Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1844: Dragon Man is fearless and fearless 1

Chapter 1844: The Dragon Man is fearless and fearless 1

"Liu Guanjia, go check with me about the Dragon King, find out all his information, and control his every move!"

In the villa of the Song family, Song Hanyu sat in a chair with a majestic face and asked a middle-aged man in front.

"Miss, the lord over there?"

Middle-aged standing in front, asked a little frowning.

"I will tell him my grandfather, go!"

Song Hanyu said with no expression.

"It's Miss!"

The middle-aged nodded and immediately went out.

"Sister, he dared to attack me, I have to teach him personally!"

Song Shanzhi’s eyes flashed with icy light and whispered.

"Han Feiyu and the disciples of Lingxiaobao Temple have come. I will take you to contact them these days!"

"This time, let Feiyuge see if you can find a master. In this case, you can join the Lingxiao Hall!"

"With your talent, you can also join a small name in the Lingxiao Hall!"

Song Hanyu turned his head to the younger brother and said.

"Sister, is Feiyu brother coming? Let's go find him!"

Song Shanzhi’s face was a joy, and he said quickly.

"I am afraid I can't do it today. I have already told Fei Yuge that there is no time today. I am not good enough to go over, tomorrow!"

Song Hanyu shook his head!


"Dragon King, you don't know, twenty-nine and forty-six guys are the boys of a life, the girls of a life, they still set the dolls, and in this age, they still have dolls!"

"Haha, we have at least a wife and a child, you guys, not even a girlfriend!"

"If you have a brain, you can find a girlfriend. How free and free you are now, haha!"

In the villa of the Magic Qinglong, a group of dragons gathered together to talk, and Wang Xian also spoke from time to time.

This atmosphere is very happy for him.

"You are not married at a young age, it is time to find a girlfriend!"

Wang Xian said to the side of the dragon who was obviously hanging out.

"It is the Dragon King, we are not very anxious now!"

Several dragons immediately said with a smile.

Wang Xian just let them relax and not be so constrained. At this time, I talked for more than an hour, and the dragons gradually let go!



Just then, the sound of flowers and flowers came from the position of the stairs.


A group of dragons glimpsed, and immediately stood up, respectfully looking at the two little girls.

In any case, identity is identity, the first time I met the little princess, I still have to bow down!

"Come here!"

Wang Xian looked up and saw a trace of surprise in his eyes.

At this time, the flowers and the children, compared with yesterday's time, the change is very big!

If it looks like one year old yesterday, it looks like a two-year-old.

The two little guys have been able to walk fast, and the Yao **** the side is obviously very surprised to follow.

She did not think that in just one night, the two children grew so fast.

However, Wang Xian is not too surprised. After all, these two gimmicks cannot be treated as ordinary babies, but the ancient gods of resurrection.


The flower speeded up and ran quickly toward Wang Xian and opened his arms.

"See the princess!"

In the hall, a group of dragons immediately bowed to the ground with half respect.


The flowers that ran over were slightly shocked.


But immediately, the little girl squatted for two seconds and waved her hand. This gesture looks very familiar.

The flower that waved his hand seemed to forget what he was doing, and continued to open his arms to Wang Xian.

Seeing the movement of the flower just now, Wang Xian’s eyes sparkled with luster.

“Don't the memory begin to recover slowly?”

He thought about it.

"Hey, kiss!"

The flowers ran over and immediately kissed Wang Xian’s face and followed him cheerfully toward Wang Xian’s neck.

It seems to have a special liking for riding a urine neck!


Cai Er also ran over, spread his arms, and lovelyly asked her to hug.

Two almost identical little guys look so cute, looking at them, and some things in their minds are left behind.

He is a bit of a favorite to pick up the color!

"Hungry? What do you want to eat?"

Wang Xian smiled and asked them.

"Not hungry or hungry!"

The little guy above swayed his legs.

"I want to go out and play, go out and play!"

She sat on Wang Xian's neck and swayed with his head.

"Good, wait for you to go out!"

Wang Xian looked at the clothes on them. Because of the rapid growth, Yao women can only condense a green clothes with wooden attributes. The fit is quite fit, but after all, it can't be compared with professional clothes.

"You all get up!"

Wang Xian looked at the dragon man who was still there and waved his hand!

"It's Dragon King, the two little princesses are so beautiful!"

A group of dragons smiled and nodded.

"Dragon King, I have toys for my son here. If the little princess doesn't give up, give them fun!"

A dragon man squinted slightly and smiled and took out a few small toys.

"Hey, I want me to play!"

The naughty flower immediately shouted out with a small hand.

"Good, give the little princess!"

The dragon man smiled and handed the toy in his hand.

The flower took the toy and immediately giggled.


At this moment, the mobile phone of the dragon man who passed the toy kept shaking.

He frowned slightly, shutting it off without a trace, but the sound continued to sound.

"Sorry Dragon King!"

He squatted and leaned back, took a phone and glanced at it.


However, soon, his body that had receded was stiffened, his anger passed by, his face changed dramatically.

Wang Xian looked at the change of breath under this man's hand, and it was a slight glimpse. His eyes glanced and the information on the phone fell into sight.

The dragon man just hang up a lot of calls, and now it shows that this is the twentieth message!

"What happened to the old nine?"

Mo Yuan walked over and took photos of him who was afraid of his shoulders. He has already advanced to the realm of demigod, and he also felt that the magic nine is not right!

"Magic Nine, you go to deal with things at home, I am going to buy some clothes with two little guys in the mall!"

"Take your loved ones over the next two days to gather!"

Wang Xian stood up, holding a colorful child, hanging flowers on his head, laughing and walking toward the outside.

Yao women quickly followed, and Qi Jian and Qi Qitian also followed.


Wang Xian, who walked a few steps, paused: "Although the Dragon Gate has been dissolved, you are still my men!"

"As my men, the blood of the dragon, we don't steal, don't steal, don't bully, don't insult, and we don't fear anyone!"

"On this earth, no one can bully us, whoever bullies us, ten times repay!"

"God can't do it!"

After that, he took two little guys and walked out of the villa door!

(End of this chapter)

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