Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1943: Tushen Destruction 1

Chapter 1943 Tutoring and Destruction 1


In the quiet gantry college office, a penetrating sound began.

Xiao Ran's eyes wide open, and the pupils stared at the two figures in front of them with fear, but at this moment, time was fixed.

Death is coming, just a moment, a skull is picked up!

"There is no trace of clues, and the Dragon King should not find out what we did, let's go!"

Shui Shaoyuan glanced at the corpse on the ground, and the figure disappeared.

Soon, the figures of the two appeared in the void, throwing their heads toward the front of the first **** of Ling Xiao Bao Temple.

"mission completed!"

The two whispered and disappeared instantly.

"On your own, you still want to get rid of the gods and goddess, and don't look at your strength and background. I really don't know how to live and die. If it is not for the next thing, kill you, it's easy!"

The first **** of Ling Xiaobao Temple looked at the head of his hand and confirmed it. He lost it.

The skull fell from a height of tens of thousands of meters and fell directly into the ocean below.

"Ah, Dean, Dean!"

"No, the dean was killed and the dean was killed!"

An hour later, an exclamation sounded at Longmen College.

In the interior of the Longmen College, a group of disciples from Longmen College came over. When they saw the body in the room, they had a look of awkwardness.

"Who dares to kill Xiao Dean, Xiao Dean is the apprentice of the Dragon King!"

"Xiao Dean was actually killed, Tianzhu, immediately reported to the Dragon King, immediately reported to the Dragon King!"

A voice exclaimed from a group of disciples at Longmen College.

The death of their dean is a huge blow to the entire Longmen Academy.

The death of Dean Xiao was quickly passed to Longmen College. After all the students got the news, they were shocked.

Dean Xiao died, and the founder of Longmen College was assassinated in the office!

All the students’ faces were pale and some fears were discussed!


In the villa by the sea, Wang Xian pointed out at the top of the villa when Liu Mengxin had some cultivation things.

When he received the news, his face changed slightly.

"Teacher, what happened to you!"

Liu Mengxin felt the change of Wang Xian’s momentum and asked immediately.


Wang Xian's face slowly cooled down, and his arm waved, leading Liu Mengxin directly to Xiaoran's office!


Aside from the position, Yan Jian felt the anger of Wang Xian and was slightly surprised.

He moved and followed at the back.


In the office of Longmen College, Wang Xian’s figure appeared inside.

"Dragon King!"

Everyone saw the Dragon King appearing out of thin air, and was slightly surprised and quickly squatted down.

"Dragon King, Xiao Ran, he..."

A dragon man's face is extremely embarrassing and said to Wang Xian!

"Ah, brother!"


Aside from the position, when Liu Mengxin saw the corpse on the ground, his body was awkward, and the tears flowed down in an instant, and the grief rushed over.

Wang Xian looked at the body on the ground, and the yin and yang five elements of dragons and dragons swept around.

Except for two faint footprints, there is no trace!

"You go out!"

Wang Xianyin calmed his face and said to everyone in the room.

"Yes, it is the Dragon King!"

The surrounding air almost solidified, and everyone immediately nodded reverently and walked outside.

"Hey, teacher, brother, brother, he..."

Liu Mengxin’s tears burst into tears and his body trembled!

Wang Xian kneels down and gently pats her shoulder!

"Dragon King!"

At this time, the figure of Sui Jian appeared, looking at the headless body of Xiaoran on the ground, but his face changed slightly.

"Sui Jian, go back to the Dragon Palace, take the returning soul on the ancestral tree, and bring some resources!"

Wang Xian calmed his face and ordered the sword to the side.

"It is the Dragon King!"

Sword immediately nodded and his body disappeared!

"Dream, don't cry, don't worry, there is me!"

He was afraid of taking Liu Mengxin, who was heartbroken, and Wen Sheng said.

"Teacher, brother, is there really really a rescue? Teacher, beg you, hehe!"

She choked at Wang Xian.

"No problem, rest assured, there is me!"

Wang Xian nodded to her and slowly stood up. Her eyes stared at Xiao Ran's headless body, and her pupils were filled with endless colds!

If there are two returning soul fruits in the Dragon Palace, Xiao Ran is also difficult to save the gods this time.

He is not a member of the Dragon Palace. If he dies, he will die completely!

"It is possible to kill Xiao Ran in such a way that God does not know it, only the half-god and the gods can do it!"

"And even the yin and yang five elements of the Dragonfly have not seen any clues, must be a strong God of the undoubtedly, two powerful gods come to assassinate a mortal?"

Wang Xian’s eyes are extremely incomparable, and his mind keeps thinking.

How powerful is it to be able to use a powerful person to kill a mortal?

After he came to Earth, he was offended by the power of the pyramids except the one who was sinned.

Nowadays, the power of the pyramid is greatly damaged. It is impossible to send two gods to kill him a small apprentice.

But if it doesn't matter to him, who is spending so much power to assassinate a mortal!

“Ji Ling妃? Ling Xiao Bao Dian?”

Wang Xian’s eyes sparkled with luster.

Ji Lingyi suddenly returned to the Lingbao Hall, and now suddenly fell in love.

Is the background behind Ji Ling? Ling Xiao Bao Temple?

Wang Xian slightly narrowed his eyes!

"If it is really Ling Xiao Bao Dian, then you will wait!"

Wang Xiankou muttered, standing there waiting quietly.

Liu Mengxin whimpers and stands by.

Time passed slowly, and at this moment, on the Internet, the news about Xiaoran’s death caused a huge sensation.

Xiao Ran, the founder of Longmen College, is now the world's number one college and the first in a group of colleges.

The only apprentice of the Dragon King, backed by the Dragon King, is also a profound background.

However, today, he was found dead by the disciples of Longmen College in Longmen College, and his head was paralyzed.

"Dr. Xiaoran was assassinated, this...this is terrible!"

"The founder of Longmen College was assassinated, and Longmen College is not finished!"

"I don't know who is moving, but I dare to kill the apprentice of the Dragon King!"

"With the rise of various gods in the earth, all kinds of true dragons, there should be many people who dare to offend the Dragon King. After all, the Dragon King has not ignited the fire!"

"Dare to assassinate the Dragon King apprentice, you should not be afraid of the Dragon King!"

Countless people are talking about the incident of Xiaoran being assassinated. Everyone is waiting for the reaction of the Dragon King.

There are various discussions on the Internet, and all the disciples and students of Longmen College are some people!

"Dragon King, come back to the soul, and there are some resources!"

After an hour, the sword returned!

(End of this chapter)

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