Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1815: 沧海桑田, under the earth

Chapter 1815, 沧海桑田, under the earth

The sudden appearance of the starry sky coordinate pattern, the emergence of a powerful cultivation of futons, disrupted the plan of Wang Xian and a group of girls!

Hesitated a lot, a group of girls decided to practice here, let Wang Xian take their loved ones!

Time passed slowly, and half a year passed by!

In the past six months, Wang Xian accompanied a group of girls every day, occasionally swaying and screaming, and was twice caught by a group of girls on the spot, but they did not say anything.

This made Wang Xian's color bolder and bigger. Later, although he did not succeed, he was happy to have a hand addiction!

“The speed of cultivation here is really fast, and it is worthy of being the center of the entire continent!”

Wang Xian stood under the Aotian Mountain Peak and looked at the girls sitting on the futons.

Eleven futons, plus ten girls in Xiaoyu, the last place is where the wind is practicing!

Eleven futons, according to Feng Qi’s speculation, she was able to ignite the fire for up to two years.

As for the rest of the girls, under the strong resource blessing, within five years, it should be able to ignite the fire and condense the godhead!

Wang Xian watched them retreat and practice, smashed the turtle and screamed, flew outside, looked at the thriving world, and flickered directly into the Dragon Palace!

"Twelve years!"

Back in the Dragon Palace, Wang Xian micro-dark road, open the system prompt record.

Among the many system tips, one is very eye-catching.

"Oh, the Dragon Palace at Earth's level was destroyed, and all members of the Dragon Palace died!"

This information is the message from the system when Wang Xian was degraded and merged with the light and dark heart!

The information has been going on for several years. At that time, the body was damaged. After the resurrection, the vast area attacked the sea area, and he did not have time to deal with it.

Later, Wang Xian did not manage this information.

Compared with the super-continental continent, the earth is much weaker. In addition, there are too few resources on the earth, and the Dragon Palace is destroyed. He has not been too concerned!

The Dragon Palace on the earth is a first-class dragon palace. It is very weak, and there are only a dozen members in the Dragon Palace!

"However, even if it is a first-class dragon palace, the members of the Dragon Palace are very weak, but the average person will never dare to destroy my Dragon Palace. What happened to the earth? Or?"

Wang Xian looked at this system prompt, some curious.

"Go back and see, I want to know who is going to kill my Dragon Palace!"

Wang Xian smiled and did not pay attention to the changes on the earth.

With his strength, on earth, it is completely invincible!

At the time of his departure, the highest level of the earth has not been achieved, and this is only ten years old, and no matter how strong it is!


Wang Xian gave a light drink.


Soon, the two figures flew quickly and squatted in front!

Holding the sword of the sword, holding the hand of the sea **** pin.

Yan Jian, a middle-aged swordsman, has no feelings on his face, and he is half-hearted on the ground.

敖 Qi Tiankui's unparalleled figure, about two meters tall, a pair of three pairs of jade pupils!

Qi Jian and Qi Qitian have reached the half-step and nine-step, the strength of the sword, in the context of God, can be called invincible!

The Qi Qitian, who is advanced to the mad dragon dragon species, can barely fight against the gods that ignite the two gods!

Can kill a **** of fire!

"When I will go to the earth!"

Wang Xian looked at them both and said faintly.

"It is the Dragon King!"

The two immediately nodded!


The Dragon Palace has been accounted for to the Turtles, and the girls have been practicing retreat for at least a year or two.

Go back to Earth and see old friends!

Wang Xian’s arm waved and led the sword and the Qitian to fly toward the flowing sea area.

It is the entrance to the earth!

The rapid teleportation, in which Wang Xian can now kill the power of the three gods, from the central part of the mainland to the sea area, still used a day.

He came to the sea that was once very familiar, and he smiled faintly.

I still remember that when I entered here, I met some powerful superb beasts and I still need to escape!

Now, his arrival, all creatures of the entire aquarium, all worship!

"It should be here!"

According to memory, Wang Xian came to the entrance of the earth, and the hole had already been covered by seaweed and the like!


With a wave of his arm, the familiar black hole appeared in front of him.

He was physically moved and stepped inside!


But before he came out, he found that the soil above him was at least a thousand meters thick, which made him very surprised!

As soon as he was in shape, he broke out of the ground and appeared in the upper position.

An unfamiliar breath came and shocked Wang Xian’s whole person.

His eyes swept around, surrounded by sea water and clear blue water!

But the water depth here has reached about 15,000 kilometers.

He clearly remembers that there were only a few kilometers here. How did it suddenly become more than 10,000 meters?

In addition to the change in ocean depth, Wang Xian has a special feeling that the earth seems to be getting bigger!

A faint power of about one share came from all directions!

The horror of this power is not weaker than the Dragon God, even stronger than the Dragon God!

“What great changes have happened to the earth?”

Wang Xian was slightly surprised, and the **** appeared on the earth.

He hesitated for a moment, his body flashing and appearing in the sky!

Beside him, Qi Qitian and Qi Jian are accompanied by the left and right, flying to the air of tens of thousands of meters!

The yin and yang five elements are unfolding, and Wang Xian’s majestic dragon is sweeping the whole planet!

"The earth has changed and is expanding at a slow rate. It should be the reason for the recovery of the aura!"

"And, the earth is moving, that is, the earth is wandering!"

He looked up at the stars, and the huge aura filled the tens of thousands of kilometers. The whole planet flew toward the unknown star under some kind of power!

In the east, a tens of thousands of kilometers of the hall stands in the void!

That is the kingdom of God!

The position of the West, a holy mountain temple that exudes a powerful light, stands in the void!

That is the kingdom of God!

At the central equator, an incomparably huge flame palace is thousands of kilometers long, and the fireworks are skyrocketing!

That is the kingdom of God!

A thousand kilometers in front of the seabed, a thousand kilometers, the vast underwater palace stands there!

That is the kingdom of God!

As for other places, Wang Xian can't see it!

"God is coming, smashing the sea!"

Wang Xian sensed a scene in the earth, and my heart sighed slightly!

The earth is wandering in the stars!

The gods, come to earth!

A mythical era, I don't know when it has been opened!

Fortunately, the original people on the earth have not suffered the catastrophe, but have the opportunity to become stronger!

"God is coming, I am coming back!"

(End of this chapter)

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