Chapter 1920, God

The sky and yellow sand form a world.

The huge pyramid is standing in the middle of the world.

The pyramid is up to 10,000 meters and exudes a faint radiance.

Above the pyramid, a woman with exuberance stood at the top.

The hot figure, holding a cloth strip in the palm of the hand, this is the weapon of the pyramid gods, shroud.

At this time, the Aman **** was full of violent and arrogant.

In the position behind him, the yellow sand condenses into three tornadoes, emitting the pressure of infinite horror.

This is the power of the gods!

This scene shocked everyone, and even the gods of Lingxiaobao and several other forces also noticed the movement here.

One by one, the gods looked over here, and the eyes were full of amazing looks.

"too horrible!"

"When can I become a god, not a **** for the gods, in the face of the gods, we are as weak as ants!"

Everyone looked at the Aman **** who came from the world, and his face looked awe.

"You dare to kill the son of the god, you are a mortal, I want to suppress you in the pyramid, I will refine you and your loved ones into mummies!"

Aman's gaze stared at Wang Xian, and screamed.

With her savage, she felt the anger of her yellow sand around her, like boiling water!

A group of yellow sand began to condense, a humanoid monster formed, and flew directly toward Wang Xian.

The horrible momentum, the scene that covers the sky, makes everyone within a hundred kilometers of the square tremble.

"Scorpio, is this the end of angering God?"

"This... is this the Dragon King can resist? This is not a manpower to compete!"

At this moment, when the Aman gods pressed the whole space, the group of middle-aged people before the live broadcast could feel the suffocating momentum even if they were across the screen.

Some of their hearts are shaken, in front of this power, the Dragon King can block!

Dragon King, it is not yet a god!

"Repress me? Haha!"

At this moment, Wang Xian looked at the Aman **** who wanted to judge himself, and his face also showed a violent look.

"Your son is hurting me, even if you don't come to me, I will kill you!"

He laughed wildly, his momentum began to climb, an invincible situation condensed, staring coldly at Aman.

Wang Xian's slightly open mouth, the five elements of the big mill slowly flew out and became bigger.


The humanoid monster condensed by the yellow sand makes a roaring roar!

"Touch and touch!"

The five rows of large mills became 100 meters in size, directly hitting them and defeating them.


After the five elements of the big mill defeated the humanoid creatures that had formed the yellow sand, they flew over the sky above Wang Xian and suddenly became bigger again.

A five-row mill of 50 kilometers in a room blocks a sky.

The entire Huashan sky was completely covered, and the whole world was suddenly dark!


Wang Xian stared at the Aman god, and his face showed a hint of coldness.

Gently wave your hands.


On the top of the five-line grind, a five-line dragon roared.

The huge five-row big mill rotates, exuding the annihilation, and attacking directly toward the Aman god!


The Aman gods felt the threat of the five elements of the big mill, and the face changed instantly.

Her high face was full of judgment and anger, revealing a dignified look.

"The Spear of the Golden Word!"

She screamed and waved her hand. The khaki energy around the 100-kilometer range instantly condensed into a spear of a dozen kilometers.

The spear seems to be able to shoot the sun above the sky, directly hitting the five-row big mill.

"My God, what is the situation at that time? The strength of the Dragon King, this..."

"This... Is this vying with the gods? The Dragon King is a native of the Earth and can compete with the gods of the pyramid!"

"Some people say that the gods are the masters, and the gods of the heavens are the protagonists. Now... what is the dragon king? This... against the gods!"

At this moment, when everyone saw the Dragon King and the gods, everyone on the whole earth boiled.

The Dragon King is a man of the earth, and he has the strength to confront the gods.

On earth, is there anyone who can compete with the gods?


The golden spear and the sound of the five rows of big grinds sounded, and the yellow sand of the sky trembled, and a trace of silk fell down.

The golden spears began to collapse, and the five elements of the mill continued to suppress toward the Aman gods.

"How is this possible? You are a mortal, you obviously have not ignited the fire, how could it be so strong?"

A shocking voice emanated from the mouth of Aman, her eyes wide open, staring at the huge five-row big mill.

Especially in the five elements of the big mill, five dragons in the sky, exudes the energy that makes her heart.

"Destroy, time is long!"

Wang Xian’s arm waved, and the five elements revolved. A river appeared out of thin air and flowed toward the western sky.

In the gray annihilation of the long river, there is a blue-colored swordfish.

This is the weapon that absorbed the Tianfeng Tianjiao in the Five Elements.

That treasure, the level has approached the gods, and after being absorbed by the five elements, it can now be released.

The difference is that the sword of the handle is turned into a swordfish that annihilates the river for a long time!

Even if she can withstand the melting of time and long river, I am afraid to fall into the mouth of this swordfish.

When the annihilation time flows out of the river, everyone can see a gray river in the sky below.

The Tianhe River is a hundred kilometers long and a dozen kilometers wide. The fierce swordfish swim inside!


"The Dragon King is absolutely impossible to be a mortal. This kind of attack is absolutely capable of being released by a strong god, absolutely!"

"Dragon King, who is it!"

In the position below, everyone is shaking, whether it is the power, or the scope, the attack of the Dragon King, not the difference between the Bianman gods.

Even from the beginning, the Dragon King suppressed the Aman god!

"The gods shrouded the corpse and ruined all the gods!"

Yaman saw the long river that swept toward him, and the pupils shrank slightly.

The shroud in her hand was swung out and turned into a tens of kilometers of khaki strips.

The cloth strip is full of a scent of burial.


When the shroud of the gods collides with the long river, it makes a torrential sound.

The tens of kilometers of white strips are stirred in the long river of hundreds of kilometers. This scene is shocking!


At this moment, the blue-colored swordfish in the long river suddenly jumped up and slid toward the shroud of the gods.

Their sharp swords go straight through the shroud.

However, the place where the shroud was penetrated, recovered at a terrible speed!

This is the artifact, the real artifact!

(End of this chapter)

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