Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1875: Xiao Ran’s master

Chapter 1875, Xiao Ran's Master

With the arrival of the comet wood, they can be happy with the flowers!

The eucalyptus wood belongs to the wood attribute monster, and his body can grow longer and bigger, just like trees.

Even he can easily spread the branches over a dozen kilometers.

This makes the two little guys happy to play in the tree, even Wang Xian is not wrapped around him!

"You three are looking for a room to stay!"

The two little guys have been playing until the evening, and Wang Xian shouted them down, and they said to them.

"Dragon King, let them go inside the room, I am outside!"

Xing Xingmu said that the roots of the body must be moved directly over the entire villa.

Except that the window is not covered by the sun, the rest is covered.

And, in the courtyard, Iridium Wood used two branches to give two little guys two swings, and a few small beds!

And also got a slide.

In a short moment, the whole villa is more than ten times more beautiful!


The two little guys stared at the home of such a big change, and the face was full of surprises!

"Dragon King, I am practicing here, others are also trying to come in!"

Yan Xingmu said to Wang Xian again.


Wang Xian looked at the face of the villa covered by the 敖星木 is also showing a satisfactory look.

Covering the entire villa with the strength of the 敖星木, the following violations of the sacred fire, it is purely looking for death!

"Well, let's go!"

Wang Xian picked up the two little guys.

Nowadays, the flowers have grown a lot, and it is inconvenient to hold them!

"Bad sorrow, if you let my uncle give us a beautiful bed, we will call you a good father!"

The flower said that Wang Xian’s neck relatives said.

"Then you call a good father first, I will let my uncle give you a beautiful wooden bed!"

"Wang Xian said with a smile.

"No, no, swearing first, we are called!"

"First call in the editor!"

"No, first edit again!"

Wang Xian and the flowers clamored into the room.

After giving them a hearty dinner, Wang Xian took them into the room.

I saw a branch through the window and gave them a very good wooden bed for two little guys!

"Take it to you!"

Looking at the flowers, the children were happy to jump on the bed, Wang Xian said to the Yao woman on the side.

"It is the Dragon King!"

Yao woman nodded respectfully and watched Wang Xian leave.

She looked at the bed that turned into a bed and the two little guys on the bed, and the eyes flickered.

"Another god!"

In her heart, she looked at her hands and watched the two little princesses begin to sleep.

Finally, she began to practice by holding the gods.

She also understands that this treasure in her hand, let her practice, is a hint of grace for her!

In the past, because of fear, she now feels very grateful.

This may be a huge opportunity for yourself.

"Dragon King, Song Lao Xue Lao Qin Lao and Wei Jia's several people are coming!"

Just as Wang Xian had just walked out of the two little princess rooms, the magic blue dragon came in.


Wang Xian glimpsed and immediately went down.

"Dragon King!"

When Wang Xian came in, everyone stood up!

"Qin Lao Xue Lao Lijie, Song Lao, you sit, don't be so polite!"

Wang Xian smiled at them and sat on the sofa in front!

"Dragon King, what happened today doesn't know if you heard?"

Song Lao asked to ask Wang Xian.

"Oh? What's the matter? Is the person in Lingxiaobao Temple down on a large scale?"

Wang Xian looked at them and raised a brow.

"Yes, the Dragon King, according to the news we got and the news on the Internet, the gods of Ling Xiaobao Temple ordered millions of disciples from Lingxiaobao Temple to come down!"

"All disciples of Lingxiaobao Temple can build power, create a college, occupy the ancient mountains of the mountains, and now around the 20 ancient places, all occupied by the disciples of Lingxiaobao!"

"Even today, there is a battle between the Son of God and Tianjiao, and many deaths and injuries!"

Song Lao reported to Wang Xianhui.

"We also have the disciples of Lingxiaobao Temple in Jiangcheng here?"

Wang Xian looked at Song Lao and picked a brow.

"Yes, although there are no treasures in the ancient land of Jiangcheng, because of the proximity to a dark ancient land, there are already disciples of Lingxiaobao Temple to find us in Song Dynasty!"

"At present, in the dark ancient land, there are already enchanting evil spirits coming out of the city into the city. If there is no strong power to guard, the arrival of the disciples of Lingxiaobao Temple is not a bad thing!"

Song Lao replied.

"What do you say to the disciples of Ling Xiao Bao Dian?"

Wang Xian looked at Song Lao and gently knocked the sofa on the side.

"The disciples of Lingxiaobao Temple who came to our Song family have a semi-deity, but they belong to a team of gods. This **** son founded the palm of heaven and established the palm school. Jiangcheng is the range they want to occupy. one!"

"All young people can enter the palm school to learn, talented people, will enter the palm of heaven!"

Song Lao reported to him one by one!

"There are indeed monsters in the dark ancient land that are going to move. Lingxiaobao Temple wants to establish them in Jiangcheng, even if it is to pay for some items. After all, they occupy Jiangcheng, they are responsible for the attack of those monsters!"

Wang Xian said directly to Song Lao.

Wang Xian came back to Earth this time and rebuilt the Sea Dragon Palace in the Earth's oceans in the future. In the city, he is not ready to dominate.

He also didn't have much time to get rid of the demon, as long as the people in the Lingbao Hall didn't provoke him, or he didn't make things that angered people, he wouldn't care!

"It is the Dragon King!"

Song Lao, they nodded slightly.

They also know about Wang Xian. When the Dragon King pressed the whole earth and did not dominate it on land, they are not surprised by this attitude.

"You build a place by the sea and transfer your family to this side. After a few days, the array here can be arranged!"

Wang Xian said to them!

"Thank you Dragon King!"

Song Lao, they all nodded and excited.

Living on the side of the Dragon King, not to mention the other, no matter how the earth changes, how the outside world is chaotic, they are safe!

"Then we will leave now!"

After chatting for a while, everyone said goodbye.

Wang Xian took out his mobile phone and looked at some of the conditions of the earth today!

"The disciples of Ling Xiaobao Temple are coming, the pattern changes!"

"A group of gods occupy the mountain to establish their own power, Megatron!"

"The disciples of Lingxiaobao Temple enter the city, sit in the city, guard the party!"

"The Shenfeng Group's mysterious big and small shots, seriously hurt Ling Xiao Bao Dian Feng Shen list strong, shocked the world!"

A variety of information kept appearing, Wang Xian looked at it, then shut down the phone!

Let the earth change, as long as you don't provoke him, everything is easy to say!

(End of this chapter)

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