Chapter 1928, under the Dragon King

what happened?

The more than fifty people who were screamed by Wang Xian were slightly stunned, and their faces were instantly embarrassed.

Several of them have changed slightly!

"Dragon King, we have been loyal to Longmen College. Why do we kick us out, what have we done wrong?"

A young man stood up straight and asked his face to change toward Wang Xian.


Wang Xian did not look at the young man and said to Xiaoran.

"It's a master!"

Xiao Ran nodded and gestured to the students and disciples of Longmen College.

"Dragon King, we..."


In the rear position, the young man saw Wang Xian did not pay attention to him, his face changed slightly.

However, his words have not been finished, and a sharp sword instantly penetrates his body.


The young man’s body immediately froze, his eyes wide open, full of incredible looks.


The golden sword was slightly shocked, and his entire body dissipated directly.

"This this..."

In the rear position, more than 50 people saw the youth's moments of gray smoke, and the pupils shrank slightly and trembled.

Some of them looked at each other and quickly fled in the distance.


"Dragon King, is this?"

The members of Longmen College were slightly surprised and filled with doubts!

"Some people, unfaithful in their hearts, have other purposes!"

Wang Xian faintly said to Xiao Ran.

He has the light and dark heart, can see whether some people are loyal, and those who have dissent, he can see it at a glance.

However, he did not explain to those people and did not have to explain.

"Thank you Master!"

Xiaoran heard the words of Wang Xian and immediately said gratefully.

He has no doubts about his master.

Moreover, his master will not target the fifty people who have not seen it for no reason.

A group of disciples in the rear Longmen Academy did not need Wang Xian to explain to them. A group of people whispered that the Dragon King might see that the group of people intended to be derailed, so they would be expelled.

In this regard, more than a thousand people at Longmen College nodded in agreement.

The strong, sometimes do things, do not need to explain, there will be someone to help explain.

"How did your girlfriend Ji Lingqi not come?"

Wang Xian asked Xiaoran faintly.

"Master, she has some things, go back to Ling Xiao Bao Temple!"

Xiao Ran said with a reddish face.

"Ha ha!"

Wang Xian smiled and the group of people quickly walked toward the nearest dark ancient land.

The dark ancient land in the ocean is only a few hundred kilometers away from Wang Xian, which is not very far from them.

Ten minutes later, more than a thousand people quickly approached.

Around the dark ancient land, there is a singular demon.

When they saw Wang Xian, when everyone approached, they madly attacked here.

"Hey~ In the surrounding position, there are a lot of demon spirits in the semi-god level. If we come over, it is completely dead!"

"Is this the cave of the dark ancient land? It is so horrible, there is a heart-rending power coming!"

A group of disciples and students at Longmen College saw the position in front of them and took a deep breath of cold air, and their eyes were full of fear.

Located above an island, a black hole that can't be seen in the dark, the dark energy at the hole overflows from the inside, making the square a few kilometers dark.

From time to time, there are sly demons that climb out from inside.

From the extraordinary level to the demigod level.


Without the command of Wang Xian, behind the position, the two members of the Devil War Department slammed and rushed out.

"Touch and touch!"

The two magic monkeys also exudes violent and incomparable dark energy. They hold the weapons of the demigods in their hands and go straight to the evil spirits.

"Touch and touch!"

A stick, a half-god-level monster was killed directly.

The horror of the horror, the power of violent, trembled around the demon body.

"Oh, it’s so strong, is that the dragon king’s men? It’s so horrible to rush out two!”

"This... the demon spirit of the demigod level is a great one, and the violent momentum that came from that body is simply amazing!"

When a group of disciples from Longmen College saw the terrorist attack of the monkey, they narrowed their eyes and shook their hearts.

Only two magic monkeys are so powerful, what about the rest?

Is it so powerful?

They looked at the more than a hundred strong men behind the Dragon King, and their eyes flashed.

"Go in, Xiao Ran, you are behind, I will leave you some demon under the demigod!"

Wang Xian looked at the position in the center of the dark ancient land, the entrance of two kilometers wide, even the abyss where he could not see the end.

He said to Xiao Ran and walked straight toward the inside.

A group of members of the Dragon Palace immediately followed!

"Everyone is careful, then you will fight with some evil spirits under the demigod!"

"With your strength, there is the possibility of death, be vigilant!"

Xiao Ran reminded a group of disciples from Longmen College that they were behind Wang Xian.

"A deep hole, I don't know how big the country is!"

Entering the hole, Wang Xian glanced away from the front of the lower part.

In some positions in the hole, a pair of blood red eyes stared at them.


The tyrannical voice sounded, and a demon evil in the hole directly attacked them.


Several monkeys immediately greeted them, and the weapons in their hands were heavy on their bodies.

The semi-god-level demon corpse is directly included in the space ring.

As for those who are at the level of extraordinary emptiness, they are left to the people of Longmen College.

This made the eyes of all the disciples of the Longmen Academy show an excited look.


Throughout the passage, there was a continuous stream of buzzing, and even hundreds of demigods of the demigod level.

"This is the entrance, there are hundreds of half-god-level evil spirits. Is there not more than 10,000 inside?"

Wang Xian walked faintly toward the front.

He doesn't know much about this dark ancient land. Those fallen gods must know a lot.

However, Wang Xian did not have the slightest fear.

The gods of Shenshan are able to suppress the evil spirits of the dark ancient land. They should not have too many problems.

It has been going forward for about three kilometers, and a huge space in front of it appears in the line of sight.

The interior of the Dark Kingdom is like a bee's lair.

It is similar to the cave inside, and it has a cave inside, which is dense.

The dense hole has been extending toward the front, at first glance, not at least a few hundred kilometers!

When they entered the moment, inside the hole, blood red eyes smashed.

Deaf people!

(End of this chapter)

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