Chapter 1854 a velvet sword 6



A horrible murderous shot from the body of the magical dragon, a powerful murderous directly locked Zhou Tianfeng!

Powerful momentum, cold words, so that everyone around you breathe.

Zhou Tianfeng's face changed dramatically, and the cold eyes stared at the magic dragon!

All members of the Tianfeng Group have changed their faces and their eyes are horrified.

The role change is too fast too fast!

Just now they tried the other party, but they did not think that the other party even more than forty strong people fly directly!

The lowest hole is the peak!

In the absence of their young masters, one or two caves will be able to destroy their Tianfeng Group!

However, there are now more than forty people in the other party, more than forty!

In particular, the leader of the other party is obviously also a semi-god level!

"How is this possible? Nowadays, the Tianjiao on the arrogant rankings today, building a group of powerful Tianjiao, 80% have not reached the peak of the hole, now there are more than forty people directly, this..."

Everyone around can't believe it.

Twenty ancient lands are born in twenty ancient places. They are called the pride of the sky and the son of fate.

The strength of the heavenly arrogance ranges from the seventh order of the hole to the half god.

This kind of strength can become a genius and build a strong group.

However, there are now more than forty spectators who can rival the top ten of Tianjiao.

How can you believe them!

"How does this wind tempo resist? Tianfeng Group is probably completely over!"

Everyone around the crowd looked at Tianfeng Tianjiao with amazement and looked at the sudden emergence of the strong.

"It’s really surprising that there are more than forty holes in the hole, two half-powered!"

Zhou Tianfeng clenched his fists and his face was embarrassed.

"However, such a strength, you think you can kill us?"

His eyes swept the heavenly soldiers next to him, and he raised his head slightly, and there was no fear in his face.

The other side has two deities, but there is also a half-god one next to him!

Zhou Tianfeng said that stepping forward, belonging to the first-order strength of the demigod, all broke out.

Behind him, a hurricane formed, and the hurricane condensed into a sharp blue sword.

Confront with the Magic Blue Dragon!


When his momentum broke out, the Heavenly Soldiers beside him also broke out directly at the level of the demigod.

A sharp edge, pressed with Zhou Tianfeng's momentum toward the front.

For a moment, the wind is rising!

"What? The middle-aged next to Tianfeng Tianjiao is also a strongman of the semi-god level. My God, who is he?"

"Who is the middle-aged man in the golden armor, this... there is also a half-god by the wind and the sky!"

When the Heavenly Soldiers around Zhou Tianfeng broke out, all the faces around him changed.

The sudden emergence of one strong man made them extremely shocking.

"Is this the son of fate?"

Some people stared at the Tianbing beside Zhou Tianfeng, muttering in the mouth.

"If you only have two and a half gods, then today, you Tianfeng Group, you and both of you will be destroyed!"

The magic Yuan saw the appearance of the Heavenly Soldier, and there was no slight panic. His face showed a strong fighting spirit.

A strong breath, the name of the Tianbing completely locked.

"Is it right? It can be killed now!"

His face showed a violent look, and the voice fell, and the dragons also had a strong suffocating suffocation.

When a group of dragons stepped forward in two steps, Zhou Tianfeng's face was slightly changed.

Although there are two demigods on their side, the other side has more than forty holes.

Once you really fight, the rest of the Tianfeng Group will be killed in an instant!

"Even if it is the middle age of the golden armor, it also has the strength of a half-god level, but they are not the opponents of the mysterious forces!"

"There are too many strong and powerful peaks in the other side. More than forty people with strong enthusiasm and peaks can unite to kill a half-god!"

The people around the crowd saw this scene, and their faces changed slightly.

Some timid people quickly retreat toward the rear, half-god level battles, the scope of coverage is very scary!

Zhou Tianfeng frowned and his face changed dramatically.

He has not yet joined the Lingxiao Hall, and he is not a god, and he is not able to show his identity.

In the face of this powerful person in front, he has no way.

"Tianfeng Tianjiao, Xue Tian will come to them!"

At this moment, the Heavenly Soldiers next to him suddenly looked in the direction of the ancient winds of the heavens, and the eyes shone with luster and said faintly.


Zhou Tianfeng gave a slight glimpse and immediately looked at the ancient winds!

Vaguely, he saw that Xue Tian would lead a hundred Heavenly Soldiers to fly over here.

This made him smile on his face, and his eyes slowly looked at the magical dragon.

"Today, it may not be killing, but killing!"

Zhou Tianfeng's face showed a stunned look.

"Heavenly Heaven will be the Heavenly Soldier!"

At this time, in the surrounding tense atmosphere, a shocking snoring sounded around.

"Heavenly Heaven?"

In an instant, everyone quickly looked at the sound, and some people quickly scanned the surroundings.

Tianbing Tianzhi, just four words, on the earth today, represents the invincible legion!

Everyone still remembers that when the gods came, it was suspended in the sky, exuding the endless majesty of the 100,000 Heavenly Soldiers!

Every Heavenly Soldier has the strength of a half-god first-order, and every day will have the strength of the fifth-order or above.

Invincible legion, the existence of invading!

"Really, Heavenly Soldiers! They...what are they doing?"

When some people saw more than a hundred people flying from the ancient winds, they were wide-eyed and full of awe.

"Heavenly Heaven will!"

When they heard these four words, they were also slightly surprised and looked at them.

The eyes swept over, and their faces showed a dignified look.

More than a hundred people, headed by a middle-aged, middle-aged golden armor, burly and powerful.

His face is full of anger and self-defense.

Behind the middle-aged, a group of heavenly soldiers armed with gold rifles, glanced indifferently around.

This kind of indifference, like the gods look at ordinary mortals!

“Hey? Is there so many good powerhouses?”

Xue Tian will lead a group of heavenly soldiers to fly over, eyes sweeping through the magical dragon, and the eyes are equally surprised!

"Heavenly wind, what happened?"

Xue Tian said, looking at the central Zhou Tianfeng, asked with a smile!

The powerful momentum that broke out here made Xue Tian fly over with their curiosity and saw that Zhou Tianfeng was here. He knew something about what happened in his heart!

However, his style of the sky made everyone around me slightly surprised to open their mouths!

(End of this chapter)

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