Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1888: Xiao Ran's Dragon Gate 4

Chapter 1888 Xiaoran's Dragon Gate 4

The wind is rising!

Xiao Ran leads a group of people, and is far away from Zhou Tian and his party!

The surrounding atmosphere began to solidify.

Zhou Tian and the disciples of Ling Xiao Bao Dian behind him, his face showed a gloomy color.

In particular, I saw a few families in Jiangcheng standing directly behind Xiao Ran, and his face was extremely embarrassing.

"In the ancient earth, standing in a wrong position, it will be full of copying, you can know!"

Zhou Tian was coldly staring at the Song family, Xuejia Qin family, and the murderous tone in the tone did not add any cover.

"Xiao Ran, you are sure to provoke me to teach in heaven, don't think that there is a spirit, we will not dare to treat you!"

He was stunned by the scan of Xiao Ran and threatened.

"Haha, Zhou Tian, ​​since I dare to compete with you for Jiangcheng, you think, I will be afraid of you!"

Xiao Ran heard his threat and laughed.


His voice just fell, and a fiery flame began to rise above his sky, and the entire sky was covered with flames.


Feeling the momentum of Xiao Ran, the pupils of Zhou Tian shrunk slightly, and the momentum on his body was equally shocked.

A touch of Jin Mang rushed from behind him, and also covered another sky.

The powerful power of the two men shrouded the entire city.

"Semi-God first-order? When did you advance to the semi-god!"

Zhou Tian’s eyes stared at Xiao Ran and whispered in a low voice.

"you do not need to know!"

Xiao Ran’s body slowly floated into the sky, and the two were far away from each other!


"With one of you, you want to be an enemy of our entire palm-day teaching!"

Behind Zhou Tian, ​​the momentum of a middle-aged young man is also a shock, and the breath of a strong member of the stock hole is released.

"Haha, of course, there are some families in Jiangcheng. It was not as strong as the Dragon King to suppress us!"

"You just want a sect that just formed to drive us?"

The momentum of Song Lao’s body is also completely exuded. A breath that belongs to the strong peak of the cave is directly rising from the sky.

At the same time, by his side, his granddaughter Song Hanshuang also broke out the strength of the hole.

In the back of Song Hanyu, the strength is not weak.

"What? How is this possible? The Song family actually hides the strength, and the strength of the woman of Song Lao and Song Jia is so strong!"

"Oh, my god, Song Hanyu is not the strongest in the Song family, the Song family actually hides so deep!"

"Another woman of the Song family does not have the strength to be comparable to the **** of heaven and earth!"

When the strength of the Song family was completely erupted, all the faces of Jiangcheng were shocked.

They stared at the Song family in an incredible way.

This strength, before the disciples of Lingxiaobao Temple did not come, can also rank in the top five on the earth!

"This...the little Jiangcheng, there is such a strong family!"

A few of the holes in the back of Zhou Tian’s face were slightly changed, and their faces showed a dignified look!

"Sunday, Jiangcheng, is ours!"

Ji Lingyi raised his head slightly and said to smile on Sunday.

The strength they have shown so far has already made Zhou Tian jealous.

Even the whole palm of the sky, the taboo!

Even if it is placed in the power of the disciples of Lingxiaobao Temple, it is also able to rank the number!

"Well, I really didn't think that the little Jiangcheng had such a strong one!"

On Sunday, I saw the strength of Xiao Ran and the Song family, and his face was gloomy.

Jiangcheng, just a small city, for a small Jiangcheng to attract such a strong enemy, does not meet the development of the palm of the sky!

"This time, I wrote down, Xiaoran, we are coming to Japan!"

Zhou Tian shook his fist.


He snorted and snorted, and turned to fly away.

"Four Gods fourth god, don't be so anxious, I am stunned, and want to challenge you!"

Just at the moment when Zhou Tiangang turned around, Xiao Ran’s voice sounded.

Xiao Ran figured up and flew a few kilometers to the sky, staring at Zhou Tian!

"Come on!"

His face is full of fighting martyrdom.

"Haha, hahaha, Xiaoran, are you trying to beat me to become famous?"

"I admit that it is very good for you to cultivate a semi-god first-order, but you challenge me!"

Zhou Tian suddenly turned around, a handle and a sword suspended around him.

At his feet, a golden giant with a length of ten meters and a width of three meters appeared.

The giant sword exudes a sharp edge.

Far away, you can sense a powerful sharp!

"Haha, fight!"

Xiao Ran looked at Zhou Tian and turned around. He also laughed and raised his hands. A flame mountain appeared directly above his own.

The flame mountain peaks of up to twenty or thirty kilometers appear out of thin air, and can be seen clearly in a few hundred kilometers!

"Today, I will teach you a good meal and let you know the strength of my Sunday!"

I saw the huge flame mountain peak on Sunday and narrowed my eyes.


He sighed softly, and the 10-meter long sword under him rushed straight away, turning into a tens of meters at a horrible speed.

A touch of gold mans across the sky!

"Fire Peak!"

Xiao Ran held a huge mountain of flames in his hands and went straight to the golden sword.

At the same time, he caught the void and a group of fire clouds appeared in the void in front.

With a wave of his arm, he instantly shrouded toward the sun.


The fire peak collided with the sharp sword, and the entire fire peak exploded directly.

The tens of thousands of meters of swords, in the explosion, also directly dissipated!

"Fast fire release speed!"

On Sunday, I saw the fire cloud attack, and there was a trace of surprise in my eyes. I glanced at the flaming mountain peak of the explosion, and the palm of my hand stretched out. A golden dart appeared in my hand.

The darts are slap-sized and emit a horrible glow!

"Zero point!"

With a wave of his arm, the darts carried the ray of light and attacked directly toward the group of fire clouds.


The darts penetrated into a cloud of fire and continued to attack toward Xiaoran.

"Control, flame meteorite!"

Looking at the darts that came to attack him, Xiao Ran’s face did not waver.

The rock that had just exploded in the air had turned into a meteorite, and he waved his hands.

The flaming meteorites that cover a few dozen kilometers are directly swept away toward the sun.

"Damn, what control is this, even able to wave the attack that was smashed!"

Seeing that countless flames of meteorites covered him, his pupils shrank slightly and his face slowly embarrassed!

"This... is this the battle of the semi-god strong?"

"Hey, the dragon king's apprentice is so strong that he can compete with the Son of God!"

"Too horror, this destructive power, a half **** wants to destroy a city, it's too easy!"

In the position below, Jiangcheng everyone looked at the battle in the sky, and his face was shocked.

The battle of the demigod level is frightening.

Wang Xian stood underneath and took two hoes and looked at him faintly.

For more than ten years, my own apprentice, inheriting his position in Jiangcheng, is not bad!

Once here was his start, and today I hope that Xiaoran will start!

(End of this chapter)

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