Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1833: Dragon King dad in the city

Chapter 1833 Dragon King Daddy in the City


Two little cute, holding a bottle of a few mouthfuls of juice, gave a happy laugh.

One of the more naughty little guys in the hands of the bottle, throwing Wang Xian’s arm will climb towards his head!

Looking at such a cute little girl, Wang Xian can not help but spread his father.

After all, the age of Wang Xian is now thirty-five and six years old. If you put it on the previous earth, your child may be ten years old!

When I saw two such cute porcelain dolls, my heart could not help but soften.

"Oh, it seems to be a daddy in the future!"

Wang Xian let the little guy grab his own arm and climb!

The girl who was resurrected by the gods, even if it seems to be only one year old, is very aggressive in action. She grabbed Wang Xian’s hair and slowly rode on his neck!

Wang Xian’s mouth was pumping, and the pinch pinched her face!


The little guy giggled and was obviously very happy.

Another little guy is lying in the arms of Wang Xian, quietly wrapped in a bottle.

A quiet, a naughty!

"Give you a name, you are called Wang Caier, you are Wang Huaer, flowers are children, not bad!"

Wang Xian pinched the quiet little guy in his arms and waved his arm. The bottle on the ground flew to the front of the flower.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

She took the bottle in one hand, and the hand holding Wang Xian’s hair kept screaming, her legs kept squatting!

"Okay, don't be so naughty!"

Wang Xian touched his hair without words. He was a dragon king, and now he was riding on two heads.

If this is to let the people of the super-continental know, it is absolutely stunned.

"Let's go, let's go out!"

Wang Xian said, walking toward the exit.

This time he entered the ancient land, he always felt that he did not get any treasures, but he also suffered huge losses.


Yao woman standing on the side looked at this scene with a shock.

What did she see?

The youth in front of you directly feed the two children with the fruit of the semi-god level.

This is the spirit of the demigod level, that is, she was once able to become a princess of heaven because she obtained a fruit of a demigod level.

Now the young man’s eyes don’t hesitate to feed the fruits of the two little girls’ gods.

The most important thing is that the two girls are not blasted by violent energy!

This completely subverts her cognition.

"This group of people is mainly this young man, and the rest are his men!"

Soon, she found a problem, that is, even the middle-aged swordsman who just shot, need to stand next to him.

Obviously this young person is respected.

Coupled with the spirit of the semi-god level, Yao Yao knows that this young man in front of him is absolutely extraordinary!

She quickly followed behind, but soon she found that she could not keep up with their speed.

At this time a sword appeared at her feet, flying with her to the east exit.

Her arrogant woman, who is so eye-catching, is going to be a maid in the future? Still have to wait for two girls?

There was a chaos in her mind.

But when she thought of the scarless encounter between the Son of God and the flower, she was fortunate in her heart. If she is a man, I am afraid it is already dead!

They quickly flew toward the east door, and soon they came to the exit.

The flower rides on Wang Xian’s neck and grabs the bottle in one hand. He grabs his hair in one hand and curiously looks around.

The colorful children in the arms are also looking up and curious about the world outside.

They with a star grass on their heads look cute!

When I reached the entrance, the number of people entering and leaving was significantly higher.

Soon, some people saw Wang Xian come out with two dolls, his face with a surprised look.

"Yes, brother, enter the ancient land and bring two baby, be careful!"

Several young people who walked toward the inside shouted at Wang Xian with a smile on their faces.

"Haha, nothing!"

Wang Xian heard their kind reminders and smiled faintly.

The Yao woman in the back immediately brought a veil, and she dared not let other people know that her arrogant woman is now a maid and helping her children!

"The name of the Son of God disappeared on the list of nine days. He did not seem to have entered the ancient land of Yaochi not long ago. Is it falling into the ancient land?"

"It seems that in addition to the nine-day god, the Tianjiao Yao women and the flowers have entered the inside, I don't know what a terrible existence of the nine-day god!"

"Not long ago, the heavens and the earth screamed, and the storms in the oceans poured down. According to legend, the sea gods fell, and I don’t know if it was true or false. Now the Son of God has fallen down!"

Just out of the ancient pool of Yaochi, all kinds of sounds come from outside!

The east gate of Yaochi Ancient Land is more prosperous than the entrance to Ximen.

Surrounded by streets, there are a variety of shops on both sides, gathering a lot here.

Nowadays, the most prosperous land of the earth is around the ancient land.

Other second-tier cities in the first-tier cities have long ceased to exist.

Wang Xian took two baby dolls, and with the swords and swords, they walked straight ahead, and the two little guys looked around.


Just then, there was a loud sound coming from the front!

"The demigod's first-order pet egg, Scorpio, in the Shenchong Group, there is a demon animal pet egg with a half-death blood, my god!"

"I heard that several powerful groups of people have appeared and want to take this pet egg on the spot!"

"The strong people who got the news nearby have all come, and the Shenchong Group should not sell it now!"

"Absolutely will sell, God Pet Group can not have a powerful force to protect this pet egg, once it is known by some strong people, maybe it will come directly to snatch, after all, the news of the semi-god first-order pet is known by others!"

Just as Wang Xian walked outside, the noisy voice came from a bang.

He looked at the front and found that one of the strong people in the surrounding sky flew over, and there was also a monster who flew over the pride.

Among them, Wang Xian, the strongman of the hole level, found five or six!

According to his understanding of this period of time, I also learned that the level of the hole is placed on the earth and belongs to the top powerhouse.

A strong man can be compared to a company with a market value of over 100 million.

A Tianjiao can rival a company with a market value of tens of billions.

The earth's indigenous caves are still in a rare presence.

For the demigod's first-order pet egg, Wang Xian has no interest at all. This thing is not of high value in his eyes.

"Go, let's go to Jiangcheng!"

Wang Xian did not want to delay more and flew directly into the sky!

"Ladies and gentlemen, don't be crowded. Our **** pet group does get a pet with a demigod. You can see it here. Many of the group's bosses have already arrived!"

"Our **** pet group can not let you run white, immediately after an hour, auction!"

Just when Wang Xian had just flew into the sky, there was a voice in the air in front.

A pet egg is suspended in the air. The pet's egg is only the size of a palm, and it has a rich green glow. It is like an emerald with a radiant glow. It is very different.

In front of the pet egg, five old people glanced around with vigilance, for fear that someone would come and grab it!

Wang Xian glanced at him and was ready to fly away.

"Oh, that, that, I want!"

Just then, he suddenly felt his hair tightened, and the flowers were tender and tender.

"An ordinary pet egg, let's not, then Dad will give you a good one!"

Wang Xian said helplessly toward the flowers.

"Wow, I want, I want, hey, hey!"

But the cry of flowers immediately came from the head.

Immediately after Wang Xian sensed a warm current flowing into his neck.

I am Nima... I have a urine....

What is good is the fallen goddess, but also pee?

There are a lot of book friends who want Wang Xian to have children, daughters, and the author decides to add two daughters. Of course, this is a (dry) daughter, not a daughter!

The identity book also shows very clearly, the fallen goddess, the twin goddess daughter, should be OK...

It should be quite interesting to develop two goddesses quickly!

(End of this chapter)

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