whole continent that behind the female emperor is him!"

Everyone is shocked.

The female emperor can stand on the dragon head of the dragon king, and can imagine their relationship!

As for the girls in the rear, people across the continent know that it is the woman and sister of the Dragon King!

"See the Dragon King and meet the female emperor!"

Everyone squatted on the ground and shouted loudly!

"Get up!"

Feng Yan’s eyes swept across everyone in front and waved his hand slightly!

"Thank Goddess!"

Everyone stood up and looked awkwardly at Wang Xian and Feng Yu!

Wang Xian naturally has no opinion on letting a group of girls stand on the body.

Xiao Yu needless to say, my dear sister!

A group of girls had been a dragon knight last night, and he had no opinion. As for Feng Xiao, it was faster!

"Today, all the family and the Zongmen forces in the mainland are called, and two things are announced!"

"First, the dragon and phoenix empire unified all the continents except the ocean. Under the heavens, they are the kings of the dragon and phoenix kingdoms! Above the king's soil, they are the princes of the dragon and the phoenix!"

"Anyone, any force, must obey the rules of the Dragon and Phoenix Empire!"

The phoenix phoenix stands on the dragon's head, and the majestic sound is heard in everyone's mind!

"Follow the order of the female emperor!"

For the first thing announced by Feng Wei, everyone did not have too many accidents, and immediately responded loudly!

"Second, it is the rule of the extraordinary mainland in the future, that is, the legal rules of the Dragon and Phoenix Empire!"

Feng Yu said, sharp eyes glance at all the strong and powerful forces in front!

"The Dragon Empire established a democratic system. Within the legal system, everyone is equal, and various departments are established..."

The new rules and order are announced, making everyone’s face shocked and misunderstood!

The top is supervised by the people and supervised by other departments!

Anyone who violates the legal system and severely punishes no loans, even if it is a longevity!

Law enforcement departments, supervision departments, administrative departments, and individual departments are set up in the city.

The city owner is not only covering the sky, but once he makes a mistake, he still has to be sanctioned!

Killing people in the wild is also subject to sanctions!

A detailed system, completely subverting the birth of the previous rules, which makes everyone slightly open mouth!

This kind of rule may not be a good thing for many strong people, but for the whole continent, this is a great progress of civilization!

Feng Wei regardless of those strong, family reaction!

In front of her strength, in the face of the power of the Dragon Palace, these family forces can be destroyed!

The birth of a new system is destined to benefit, and some people will not benefit!

But in the future, it will be able to upgrade the quality and strength of the extraordinary continent to a level!

This time, the reform is destined to scratch a thick trace in the history of the extraordinary continent.

The name of Feng Yu is also destined to be immortal!

As Feng Wei expected, when the new system she promulgated was passed to the cities of the extraordinary continent, it caused a huge sensation.

Countless people cheered, and for a time, the whole continent was singing the name of the female emperor.

For a time, the female emperor's prestige even surpassed the Dragon King!

When the new system was implemented, some people who resisted were encountered, and the result was destroyed!

When this new system was implemented, Wang Xian took a group of girls to start exploring the entire extraordinary continent!

Their footsteps appear in every corner of the extraordinary continent.

They also witnessed the new era of the extraordinary continent, brilliant and prosperous!

(End of this chapter)

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