Chapter 1922, Under the Gods

"The soil is a **** country, just right!"

When Wang Xianlong’s claws directly held the Kingdom of God, a slight evaluation was made.

Now the promotion of the Dragon Palace requires nine attributes of the Kingdom of God. Now the dark attributes, fire attributes and metality have been combined. Plus this soil attribute, there are still five differences!


When Wang Xian’s dragon claws held the kingdom of God, the whole country shook, and the mummies around the kingdom of God died directly.

Even if there is no death, there is no trace of the attack on the dragon claws.

Now the strength of Wang Xian can rival the **** of Sanshen, if not for him to try the power of the five elements today, he can instantly a second man!

"What, no..."

Yaman looked at his own kingdom of God and was directly held, his body violently shocked, and his eyes were amazed!

"How is this possible, with the horrible claws, directly seize the godland of the gods!"

"My God, is this the Dragon King?"

Everyone looked at this scene and instantly opened his eyes, full of incredible looks.

That pays attention to the gods here, and the face is also shocking.


When Wang Xianlong’s claws were caught, the whole country began to transform.

A scream came out of the land of God, and in the interior of the kingdom of the country, the mummies and the hands of Aman, a desperate scream.

In the center of Wang Xian’s dragon claws, there is a shadow of the shadow dragon country, slowly swallowing the entire pyramid directly!

"Oh la la!"

When the pyramid was absorbed by the Shenying Dragon Country, the location of the Dragon Palace, inside the Dragon Pool, the nine dragons slowly flowed a lot of blood.

The resources of the whole God are entered into the Dragon Palace.


At the moment when the kingdom of God was destroyed, the face of Aman’s **** showed pain and horror.

The kingdom of God is a particularly important part of a god.

He did not support the kingdom of God and could not be called God. He was a source of strength for God.

The destruction of the kingdom of God, the combat power of this **** will be directly reduced by half, and even more.

"Go see your son!"

Wang Xian’s face showed a cold look, and her body shape moved toward her attack.

"No, Scoo, save me!"

Aman’s face was panicked and immediately shouted to the other gods of the pyramid.


Far thousands of kilometers away, faintly watching the pyramid gods of this battle, seeing this scene is also a slight change in face.

They thought that Aman would kill a mortal who did not ignite the fire.

Even if they saw each other's artifacts, they didn't have any worries.

However, in a moment, the kingdom of Aman was destroyed and even caught in a crisis.

"Dragon King, give me a hand!"

A **** of the pyramids screamed and passed from a thousand miles away, and the whole person moved in from this side.

"What is the Dragon King doing, is it blasphemy?"

"This...the gods of the pyramids are coming!"

Before the live broadcast, when everyone at the bottom of Mount Huashan looked at the mighty dragon king and heard the other god's voice in the pyramid, he opened his mouth slightly!

The strength of the Dragon King has made them all shocked.


Wang Xian did not seem to hear the sound, the Aman **** locked by the dragon claws, directly grabbed her.

The kingdom of God was forced to suffer, and her face was pale and she quickly went to hide.

However, at this time, their speed has dropped to more than half.

In the face of Wang Xian, an attack that can rival the three gods of fire and fire, there is absolutely no resistance at all.


The dragon claws will cover Aman. She looks at the annihilation of the huge dragon claws, and her face is full of unwillingness and despair!

"Do not!"

The last sound is heard, the dragon claws are closed!


At this moment, the position of the West, a flood of torrents came toward Wang Xian.

Above the torrent, standing on a stalwart middle age!

Another **** of the pyramid!


The middle-aged screams, the flood is moving toward Wang Xian.


Wang Xianlong’s claws waved, and the energy of an annihilation rushed straight up.

The two horrible energy collided in the air and slowly dissipated.

He looked at the middle age coldly and absorbed the body of Aman directly into the Dragon Palace.


Just as the body of Yaman was absorbed, the whole world trembled.

Heaven and earth sorrow!

"You... you killed Aman!"

The middle-aged man was staring at Wang Xian with murderousness and whispered.

"How about killing?"

Wang Xian is suspended in the sky, staring blankly at the pyramid of the god!

"Oh la la!"

At this moment, the position of the sky, the shroud saw the owner's murder, and made a sigh.

Without the blessing of the Amanian Kingdom, the strength of the shroud has been reduced a lot!


The five rows of large mills rotate, and the gray chains are wound directly over the shroud, slowly pressing toward it.


At this time, the western horizon, once again flying over a stalwart figure.

Two figures were shrouded in khaki energy.

A strong momentum of power locks Wang Xian.

The five gods of the pyramid are all coming!

"Hey ~ Dragon King actually killed a god!"

"All the gods of the pyramids are coming, Scorpio, are they going to besiege the Dragon King!"

"If the other five gods of the pyramid kill the dragon king, it is estimated that the dragon king will fall!"

"Look, the Dragon King is so calm, facing the five gods of the pyramids, and there is no change in color!"

At this moment, when the Aman **** was strangled by the Dragon King, when all the gods of the pyramid came together, everyone took a breath!

They looked at the mighty dragon king, and their hearts were very shocking.

Even if it is facing five gods, still one sentence, how about killing?

One person faces five gods and does not move!

"It's so strong, even so strong to kill Aman, his strength, it should be comparable to the gods of the two gods, this ... a mortal who did not ignite the fire, how can it be so strong!"

"Does he have any blood, or a strong constitution?"

All the gods watching around see this scene, and it is also the heart of Megatron!

The sky above the top of Mount Huashan, the atmosphere instantly dignified.

Around, the voice of the sorrows of the heavens and the earth continued to ring in the square, and the gods of the five pyramids stared at Wang Xian.

Wang Xian looked at them indifferently, five gods, the strongest of the three ignited fire.

He is not afraid!

Even with the strength of the Dragon Palace, the five gods of the pyramid can be destroyed!


Just then, the position of the north suddenly sounded like a dragon.

"Ha ha ha, dragon soul, dragon soul!"

A screaming voice came, making the dignified atmosphere a little glimpse.

In the north, the shadow of a dragon soul, straight into the sky, in the center of the dragon soul, standing a young man who exudes dark evil!

"Well? Dragon Soul?"

The five gods of the pyramid were attracted by the dragon soul, and the eyes were hot!

"I am jealous of him later!"

A middle-aged figure shocked and rushed directly toward the dragon soul.

In addition, several pyramid gods, eyes flashing, are also flying directly toward the dragon soul.

Compared to the revenge of Aman, which is not very deep in relationship, it is clear that the Dragon Soul is more important in their hearts.

Moreover, the strength of this dragon king should be comparable to the gods of the two gods, and also have artifacts, not so easy to kill!

For the revenge of Aman, have a chance to say it again!

(End of this chapter)

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