Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1891: Shenshan glare on the shadow of the Kowloon

Chapter 1891 God Mountain Shining on the Shadow of Kowloon

"What? Disaster?"

Xiaoran heard the words of Wang Xian, and suddenly stood up, his eyes showing a shocking look.

He looked at the ocean in front of him and his face changed slightly.

"According to the history books, there is an ancient evil force in the starry sky where the earth is located. They summoned a group of evil creatures through the formation method, causing the whole star field to be conquered!"

"The whole star field has erupted with terrible battles. Once the earth was beaten and divided, thousands of gods fell, the whole star field became a ruin, and only a few people escaped!"

"This dark demon creature should be the evil creature that remains!"

Ji Ling’s face showed a dignified look, and the crystal at the eyebrows shone with luster.

"Yu Xingmu, you are here to protect the flowers and children, Qi Tianjian sword, we have a look!"

Wang Xian did not say much, his body shape was shocked and disappeared instantly.

"Xiao Ran, we immediately informed the entire Jiangcheng, even if there are thousands of evil spirits entering the city, it is not something ordinary people can resist!"

Ji Lingyi immediately said to Xiao Ran.


Xiao Ran’s face changed slightly and he nodded immediately.

"The demon invasion, Jiangcheng everyone is careful, all members of the Longmen Academy, immediately go to the beach to defend!"

Xiao Ran floated into the sky, sounding through the entire city!

"What? What happened?"

"Is it the voice of President Xiao, the evil spirits invasion? Is there a evil spirit to enter our Jiangcheng?"

At this moment, the entire face of Jiangcheng has changed slightly.

Demon and enchanting evil spirits enter the city to harm all beings, and everyone has seen it on the Internet.

Although Jiangcheng has not invaded the evil spirits, everyone is not sure whether the evil spirits will come in.

"There are no strong problems with the guards of the Longmen Academy. They should not have problems, they should not!"

Some people prayed in horror.


When Wang Xian appeared in the dark ancient land in the ocean hundreds of kilometers away, he heard a scream of madness.

The voice is full of tyranny, definitely not the ordinary monster can send.

A monster, flew out of the darkness and climbed out.

Their **** red eyes stared at the surroundings.

There are seven or eight kinds of monsters, some of which are like enlarged flies, and the body is full of sharp weapons.

Some are similar to the demon gods who attacked the Lingxiaobao Temple.

Some are like insects, and they look slim and dark.

There are also some **** red eyes on the body, which looks very infiltrating.

They come out of the dark ancient land, some enter the sea and some fly into the sky.

Densely dense, at least tens of millions, the strength from the extraordinary realm to the semi-god realm, there are!

Wang Xian stared at the dark ancient land, and the yin and yang five elements of dragons could not see through them.

However, he knows that there is at least one demon **** that can rival two gods!

"I don't know what's inside!"

Wang Xian frowned slightly and his eyes swept around.

Under his induction, this moment, not only the creatures in this dark ancient land rushed out, but also the creatures in other dark ancient places rushed out.

Among them, there are tens of millions of creatures in the dark ancient land, rushing toward the Lingxiao Hall.

"The Heavenly Soldiers will kill this evil spirit!"

The icy voice came from over the Lingxiao Hall.

The densely-knit 100,000 Heavenly Soldiers will hold long rifles, and a group of people stand on the clouds and go to the evil spirits.

"Ling Xiao Bao Dian was attacked. If there is no Tianbing Day to resist in other places, it will be easily destroyed!"

Wang Xian frowned slightly!

"Do you want to let go of the evil spirits above the level of the gods!"

Wang Xian immediately said that with a wave of his arm, the five lines of great grinding appeared under his body and they were pressed toward the lower position.


Seeing the sudden emergence of the horrible five-line grinding, the monsters below angered the arrogance.

For a time, millions of monsters stared at Wang Xian, whether it was an extraordinary situation, or a virtual environment, or a semi-god, and they went to the five elements.

"What kind of monster is this, so violent!"

Wang Xian was slightly surprised, and the five elements of the big mill slowly rotated.


An annihilated energy grinding disc slowly rotates downwards.

All the evil spirits, under the energy grinding disc, directly crushed into flesh and blood.

In an instant, the million demon evils are completely transformed into blood.

Wang Xian’s arm waved, and the shadow of Shenying’s godland floated behind him, and all the blood and water directly entered the **** god goddom.

"Oh la la!"

In the Dragon Pool of the Dragon Palace, on the dragon head of the nine dragon pillars, a dragon blood flowed into the dragon pool.



Suddenly, there was a loud and terrifying sound in the darkness of the ancient land.

The sound covered the entire earth in an instant.

In the dark ancient land, there are several pairs of huge incomparable eyes.

A few pairs of eyes, staring at Wang Xianyu sword and Qi Qitian three of them!

"God is evil!"

Wang Xian looked at his eyes, and his eyes showed a dignified color. The yin and yang five elements were staring coldly.

Qi Jian and Qi Qitian are also staring at them coldly.

Wang Xian, three of them and the demon beasts in the dark ancient land quietly look at each other.

They did not attack, and Wang Xian did not dare to rush in.

After a few minutes, the eyes disappeared.

There is no movement in the dark ancient land below, and there is no sinister evil.


At this time, the dark light of the dark ancient land flashed down, and some evil spirits were directly brought to all directions by the light!

"Well? I sent the evil spirits directly!"

Wang Xian frowned slightly.

"Can't stop, go back to Zhenjiang!"

In his heart, he came back to the villa at the seaside of Jiangcheng.

When he arrived, at the seaside location, Xiao Ran led a group of disciples of Longmen College to guard.

The entire river city is brightly lit!

"If there are enchantings that are beyond their strength, you can shoot with your sword!"

Wang Xian stood on the villa, his eyes flashing toward several positions, and said to the sword.

"It is the Dragon King!"

Yan Jian nodded.

"The horrible whistle came from the front, everyone is careful!"

"There are a few black shadows flying in front of you, be prepared!"

Around the coast, Xiao Ran led a group of gantry college strong people staring at the ocean in front, shouting loudly!

At the time, Wang Xian only killed millions of monsters, and there were many fish that slipped through the net and the evil spirits that were transmitted from the darkness!

These evil spirits attacked, Jiangcheng if there is no strong person sitting in the town, must be destroyed.

At the same time, in other locations, in the rest of the dark ancient land, there is no such strong person as Wang Xian to go to suppress, and a myriad of monsters attacked toward the place where humans gather.

It was shocking to everyone, and even when the disciples of Lingxiaobao Temple were desperate, the change happened!

That part of the mountain, began to show light!

Nine places in the East, there is a shadow of Kowloon!

(End of this chapter)

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