Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1821: God, heaven and earth sorrow, the world is shocked

Chapter 1821, God, the world is sorrowful, the world is shocked

"Ha ha ha, let us Shenhai Palace give you an account, let us Poseidon give you an account, dare to kill in our Shenhai Palace, you are destined to die here!"

"What Dragon Palace Dragon King, die!"

In the face of Wang Xian’s last reminder, Poseidon stood in the sky above the Shenhai Palace and stared at them coldly, his eyes filled with coldness and disdain!

The five old men who came over were violent and full of murderous martyrdom.

Their voices just fell, and the three of them moved.

Two mermaids are a human being, the mermaid is holding a trident, the other is holding a spear, and the three are waving forward.


The three-tenth-meter thick water flow directly toward Wang Xian and they attacked.

A word fell, killing directly!

On earth, the eternal life is called the demigod, and the three of them are all in the peak of the gods, just a step away from the gods.

Faced with three guys who didn't ignite the fire, they didn't look at it!

"Very well, when you destroyed my Dragon Palace, then today I will destroy your Shenhai Palace!"

Wang Xian saw three attacks and his face did not change at all!


Standing on the side of the sword, the sword is pointed, and the metal sword with six handles directly meets the three attacks.


The violent collision sounded, and the sword stood proudly in front, easily resisting three attacks!


The strength of the sword is so that the three semi-god peaks of the hands-on are slightly stunned, and their faces are surprised and their looks are dignified.

"Father, that middle-aged swordsman, their strength is terrible, and they are killing thousands of patrols at our Shenhai Palace!"

The goddess and the goddess saw that the attack of the three semi-god peaks of the Shenhai Palace was resisted, and the face was embarrassed.

The attack just now, if not for him to take out the defensive weapon that his father gave him, under that blow, he would be killed!

"There is no ignition of the fire, after all, it is the ants!"

"Even if they ignite the fire, enter the **** of my country, and die!"

Poseidon did not have any slight fluctuations in the attack that the sword could withstand.

"Get rid of their limbs, suppress the ice fields until they die, dare to kill my gods, and all the people with whom they have a relationship, all suppress!"

The sea **** indifferent to the trial, slowly raising his head.

High above, judge the sin of the world!


A terrible power of horror, they are pressing toward Wang Xian!


The five semi-god peaks and strong men arched their hands and they were suppressed by the kingdom of God. They cut off each other's limbs and it was easy!

"This Dragon King doesn't know where it came from. There is such a strong man, but it is really stupid to dare to break into the father's God without igniting the fire!"

The goddess saw his father anger, staring coldly at Wang Xian, the three of them said!

"The Dragon King is over, and the Poseidon said that they have not ignited the fire, they are not gods, or in the gods of the Poseidon, this is completely looking for death!"

"The original Dragon King hit the invincible all the way, now can be different from the past, even dare to enter our Shenhai Palace, find death!"

"The power of the Dragon King is really horrible, but he is too confident, huh, oh, dead!"

At the practice site, everyone was indifferent and even some gloating to watch this scene.

The power of the Dragon King surprised them, but they are now disciples of the Shenhai Palace. The Dragon King came to trouble and is their enemy.

Now they are being killed, they are happy to see.

"Just ignite the true God of a fire, and dare to be high?"

Wang Xian looked at their sea gods and smiled contemptuously!


When the voice of Wang Xian fell, a heavy collision sounded.


Immediately afterwards, the entire Shenhai Palace trembled, and the ground of the Kingdom of God slowly cracked.


The turbulence of the Kingdom of God and the cracking of the grounds of the Kingdom of God have made everyone's face change dramatically.

The tall sea god, lost the calm color, the pupil slightly shrunk, looking at the side of Qi Qitian!

Three colors of three hooks and jade holes flashed the power of violent, body, flame thunder and magic tumbling!

In his hand, a golden stick weapon appeared, the stick fell on the kingdom of God, and the crack spread toward the surrounding place!

"No one dares to stand tall in front of our Dragon King. If there is, then let him fly away!"

The violent voice came from the mouth of Qi Qitian. His three hooks were staring at the sea god, and slowly fell on the five semi-god peaks who rushed toward them.


The three hooks began to spin in his eyes, and a violent energy burst out of his pupil.


For a moment, a violent explosion rang from all around.

"No, what is this power!"

Five of the half-god peaks who rushed over felt that their bodies were slowly splitting, and their faces were scared and loudly shouted.

They watched their split body, full of fear!


A violent explosion came from within their bodies. In an instant, the five deities of the gods were annihilated.

Not only them, the surrounding buildings, but also exploded!

No warning, everyone did not see the attack of Qi Qitian!


The destruction of the kingdom of God made the entire Shenhai Palace roaring, and the surrounding waters were even more violent!

"A small scorpion is a **** of fire, and dares to be mad in front of our Dragon King!"


The explosion of the explosion, the smog of the five semi-god peaks and strong, caused a shock and horror on everyone's face.

At this time, however, a violent voice resounded throughout the Shenhai Palace.

Qi Qitian holds the needle of the sea, and his body shape gradually grows to a size of 20 meters.

The incomparable violent momentum broke through the **** of the kingdom of God!

The suppression of him by Shenhai Palace is completely a joke!

"Today, God!"

Qi Qitian’s incomparable pupils stared at Poseidon, and his body shape suddenly appeared in front of Poseidon.

"How is this possible, you obviously have not ignited the fire, how can there be such a terrible strength!"

At this moment, seeing the collapse of the Kingdom of God, Poseidon’s eyes were shocked and frightened, and he shouted incredulously.

He raised the trident in his hand and swayed against the position in front.


The huge incomparable impact of the crash came, and the violent power and violent nature made the sea **** face change.

His body, like an ant in front of Qi Tian, ​​fell directly to the lower position.


The sturdy body of Poseidon is directly in the bottom of the sea!

A blow, just a blow, called the invincible sea **** on the earth, was shot down to the bottom of the sea!

(End of this chapter)

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