Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1818: I don’t know the world.

Chapter 1818, the world does not know Junzhong

After 12 years of separation, the world has not recognized the king!

Wang Xian is full of faces and looks at the Shenhai Palace in front of a group of young middle-aged people!

Looking at the youth in front of them who took out their weapons and prepared to start, they shook their heads slightly!

When was there, on the whole earth, who would dare to say that he would kill himself, and who would dare to look at himself so disrespectful!

When was the whole world, everyone standing in front of you, which is not humble and bowed, respectful!

"But this is interesting!"

Wang Xian looked at everyone in front of him, his eyes exuded with light, he was looking at how to develop next, now it is just right!

Just fight with the gods and the strong stars!


Sui Jian saw a group of people in front of them who wanted to move toward them, and a hint of swordsmanship in the indifferent eyes!

"What happened? Are there any ants who dare to make trouble in our Shenhai Palace?"

"It seems that someone is coming in, and there are still some arrogance, looking for a dead guy!"

What happened here caused the attention of everyone around me. Some people looked at it curiously, and his face was full of a playful look!

The five major forces of the earth are the difference between mortal and **** for all.

Dare to come here to make trouble, it is purely a behavior to find death!

For the first time, they saw someone dare to mix into the Shenhai Palace!


However, at this moment, in the position of cultivation to the forefront, when the two middle-aged people came to look at this side, when they saw Wang Xian, the body was slightly stiff!

"This is this..."

The two looked at each other and they were shocked by what they saw.

Their eyes stared at Wang Xian's figure, his eyes filled with an excited look.

Not long ago, the two of them had already sensed the arrival of the Dragon King, and they both mixed into the Shenhai Palace in order to avenge the Dragon Palace!

The moment I sensed the Dragon King, they are ready to leave here to find the Dragon King!

As a result, what they did not expect was that the Dragon King came!

Come to this Shenhai Palace with invincible strength!


Seeing that the Dragon King was surrounded by a group of young people, the two looked at each other and showed a crazy killing on their faces.

"Haha, their lives, I will take it first!"

In front of Wang Xian, the eyes of 5,000 young people slowly showed their killing intentions. One of the burly youths held a big knife in their hands and attacked directly toward Wang Xian in front!


The rest of the young people’s eyes rushed forward with excitement and murderous!

Sui Jian saw this scene, slowly raised his palm, and even the sword in his hand did not pull!



However, just as the sword was ready to start, two voices filled with murderous voice came.

Immediately afterwards, the two men showed violent momentum on their faces and murdered more than 5,000 young people.


Suddenly, the powerful momentum brought 5,000 young people a surprise!


But soon, the screaming sound will sound directly!

"Fifteen sixteen!"

The sudden shots of the two figures made the young middle-aged mentor of the younger ones slightly stunned and their faces changed slightly!

"15, what are you doing, let me stop!"

A middle-aged step forward and shouted directly at them.

"A group of people looking for death, get me off!"

However, fifteen or sixteen did not pay attention to him, the extraordinary nine-order power directly killed to the forefront position!

Dozens of young men and women died under their hands.

The disciples of Shenhai Palace suddenly slaughtered them, which made the young men and women who came to the assessment look terrified.

"Two adults, you..."

They frightened and retreated toward the rear, and looked at the two middle-aged people who suddenly killed them!

"Dragon King, you are going!"

Fifteen and six people changed their faces to Wang Xian, and they whispered in a low voice.

They have excitement, fear, and fear on their faces!

Their two brothers joined the prince to join the Shenhai Palace, just thinking about revenge for the Dragon Palace in the future!

But when they joined, they knew the horror of the Shenhai Palace!

They are gods, not the dragons of the past and even the Dragon Palace can fight!


Wang Xian looked at the loyal dragons and patted them on the shoulders.

Although a large part of their loyalty is due to the blood, but the magic fifteen and the devil six can do this step, he is still very lamentable.

"Dragon King?"

When Shen Haigong saw the abnormalities of the fifteen and sixteen people, they suddenly came to the words spoken by the three people, which made them full of surprise.

Dragon King? who is it?

Why did you make such a behavior?

The two of them, in the same level of Shenhai Palace, are also outstanding, and are highly valued by many people!

Now, because of these three strangers, directly killing a group of disciples who came to assess, respectfully call the other dragon king?

"15, who are they, who are you?"

The young instructor glanced at the body on the ground and stared at them coldly.

"Dragon King, the strength of Shenhai Palace, is not something we can contend with, you are going, we will help you stop!"

The fifteen magical sixteen still ignored the youth, and said to Wang Xian anxiously again.

"You should live well!"

Wang Xian looked at them both, faintly said!

"15, I think you are dead!"

The young instructor of Shenhai Palace saw that the two still ignored him and his eyes were murderous.

His figure was moving, reaching out his hands, and a huge claw was coming out and grabbing them!

"Standing aside!"

Wang Xian saw the magical fifteen magical sixteen faces, and ordered them.

He looked at the youth and slowly swept to everyone around him!


The eyes swept over, and there was a sound of a sword beside him. The sword was not sheathed, only the arm of the sword was lifted up gently.

At this moment, the time seems to be stagnant. The young men and women who have examined more than 5,000 in the front, as well as the young mentor who attacked, suddenly froze!

"Touch and bump!"

Silent, without any screams, without any exclamation, a corpse fell directly onto the ground.

During the wave, five or six thousand people died.

The sword is cold, and the cultivation of ruthlessness does not bring the slightest feelings!

He only knows that all those who violate the Dragon King will die, even if you are innocent!

Long Wei, no feelings, only ruthless, only the Dragon King!


Suddenly thousands of people died, causing everyone around the Shenhai Palace to breathe a cold breath.

More than a dozen instructors standing at the forefront squinted slightly, and looked at the sword with a shocked face!

"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Wang Xian. Twelve years ago, I was called Dragon King here!"

"Once, the dragon palace that you destroyed is my palace!"

Wang Xian saw their shocked appearance, and introduced themselves to them indifferently!

(End of this chapter)

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