Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1827: Yaochi Ancient Land

Chapter 1827 Yaochi Ancient Land

"Da da da!"

With a powerful singer pulling the sacred arrogance into the ancient land below, no more than a minute, there is a powerful singer pulling the scorpion to fly to the lower position.

"Well? How come two arrogances suddenly appear here, is it a treasure in the ancient world?"

The two dragons standing beside Wang Xian saw another Tianjiao flying over, his face showing a surprised look.

“Is the size of other ancient places so big?”

Wang Xian looked at the **** country below and asked the two dragons.

"Some are bigger than here, some are smaller than here!"

The two dragons said: "This ancient place is called Yaochi, named after the mythical place where the West Queen lived!"

"The reason for the specific name of Yaochi is because some of the weapons obtained from here are female weapons, and there is a statue at the entrance!"

"Yaochi ancient land?"

Wang Xian picked up his eyebrows, and the yin and yang five elements of Dragons glanced at the bottom!

One layer of energy in God made him unable to see through it, but according to his speculation, this country of God is definitely not something that ordinary gods can create.

Covering an area of ​​about 5,000 kilometers, it is also huge in the Kingdom of God!

Put it on the earth, it is even bigger.

"Let's go see it!"

Wang Xian hesitated for a moment, his body shape, and flew directly to the lower position.

They are in the back.

Wang Xian is also full of curiosity about the ancient land that suddenly popped up on the earth.

Nowadays, the promotion of the Dragon Palace requires the encroachment of nine attributes of the Kingdom of God, and now there are seven attributes.

The country of the **** below belongs to the wood attribute, and if it meets the conditions for the promotion of the Dragon Palace, it can be swallowed up.

As a **** country, even if it is the ruins of the kingdom of God, it also has powerful power.

To get inside, you must step in from the entrance.

The Yaochi ancient land has two entrances to the east and west, and Wang Xian flies toward the entrance to the west.

"According to this Taiwan report, not long ago, there was a strong aura fluctuation in the ancient Yaochi area. It was suspected that there were treasures unearthed. The two great arrogant Yaojiao Tianjiao and the flowers had traces of Tianjiao entered the Yaochi ancient land!"

"Before the two days of arrogance, the fifth gods on the list of the gods of Ling Xiaobao and the strong people in the hall of Ling Xiaobao have already entered in advance, I don't know if there will be a fight!"

"Wow, the old irons saw no, just the Yao female arrogance, the goddess, it is so beautiful, I just took a perfect photo, haha, come, the old irons have a wave of gifts!"

When Wang Xian had just landed in Yaochi Ancient Land, the lively voice passed.

Wang Xian’s eyes swept over and found that there were TV reporters broadcasting, and there was a live broadcast anchor, which seemed to be lively!

"It's really interesting!"

The myth and technology overlap, and Wang Xian’s face is full of interest.

He looked at the entrance, a two-kilometer wide entrance, the backbone of the entrance had been broken, and the text above had disappeared.

Inside the main entrance a few kilometers, there is a statue of 20 meters in size.

The face of the goddess has been blurred, and the arms of the gods are all broken.

The location inside looks a bit messy.

The huge pillars lie in the center, and a block of boulder falls inside.

Looking from the outside, there are not many people inside!

Wang Xian went straight to the inside.

"Old irons, someone went in, I don't know if I can live out. Although the Yaochi ancient land was built by a goddess, it is very dangerous in the ancient times, especially the flower demon and trees inside. Demon, rattan demon!"

"At the time when the ancient pool of Yaochi was in the world, all the powerful people in the Lingxiaobao Hall had entered it, but the losses were heavy!"

Behind the sound of the anchor, Wang Xian turned a deaf ear and walked toward the inside.

The master of this kingdom of God, Wang Xian in the peak period is definitely not his opponent, but the deified god, he has nothing to fear.

Entering the dilapidated God, a desolate breath came.

Wang Xian glanced around, and the yin and yang five elements looked at the front.

The area of ​​5,000 kilometers is very large, and it is obviously impossible to walk to the inside.

The dragonfly swept over, and some scenes in the front hundreds of kilometers appeared in the line of sight. There were still a few scenes missing, which were resisted by powerful energy!


When Wang Xian’s figure was shaken, he wanted to move away from it.


When he was about to appear in one of his sights, he suddenly felt a strong force of imprisonment.


Wang Xian’s body was slightly stiff and his face was strange.

"There is a force here that can imprison yourself!"

His face was amazed and he could only fly quickly.


Under full-speed flight, Wang Xian sensed some sharp voices around him, his eyes swept over and found a flower demon!

The gorgeous huge flowers can release powerful attacks.

However, these flower demons are in front of Wang Xian, completely ignored.

The closer to the inside, the more and more flowers and trees are growing, and a powerful piece of wood property energy is passed over.

Wang Xian swept around, one by one, 80% of the palace had collapsed.

Some of them have been covered by mysterious rattan. If you don't pay attention, there may be flower demon, tree demon, and rattan at any time.

"This should be a vine, and I know that there are traps!"

Wang Xian looked at the front, a large piece of rattan spread on both sides, and there was a passage in the center.

The rattan is still, and it is completely impossible to see that this is a rattan.

"The level of the hole is virtual, and sure enough, this Yaochi ancient land, not ordinary people can come in!"

In the heart of Wang Xian’s heart, he walked straight ahead.

When they walked to the center of the rattan, the sword swept it coldly.

Followed by them, they walked straight toward the inside.

"It’s so strong, the human beings are getting stronger and stronger!"

Until Wang Xian they left, the vine fled quickly to the distance.

Unimpeded, it has been flying toward the front position. The more you go inside, the stronger the demon and the tree demon.

When they flew more than two thousand kilometers, the nearby plant-based monsters have reached the semi-god!

Continue to fly to the front, and soon they came to the central position.

"There are traces of fighting, and it should have happened in recent years!"

When he came to the center, a tree full of 20 kilometers was in sight.

The trees are only a hundred meters high and are dragged with a huge wooden house complex.

At this time, 80% of the wooden houses have been destroyed, and these damages should have occurred in recent years!

"The ones who can come here should be those gods. Even if there are treasures here, they may have been searched!"

Wang Xian was suspended there, a horrible energy radiated from the body and looked around.

There is something today, and the update is a bit late!

Thanks to the grass field rabbit brothers once again rewarding more than 10,000 books, thank you for your support!

Thanks to other friends for their support, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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