Chapter 1938 Church

"See the Dragon King!"

At the top of the villa in Jiangcheng, the figure of a few people in the enchanting sorcerer appeared in front of Wang Xian, shouting respectfully.

Today, each of them exudes a powerful power and confidence.

Wang Xian looked at the crab standing in the center, his eyes sparkling.

Wrapped in khaki armor, it is two meters tall and has eight arms.

This is the form in which he became human.

When you reach the gods, you all have the ability to transform, but it seems that the image of the crab after the transformation is a bit fierce.

"Dragon King!"

Seeing that Wang Xian looked at himself, the crabs smirked and opened their mouths and smiled, revealing rows of sharp teeth in the exit.

"Not bad!"

Wang Xian smiled and nodded, his face full of satisfaction.

This time the crab was raised, it was beyond his expectations.

Now there are two ignited fires in the Dragon Palace, one is the comet wood, and the other is the crab.

The strength of the crab is much worse than that of the star, and now he can only fight one step.

However, in his body, there are about 30,000 small crabs.

These little crabs have the strength of the fourth-order god!

The small crab also has the strength to fight over the level, and can fight the fifth step of the demigod!

Nowadays, in the Dragon Palace, except for the turtles and the night scorpion that have the fighting power of the gods, the rest are coming!

Plus the avatar, a total of eleven strong combatants of the gods.

"Qi Tian, ​​you bring the crabs to the dark ancient place, the crabs, you put the country of God there, you stay there forever!"

"Oh, you go to familiarize yourself with the earth today. In addition, go into some dark ancient places and check the strength of these evil spirits in the dark and ancient places, be careful!"

Wang Xian screamed at the Qi Tiantian demon.

"It is the Dragon King!"

The leader of the Dragon Palace nodded and left in an instant.

"Now there are thirteen dark ancient places all over the earth. Lingxiaobao Temple has destroyed one, and the magic dragon has one, and I have one on it, and ten!"

Wang Xian muttered in his heart.

The harvest of a dark ancient land is so great that he naturally has to look in the rest of the darkness.

However, yesterday, Ji Lingyi only told him some information about the dark ancient land here, and other places still need to explore the demon.

Back in the room, Wang Xian took out his mobile phone and looked at it.

The two major forces of Lingxiaobao Temple and the pyramids have been vying for the dark ancient land.

In particular, the pyramids of the gods were chased by the powerful evil spirits in the dark ancient land, which made everyone shocked.

The entire network is all about the matter.

At the same time, when people learned that the dragon is a true dragon, the heart is also very surprised.

For a real dragon and a demon group, everyone looks bad.

At the same time, everyone has also seen the power of the real dragon.

The body of the horrible dragon, with the strength to easily fight.

"The magic dragon is so terrible, even if it is the Dragon King?"

"Dragon King has not ignited the fire, after all, the same as the real dragon, it should be much worse!"

"The Dragon King is estimated to be able to ignite the fire of God to be able to match it. Unfortunately, it is too difficult to ignite the fire of God."

"The other eight real dragons are so horrible? They also ignited the fire!"

The emergence of the dragon, many people discussed a famous dragon.

Naturally, as the dragon king of the earth, it has received much attention.

However, when everyone saw the horror of the dragon, in contrast to the Dragon King, they had to admit that the Dragon King seemed to be at least one level worse than them.

Did not ignite the fire, it is a hard injury.

Wang Xian looked at the comments on the Internet and showed a smile on his face.

Maybe they don't know, the true dragon, the Son of Song, has fallen, and it is still under his little thought.

"Next, prepare to attack a dark ancient land, and then let the crabs control it!"

Wang Xian slightly narrowed her eyes and went to the room to rest!

"Twenty thousand years ago, those guys of the Dark Association, some people were resurrected, and they also got the Dragon Soul!"

"Several people in the pyramids are a bit unlucky. Now the strong have died in succession, and then it is even more dangerous!"

At this moment, in the Lingxiaobao Temple, more than a dozen figures appeared in the sky above, and the eyes flashed and scanned the planet below.

Looking at the ever-changing earth, I frowned slightly.

The great changes in the earth are completely beyond their expectations.

The gods return, the true dragon emperor.

Especially those who are true dragons, nowadays, even they are very difficult to deal with.

Not to mention the dark association that just emerged, the initiator of the war that was more than a hundred thousand years ago.

"There are no ones who have contacted them, are they willing to join us?"

A figure with a golden radiance, asked to a young man.

"How could they agree and contact a few real dragons, they mean let us join them, give them enough resources to restore them, and bless us!"

The young man said faintly.

"Bless us?"

When I heard the words of the young gods, the eyes of the gods around the Temple of Lingxiao were cold and slowly silenced.

These groups of dragon spirits are all fallen gods, and their former realm is stronger than all the gods present.

Coupled with the Dragon Soul today, naturally they are not in the eye.

Once their strength is fully restored, they may have to be suppressed.

"There is also a threat in the church, and some joint things will happen as soon as possible!"

A figure looks at the middle-aged middle-aged, faintly said!

"I know that the master has sent me information. This is not a problem. We are united with the church. Within five years, as long as not all the real dragons join hands, we are not afraid!"

"I will first deal with the trifles associated with the church!"

The middle-aged **** said, the figure disappeared directly!

"At that time, it only attacked our Lingbao Hall. The power of the two evil spirits in God has changed in the country. It has a vitality. It is suspected that the Dark Association will regain control. The process of attacking the dark ancient land will temporarily stop!"

Around a dozen figures saw him disappear, looked at each other, a figure continued!

"The guys in the Dark Association can communicate with the evil spirits, we really have to be careful!"

The rest of the gods slowly nodded, and the desolation of the gods made them completely invincible.

Even now, they need to unite with other forces to deal with the gods and true dragons born on earth and those evil spirits.

"Sister, you and the church of Seychelles have already been confirmed!"

At this moment, in a courtyard of Lingxiaobao Temple, the middle-aged **** who had just left appeared behind a woman.

He said faintly!

When the woman heard his words, the body trembled!

(End of this chapter)

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