Chapter 1941 under injury


"Two guys who just ignited the fire, who dared to kill me, even dared to kill us in the Vulcan Palace, I will seize you and make you a slave!"

The violent flames rose in the Amazon rainforest, and the devastating attacks directly blasted the trees that were attacked by the fire.


Just then, two stars and grasses attacked him at a horrible speed!

"Hey, I want to attack me!"

Looking at the stars in front of the fire, the blood in the eyes is red.

They couldn't think of these two women who had just ignited the fire, and they had such a terrible weapon.

Two weird grasses, killing two gods in an instant!


The salary of the fire was violent, the arm stretched out, and a flame shield appeared in the hand, directly hitting the grass.

A huge impact, the two stars were rolled up and flew straight out.


They gave a wailing look back to the head of the flower.

"Not good, my sister, we are not his opponent!"

The face of the flower changed a lot, and some of the panic said to the color.

"Wooden fun!"

Cai Er bit his teeth, and thousands of kilometers of trees flew up in a row, and went to the fire.


The two looked at each other and quickly entered the country of God and directly fell into the ground!

"Hugh to escape!"

The violent snoring sounded, and at the moment they had just fallen into the ground, a fireball like a meteorite fell on them.


The blood of the flower-colored children in the gods of China is directly squirting blood, and his face is pale.

"Yeah, you are waiting for us, I will kill you later!"

The flowers shouted in anger!

"Control the kingdom of God and avoid his pursuit!"

Cai Er said quickly.

"Good sister!"

The flowers were serious and they quickly controlled the Kingdom of God and fled in the distance.


At this moment, the position of the sky, a fierce attack from the sky.

The flowers and the color of the face changed, and the blood spit out!


The whole country of God has developed a powerful life, resisting the burning of the flame!

"Damn damn, you two little girls, get out of me!"

The position above the sky, screaming with anger and anger, one by one attack is like a meteorite drop.

At this moment, he has completely felt the breath of the flowers below, which makes him very angry!

"Hey, those two girls are so strong, they even sneaked into the Assassin Palace and killed two gods!"

"The strong man of the Vulcan Palace has already ignited the Sancha Shenhuo, much stronger than us!"

At this moment, in the position of thousands of miles away, the two young people looked at the scene with a shocked look.

"But the two goddesses who just ignited the fire are so beautiful, this is the real goddess. If I had such a god, how much?"

A young **** said brightly in his eyes.

"You think about it, the strength of the other side can be much stronger than you!"

Another faint smile, hitting the road.


Suddenly, the two young people who spoke were slightly faint, and quickly looked at the position ahead.

In their sight, the two women who had just fought the Vulcan palace were four or five kilometers ahead of them.

The two were obviously injured.

"Hero saves the beauty?"

They glanced at each other and flashed a radiant look in their eyes.

The two of them moved in the heart and immediately flew toward the flowers.


The flowers and children feel the strange atmosphere, and they look at the rear with a vigilant attitude.

"Do not worry about the two beautiful women, we are not malicious, in the water Shaoyuan!"

"In the next summer, Changyang!"

Shui Shaoyuan, Changyang and Xia, flashed a glare in the eyes of the two men, faintly arched their hands, revealing a self-confessed and awkward smile!

"We are attracted by the battle here. With our strength, it is not the opponent of the two girls!"

"And, we are not the people of the Vulcan Palace!"

The two said with a smile.

The vigilant of Huaerer’s children swept them, and the eyes were still cold!

"Two girls, may I take you both to a safe place to recover from the injury?"

"It's not safe near here!"

Shui Shaoyuan saw their vigilant color and said with a smile again.

"Don't want to escape for me!"

At this moment, the screaming violent screams suddenly came from behind, which made the flowers and children's face change slightly!

"it is good!"

The two looked at each other and nodded immediately.

They sense the strength of the other party, and with the power of the stars and grasses, they can completely kill each other, not afraid of the other party's dissent!

"Well, those two girls, let's go to our mountain to avoid it!"

Shui Shaoyuan and Changyang Xia’s eyes showed a happy color, and with a wave of arms, the four disappeared instantly.

"Oriental, true spirit?"

When the two of them took them to the east continuously, the flowers and the children looked at each other and looked at the mountain in front.

"Realism is a small force that I have established. This mountain belongs to the mountain of God. It is ten times faster than the outside world in both cultivation and recovery!"

"The two beautiful women can be cultivated here with peace of mind. Here are the arrays we have laid, and the general gods will not come in!"

Shu Shaoyuan said with a smile.

"Thank you, we need to recover from the injury now!"

Cai Er nodded and said nod.

"Come two girls, you are practicing at the top of the mountain!"

Shu Shaoyuan smiled and took them to the top of the mountain.

"Thank you, I hope that the two will not bother us for the time being. When we recover, we must report it!"

Cai Er sensed them.

"No need to use, the two girls have something to tell us directly!"

Shu Shaoyuan smiled and shook his head.

The flowers and the children looked at each other and sat at the top of the mountain. A green mask shrouded them.

Shui Shaoyuan and Changyang Xia glanced at each other and went directly to a mountain in Shenshan.

"Hey, we are not a peach blossom, haha!"

Entering the room, Changyang Xia couldn't help but smile again. His eyes sparkled: "This pair of sisters is really beautiful!"

"The other party has just ignited the fire of God. It is so strong. Before the fall, it must be very high. Now let's not say anything else. If we can leave it here, we will have a stronger team!"

Shui Shaoyuan slightly narrowed his eyes, his mouth slightly tilted: "Men and women match, work is not tired!"

"Ha ha ha!"

Changyang Xia laughed when he heard him.

"If you can take complete control of them!"

Suddenly, Shui Shaoyuan said a word.

Changyang Xia slightly stunned, his eyes turned and slowly shook his head: "After all, the other is a god, and the strength is so strong!"

"The **** of water gods, the first **** of Lingxiaobao Temple came to see you!"

(End of this chapter)

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