Chapter 1863 Family Banquet 6

"Well? This..."

Song Lao’s attitude made Xue Laoqin and all of them slightly stunned.

Although the strength of Song Qingshi is not as good as his granddaughter, it is a strong and powerful person. Moreover, as the owner of the Song family, it is still very majestic.

Even if it is his granddaughter, he must respect it in the face!

Now that he is so attitude, Xue Lao is very surprised!

"When you go, I want to see, who has the courage to dare to drive you out!"

Song Lao Tieqing's face, said to Xue Lao.


Xue Laoqin old people are slightly hesitant!

"You go up first, the Dragon King is coming soon, I am here to pick up the Dragon King and they are gone!"

Mo Qinglong said to Xue Lao Song, they said.

"Devil, you can rest assured that I will handle this matter well!"

Song Lao assured the magic dragon.

"Well, Song Lao, trouble you!"

The magical dragon nodded to him, and Song was a man. He was naturally clear.

"Dad, what are you calling us out!"

Just then, twenty people came by.

One of the middle-aged men shouted to Song Lao.

Next to the middle-aged, followed by a woman, the woman pushed a wheelchair and a girl in a wheelchair.

The girl is very similar to Song Hanyu, but her legs seem to have been lost and her eyes are dim.

"What? Go see your unfilial girl!"

Song Lao screamed toward the middle age, and his face was directly directed toward the group building.

The middle-aged scene of seeing his father so angry was also a slight surprise, his face showing fear.

My father has never been so angry since the rise of the Song family.

Not filial women?

He was shocked by the three words.

I have only two daughters, one daughter lost her legs in the ancient land, and one daughter is the strongest person in Jiangcheng.

"What's the jade?"

The middle-aged face is surprised to catch up.

"Father he..."

A group of people in the Song Group was also slightly surprised, and quickly followed.

Xue Laoqin, their slight misunderstanding, followed.

A few hundred people went to the top of the Song Group Building again.

When a group of people came to the top, they saw Song Laolong’s stepping into the banquet hall with anger.

Everyone quickly followed the back!

Entering the banquet hall, everyone saw the window of the banquet hall, and a group of young men and women talked and laughed.

Song Hanyu sat next to a young man with a big smile on his face.

Song Lao saw this scene and walked straight through his face.

A few hundred people came in again and immediately caught the attention of Song Hanyu in the banquet hall.



Song Hanyu and Song Shanzhi saw Song Laos coming in. When they were slightly stunned, their faces were not good.

"Grandpa, these are..."

Song Hanyu saw his grandfather's face faintly coming over, frowning, and stood up to introduce the disciples of the Lingxiaobao Temple.

The disciples of the Lingxiaobao Temple saw that the group of people walked in and frowned slightly, showing an unpleasant look in their eyes.


However, Song Lao, who had just come over, did not let Song Hanyu finish the words, and slap the palms directly.

The loud and incomparable sound immediately rang through the ballroom.

Seeing this scene, Xue Laoqin and the Song family behind him are all stunned.

At this moment, even Song Hanyu was a little embarrassed, and his grandfather even beat her!

She has always loved her grandfather, and she has no slap in the face, but she is still in front of so many people!

"Grandpa, you... why are you playing my sister, here is our Song family, they..."


"shut up!"

On the side of Song Shanzhi, he was shocked and explained to his grandfather.

However, his words have not been finished, and the whole person flew straight out.

Yes, it is just flying out, a blood directly sprayed out!

This made the Song family behind them a huge shock.

"Grandpa, you..."

Song Shanzhi’s face looked terrified, and he looked at his grandfather with some fear, looking at his parents’ direction.

"Grandpa, what am I doing wrong?"

Song Hanyu has tears in his eyes, and some are not willing to say.


"I don't know what I did wrong?"

When Song Hanyu’s voice just fell, the angry Song Lao was a slap in the face.

At this moment, everyone can feel his anger!


The middle-aged man in the back couldn’t help but shouted.

"Today, Dragon King invites relatives and friends to have a feast here. Can you drive them out?"

Song Lao eyes stared at Song Hanyu with some cold eyes!

The Dragon King is now returning, with the horror of the Dragon King, his granddaughter, the strongest of Jiangcheng, and his finger in front of the Dragon King.

Now, he must teach his grandson awkwardly so that the Dragon King can not blame.

Moreover, he is also thinking about the future of the Song family!

"Dragon King, isn't it the Dragon King? He was the Dragon King more than a decade ago? Now she is the Dragon King? What is he still?"

Another slap in the face, Song Hanyu tears in his eyes, some stubborn and angry to marry his grandfather.

"You are not a filial daughter, I don't know if I have anything wrong!"

Song Lao lifted his slap and went to Song Hanyu again.

Song Hanyu stared at his grandfather with no fluctuations on his face.


The voice came again, but this time, the slap is not on the face of Song Hanyu, but is blocked by a palm!

"This old man is not too much, even if it is his granddaughter, can't play like this!"

A voice sounded up, Han Feiyu sitting on the side stood up, faintly grasping the old arm of Song said!


Song Lao was slightly stunned, his eyes staring coldly at Han Feiyu.

"I introduce myself, the younger son of Ling Xiaobao, Han Feiyu, these are my brothers and sisters!"

"Song girl invited us to eat here, what? Our face is not as good as the Dragon King?"

Han Feiyu's mouth slightly tilted up, faintly speaking to Song Lao.

"You, we are eating here, you guys, it’s a little disappointing!"

When Han Feiyu’s words were just finished, a young man put a chopstick on the table and made a crisp sound!

"Ling Yu Bao Dian?"

"They are disciples of Ling Xiao Bao Dian, this... no wonder Song girl is so passionate about them!"

"The disciple of Ling Xiao Bao Dian!"

Around, everyone heard the words of Han Feiyu, his face was shocked.

The disciples of Ling Xiao Bao Dian, who pull out one by one, have the strength of the level of the hole.

Just like the temple standing in the sky, it is high.

Compared with them, they are completely two levels of existence!

Xue Laoqin and all the people around him are full of dignity!

(End of this chapter)

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