Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1868: Under the enchantment

Chapter 1868, under the enchantment


When everyone heard Wang Xian’s words, his face was shocked.

The earth was once a powerful ancient battlefield, and the ancient land was the godland of the fallen gods.

Now, is God recovering?

This... everything is shocking to them.

Wang Xian looked at the dark ancient land that was so deep and infinite, and the eyes sparkled!

He hesitated a bit, still did not rush to see.

From the dark ancient land that appeared one by one, he was able to sense a strong presence.

Some powerful existences may be stronger than his current strength!

In the darkness of the ancient land, there is a horrible dark monster, and the monster is somewhat similar to the monster that attacked Jiangcheng yesterday.

"The chaos, some people on the Internet said that the Church, the Pyramid and the Vulcan Palace have been attacked by powerful monsters, and some monsters have even entered the human city!"

Just then, a shocking voice came from a young man's mouth.

“Well? Really? Is the Earth going to be in chaos?”

A group of people around the face Megatron.

"There was a monster attacking other cities yesterday, and there was a city in our east and even hundreds of thousands of people killed by the monster!"

A middle-aged thought of what happened yesterday, his face changed slightly!

Yesterday's monster attacked the city, it seems to be a precursor, and it broke out completely today.

This is a disaster for everyone. As for the misfortunes and blessings that the Dragon King said, they can't guarantee that they can escape this disaster!

"You don't have to worry about the next thing. I will be in Jiangcheng in the future!"

Wang Xian looked at some worried Qin Qin Xue, they said.

The earth is changing, and the blessings are interdependent. This is true for others.

Now his return is a great opportunity for the family of Guan Jialan.

"With Xiaoxian, we will have a lot of peace of mind!"

When everyone heard Wang Xian, they immediately looked at them and the fear in their hearts disappeared immediately.

Although they don’t know the strength of Wang Xian, they can be sure that they are not weaker than the gods of Ling Xiao Bao Dian!

"Father-in-law, Shu Qingqing, they are now in a very safe place, do you want to lead all your loved ones in the past!"

Wang Xian said to the parents of Guan Shuqing Blue Qingyue!

“A very safe place?”

When they heard the words of Wang Xian, they gave a slight look and a look of hesitation!

"That place may be a bit far away, but 100% safe. If all your loved ones have passed, I will let you Qi Tian and Qi Jian take you in the past!"

"Xue Laoqin is old, you can also go, choose with you!"

Wang Xian looked at them and said to them!

“Are you far away?”

Xue Laoqin, they are slightly disappointing, but they are also moving!

"Not in the earth!"

Wang Xian said softly!

"Not in the earth?"

Everyone was moved again, and his face looked dub.

Leave the earth to go to a strange place, they will hesitate again and again!

"Let's go, we can get together with the green moon!"

Soon, the Blues decided to go down, and they could see their daughter when they left, but they didn't have too much disappointment.

They also quickly decided to look at the past.

However, Qin Lao Xue old they hesitated and refused.

Here is their root, they have lived here for most of their lives.

And in the future, Jiangcheng has Wang Xian, and it will be much safer. After repeated consideration, they still have not left.

Only about the family of the blue family decided to go to the extraordinary mainland.

Wang Xian nodded and did not have any opinion on their choice.

At this time, the inside of the kitchen comes up with beautiful food!

The two little guys ran over, squinting at Wang Xian with a small mouth and sitting around him.

A group of people started to eat.

For the constant bang in the sky, for the battle between the gods and the demon, they are completely left behind.

There are dragon kings here, they are very at ease.

A group of people have been talking until the afternoon!

"Qi Tian, ​​Yan Jian, you take them to the extraordinary mainland, and tell the turtles to take care of them!"

I have been talking for three or four hours. At three or four in the afternoon, Wang Xian told the Qitian arrogant swords.

"It is the Dragon King!"

Qi Qitian, they nodded, looking at the blue family home more than 100 people!

"Xiao Xian, then let's go first!"

Guan Shuqing Lan Qingyue, their father waved to Wang Xian!

"Good father-in-law, after the earth is stable, you can come back!"

Wang Xian smiled and nodded, and they gestured to Qi Qitian!


Qi Qitian’s arm waved, and all of them disappeared instantly!

The blue family and the Guan family all felt that the picture flashed, and they immediately found themselves in the sky above the Pacific Ocean.

Looking at this great magical power, everyone's face showed a shocking look.

"This is a teleport that all the powerful gods can do. The dragons are now practicing. After they leave the customs, they can also ignite the fire and achieve the gods!"

Qi Qitian saw a shocked look and said.

"What? They are going to be a god!"

Everyone from Guanjia and Lanjia heard the news, and his face was shocked, and he followed the look of surprise.

Into God, this is simply a distant existence for them.

That is the **** on the top!

"The entrance to another world is here!"

Hey Qitian said, lead them to the position below!


However, at this moment, a loud and violent voice came and made everyone change slightly.


Qi Qitian’s pupils shrank slightly and looked toward the front.

There, a dark ancient land slowly appeared, and a violent dark monster of about two kilometers appeared in front.

The position of the eyebrows has a blood red vertical eye, a pair of bone wings, a long tail, like a lizard body full of thorns!

"It is the demon god, the horrible demon!"

Everyone in the blue house and the Guan family changed their face and shouted loudly.


Qi Qitian saw the demon god, and there was a fiery look in the pupil.

"Sword, protect them, I will kill this guy, kill him and bring it to the Dragon Palace, we will be able to upgrade again!"

Excited and violent in the eyes of Qi Qitian.

He whispered, his body quickly became bigger, and in a flash, it became two kilometers.

His body is surrounded by dark flames and lightning, and a pair of pupils with three hooks are full of power and demon!

"Hurry up!"

Sui Jian reminded me of Qi Qitian!

"Hey, just a guy who ignited a sigh of fire, I can solve it within ten strokes!"

(End of this chapter)

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