Chapter 1908, under conflict

"Don't bother our Longmen College students' enlightenment!"

Ye Chen’s eyes swept all the people in the school, and said coldly.

Twenty students from the elite class glanced at everyone around them.

Their two little princesses are enlightened, and this makes them wrong, and their hearts are also admirable.

It seems that the two little princesses can reach the third level of the demigod at a young age. There is no reason.

"If you don't want us to bother, just talk!"

When the door of the nine sons heard Ye Chen’s words, his face showed a hint of indifference, and the voice was introduced into the ears of Ye Chen.

They frowned slightly and their eyes fell on the door of the son of the nine sons!

"That is?"

When they saw their face, the heart shook a little, and the face was shocked!

"Minister Nine is sorry, our two students are enlightened!"

Ye Chen, they recognized the identity of the door nine sons, and said with respect and respect!

"Ha ha!"

The door nine sons smiled disdainfully!

"That is the dean of the Mencius Institute? Hey, this is the son of the pyramid god!"

"Menjiu College, Son of God!"

Everyone around them heard Ye Chen’s respectful words, and his eyes looked shocked.

"It’s just two little gimmicks, but unfortunately, this age is a little early!"

The old man beside the door of the son of the nine sons swept the flowers and the children, shook his head slightly!

"Yes, the deputy dean, if they are the epiphany of the elite students of the Longmen Academy, we may have to be serious, two little gimmicks, and the air is good!"

"But tomorrow, our nine colleges can still easily suppress Longmen College!"

A member of the Menjiu College said with a smile, a pair did not put Longmen College in the eyes!

"Oh, that's not necessarily, tomorrow's battle, we don't need our two little princesses to shoot, we can also suppress you!"

Ma just heard their words and snorted!

In the face of the provocation of the Mencius Institute, even if the door is not here, they can not weaken the prestige of the Longmen Academy!

"Two little princesses?"

When the door of the nine sons heard his words, he raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the two little gimmicks of the epiphany.

Several middle-aged people next to him are also looking at the past


At this moment, an imposing manner emerged from the body of the flower, and swept away!

"A strong momentum, is it that the two two males have broken through!"

Ye Chen, their group of people looked at their eyes quickly, and their faces were full of surprises.

"What? This momentum?"

The door of the nine sons and a few college strongmen next to his face, Mega Shock, his eyes full of shock.

"My God, this momentum is so strong, even if it is a convergence, it is still so terrible, how can the strength of the two little girls be so strong?"

"Is it because of the epiphany? The horrible momentum, this momentum, can rival some of the arrogant sons?"

"Hey, the two young students of the Longmen Academy are so powerful, this Longmen Academy is going to be against the sky. The first time this big ratio is basically stable!"

Everyone around them feels the breath of flowers and flowers, and the face has a shocking look, and they talk about it!


When the door nine sons heard the words around, they saw the strength of two such young students at Longmen College, and their faces slowly gloomy.

He snorted, everyone trembled in his heart, and the heart seemed to stop!


All the people around him turned pale in an instant, and even Yao women changed their faces.


The Yao woman stared at the door of the nine sons, and her face showed a dignified look!

Everyone around him was also afraid to look at the door to the nine sons, and did not understand why he suddenly became so angry.

"Yeah, even interrupted, actually interrupted the picture in our mind!"

Just then, the flowers were slightly angry and heard!

Cai Er also recovered from the picture, full of anger staring at the door nine sons!

"It was interrupted!"

Everyone around saw two little gimmicks awaken, his face changed slightly!

"You interrupted us, you hateful guy!"

Cai's little face is a little cold, and the body exudes a faint majesty!

"I do what I want to do, I don't need a little girl to ask, you are not qualified, hehe!"

The door nine sons said coldly!

"Good hegemony!"

Everyone heard the words of the door nine sons, and the heart was a little stunned!

"Minister Nine, I didn't expect you to do such a thing. Hey, are you looking at the strength of our two little princesses, and your nine colleges are not rivals?"

"Is it necessary to interrupt their epiphany in this way?"

Ye Chen, they heard the words of the door nine sons, and asked directly about the embarrassing face.

"Afraid of you? Our nine colleges will be afraid of you, huh, huh!"

A group of students from Menjiu College heard Ye Chen’s words and stood up directly, saying with disdain!

"You guys are bad guys, there is no good thing!"

The flowers stared at them, their eyes flashing with anger!

"Little girl, talk and pay attention!"

A female student at Menjiu College said coldly to her!

"You guys, just fight!"

The flower glanced at the girl and continued.

"Oh, it’s really demeaning to get rid of people, and the disciples of your nine colleges are also rubbish!"

Ma Cai stood beside the flower and said directly!

"I see you are looking for death!"

All the students of Menjiu College heard his words and their faces were cold.

For a time, the entire Shentai Peak has solidified!

"Looking for death? Dean of the door nine, dare to let the elite students of your college and us fight!"

Ye Chenyin said with a calm face directly toward the door of the nine sons.

"You guys, bastard, fight, today I have to teach you a good job!"

The flowers also waved their arms, and a whip appeared in their hands, and they licked!

"How do you know the door of the nine directors, we will discuss with the students of your nine colleges, your college tutor will not shoot, hehe!"

He Xiaowei also stood up and said directly to the door of the nine sons.

"This... the elite students of Longmen College have to challenge the Menjiu College here, my days, but tomorrow, they are today..."

"I have to say that one of the students at Longmen College is very domineering. Although the strong arrogance of the door is interrupted by the students of Longmen College, but if he disagrees today, it is estimated that the Menji Academy will have a bad reputation!"

A group of people on the Shentai Peak saw a strong Longmen College student, full of surprise.

A group of elite students at Longmen College will directly teach the students of the Mencius Institute. Under this circumstance, the Menjiu College will not dare to fight, and it will be a shame!

"You, the college is held tomorrow, this is the place of my protoss, no one can fight in our territory!"

At this time, Shen Yuanwu, standing next to the door of the son of the nine, frowned and saw this scene, directly said!

"you shut up!"

However, his voice just fell, and the child screamed coldly at him.

Lovely and beautiful face, with unprecedented majesty!

(End of this chapter)

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