Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1836: Is the pet egg delicious? on

Chapter 1836 Is the pet egg delicious? on

"This... Jin Gongzi is so strong, he just competed with the top leaders of several major groups and even said that he is kidding!"

"I just want to know how much money the Lingmai Group has!"

"This is the end, even if it is a god, it is competitive!"

"Shenzi? The Son of God is only a strong talent, high strength, and financial strength, far from the Lingmai Group. It may only be the powerful demigods of Lingxiaobao Temple that can compete with the Lingmai Group!"

When I heard the words of Jin Gongzi, all the people around me had a shocked look.

"200 million top grade Lingshi, if no one raises the price, then this pet egg belongs to Jingongzi!"

A group of high-ranking members of the Shenxiang Group are also very full-faced with the sale of 200 million Shangpin Lingshi, shouting with a smile on their faces.

"Haha, although it is not very consistent with my attributes, but the wood property monster support function is very powerful!"

Kim Gongzi stared at the pet egg with his eyes hot and said with a big laugh.

It is a big chance for him to get a half-god pet egg today.

"250 million!"

However, at this moment, a sound suddenly sounded at the rear position.

250 million yuan!

Five words, passed into everyone's ears, Kim Gongzi excited face suddenly burst.

He suddenly turned his head.

Everyone around me turned around with a sullen look. When I saw a young woman with a baby in her arms and a female baby on her neck, everyone looked at it again.

Just now, it was the girl who was riding on the neck of the young man who said that she wanted pet eggs. She was taken over by Kim Gongzi and said that the children ridiculed the big groups!

Now the father of the child actually offered a price of 250 million!


"Kid, are you kidding this? If you say it, you are responsible!"

Jin Youwei’s face changed slightly, staring at Wang Xian with a cold look, and some embarrassing low voices.

"Little children, not you are so good!"

Wang Xian glanced at Jin Youwei and said.

"What? This...he...he really wants to buy?"

"Which person is this? 250 million ah, there are only a handful of talents that can come up with so many spiritual stones!"

"Just kidding, who is he, haven't you seen it?"

Everyone around is also a slight glimpse, looking at Wang Xian, his face is strange.

"This... this young man, you are not kidding!"

Several senior executives of the Shenchong Group also looked at Wang Xian with a sullen look, and asked with a grin.


Wang Xian took out a space ring and waved it directly to the top of the Shenqu Group.


An old man took it with amazement and took it. When he saw the Lingshi inside, his eyes widened and filled with a shocking look.

The entire space ring ranged up to tens of thousands of cubic meters, such a huge space ring, he was the first to see.

In the space ring, there are countless Lingshi, there are 200 million starting and ending, and 2 billion are estimated!


The old man swallowed a spit and his fingers were awkward.

"This son, you are sure to buy 250 million!"

The old man's face changes dramatically. If they get the spiritual stone inside, they will definitely become the top power on the earth.


Who is this young man?

What is his identity, how can he come up with so many spiritual stones!

Scorpio, and he dared to bring the space ring directly to himself, is it confident?

Can't mess with!

He immediately dispelled the greed in his heart and was just looking.

"Of course, are you qualified?"

Wang Xian nodded faintly.

"There is, the son is naturally qualified, your space ring!"

The old man of the Shenchong Group quickly nodded, and the arm was awkward to return the space ring to Wang Xian.

"250 million, Jin Gongzi, do you want to continue to bid!"

The old man looked at Jin Youwei and asked.


Jin Youwei’s face changed dramatically, his face slowly and gloomy: “Does he have this strength?”

"Golden son, the old has been verified, this son has this strength!"

The old man nodded heavily, his eyes sparkled with luster, and he looked at Wang Xian with some awe.

This pet, if the young man wants, there is no such thing as his Jin Gongzi!

A few high-level officials of the Shenchong Group saw the look of the old man, and his face was full of surprises!

"My God, is this young man really qualified for this?"

"This...what is his identity, hey, 250 million, buy it for your daughter?"

"This is too luxurious. When his daughter wants a pet, she will buy it for her daughter. This birth is the pinnacle of life!"

"What is the identity of this youth?"

Everyone around was shocked. They thought that this young man was licking a child, but he did not expect to actually buy it.

This simply subverts their perception.

Everyone swallowed a spit!

"260 million!"

Jin Youwei’s face changed dramatically, biting his teeth and shouting loudly.

"Three hundred million!"

His voice just fell, and the sound of Wang Xian’s fluttering voice fell, as if 300 million were in front of him, not worth mentioning.

It is indeed worth mentioning that even the super-continental mainland is dominated by Chinese-style stone, but there are also many top-grade stones.

Nowadays, the entire super-continental mainland has a billions of billions of stones, and Wang Xian has brought up to one percent, and there are billions of top-grade stones!

"Three hundred million, directly increase 40 million, who is he in the end? Is the high-rise in the hall of Ling Xiaobao?"

"My God, this demigod pet egg is not worth 300 million!"

When everyone heard the sound of Wang Xian again, everyone opened his mouth slightly.

Is this his mother's god?

Jin Youwei heard the figure of 300 million, his face changed dramatically, and the weather was uncertain.

He couldn't think of it, and he actually killed such a person halfway.

300 million to buy a pet egg for my daughter?


"It’s really something, it’s not born, it’s hard to have it later, this little doll is just too happy!”

I just looked at the woman who spoke to Wang Xian.

Deep hidden!

"Excuse me, Jin Gongzi, do you have to increase the price?"

At this moment, the most exciting thing is the high-level of the God Pet Group!

This auction is simply making a big profit!

When Jin Youwei heard the words of the **** pet group, his face changed, 300 million, a total of 300 million!

Even if their group wants to take out 300 million at a time, they should also consider it.

"Congratulations to this son, the semi-deity of the wood property monster beast pet egg, belongs to you!"

"Oh, your daughter seems to be a wooden attribute, just to grow up with your loved one!"

A group of high-ranking gods saw Jin Youwei’s sullen face and did not speak, knowing that he would not increase the price!

Such a price, no one will increase the price!

The old man of the Shenchong Group respectfully took the pet egg and walked toward Wang Xian!

(End of this chapter)

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