Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1954: Eternal God Lord's Tomb Underground

Chapter 1954 The Eternal God Lord's Tomb Underground

The tombs of the two great gods were born one after another, not to mention the king immortal. They are the forces of the Lingxiaobao Temple and the Holy Church. They are also full of shock.

Except for all the gods, everyone on the earth madly flew toward the tomb of the two great gods.

If you can get a big chance in the cemetery of the eternal God, you can completely overtake the curve.

For the people on earth, for those disciples who follow the coming of the gods, it is probably the only chance to want to surpass those resurrected gods and want more than a few powerful gods.

Once you have a great chance in the Lord's cemetery, you will have the capital to compete with the resurrection gods and the powers of the great powers.

Do the overtaking in the corner.

There is such an opportunity to make countless people crazy.

At least hundreds of millions of people flew toward the two main cemeteries and wanted to get a chance.

Wang Xian, their speed is very fast, when they are close, they see a huge bright **** in front of us.

The vast, vast and bright Kingdom of God is not comparable to today's Dragon Palace.

This shrine, shrouded in light and shimmering, exudes a powerful and powerful force. In the sky, the light condenses into an image of a tiger, and it is covered with rain in the sky.

Sacred, mighty, majestic!

Everyone who comes here can feel a faint pressure.

Wang Xian looked at the **** god country, which covers an area of ​​at least 5,000 kilometers, and his eyes were full of shock.

Inside the Kingdom of God, it is completely a huge and beautiful land.

Mountain river water, **** tiger nest, all kinds, magnificent!


Just then, a roaring sound came from the sky ahead.

Wang Xian and his entourage saw it and immediately saw the position in the sky. A **** wanted to enter the tomb of the god.

As a result, the bright gods condensed over the Kingdom of God went directly to the attack of the gods!

Only those gods and tigers attacked together, and the **** was so full of faces that he quickly hid in the distance and did not dare to enter.

"The cemetery of the Lord God, not everyone can disturb, these gods of bright attributes are the guardian beasts of the tomb of God!"

The sound of the children sounded.

Wang Xian's eyes swept around and found that there were more than twenty figures around him, one by one from Lingxiaobao Temple, the Holy Hall, and some real dragons, the resurrection of the gods.

They are the first to arrive, but obviously, in this case, everyone has not yet entered the cemetery of the Lord.

One by one, the gods frowned and swept around, and some of the gods tried it without any means.

In the end, the gods came to the entrance of the Kingdom of God.

In the presence, the strength has not yet reached the ability to contend with the eternal God, and want to enter, only from the entrance.

"We are in the past!"

Wang Xian said to the flower, and also flew toward the entrance.

At the entrance, there are two statues of light-winged tigers made of god-level materials, which are on the left and right sides of the entrance.

The two light-winged tigers exude the power of God, just like living things.

Their three-meter-sized body, lying there, exudes heart-wrenching energy.

The entire entrance is up to 10,000 meters, and it takes 10,000 steps to truly enter the cemetery of the Lord.

"We enter inside, will the two statues launch an attack?"

A dozen people stood around, Lingxiaobao Temple, a **** slightly frowned and looked at the entrance.

In the face of the two exudes of heart-rending statues, they did not dare to venture in.

"I don't know, the oppression brought about by the two sculptures is too strong. I feel that I can compare the gods of the six or seven sacred fires!"

An old man next to him shook his head slowly, his face was full of dignity.

Wang Xian, their arrival, caused some people to sweep over here, and they turned their eyes to the cemetery of God.

"Dragon King, do you want me to go inside and investigate!"

Wang Xian and his party stood there, and the voice of the demon came over!

"Don't take risks for the time being, after all, the cemetery of the eternal God!"

Wang Xian slowly shook his head.

"The eternal lords of the cemetery appear in the universe are different. Some cemeteries are full of murderous murders. They are simply dead, and the weak ones enter the life of nine deaths!"

"But even those cemeteries that are not very dangerous are filled with crises. After all, every fallen **** does not want anyone to disturb his bones!"

"I don't want to suffer from it after I die!"

Cai Er said on the side, she looked at the tomb of the god, her brow slightly locked.

"We are waiting here, there are always people who can't help it!"

Wang Xian said faintly.


It didn't take long for the figures to fly quickly towards this side.

"See the gods!"

Hundreds of figures who came to see the gods of the Lingxiaobao Temple, and immediately bowed respectfully.

Ling Xiaobao Temple, the gods slowly nodded.

Around, some gods saw the half-god-level people coming, slightly picking their brows, and the eyes sparkled.

"I will try it out!"

At this time, a **** couldn't help but walked forward. He waved his arm and a cockroach appeared in front.

He looked up and looked at the ladder at the entrance and quickly rushed over.


However, when you step on the stairs, a light of light falls on it and is wiped out directly.

Seeing this scene, all the gods around it frowned slightly.

It’s quiet again!

"The front is the eternal cemetery of the Lord God, Scorpio, it is just too spectacular!"

"Hey, a cemetery is so terrible, what kind of existence is this, it is too strong!"

As time passed slowly, more and more people came over here.

"That is? A group of gods have not yet entered inside!"

"If I can get the inheritance of the Lord here, how good!"

More and more people around, and soon reached more than 100,000 people.

Their arrival made the surrounding area a lot more lively. They looked at the tomb in front of them and looked at the powerful gods around them, whispering.

However, at this time, in the Arctic, Wang Xian's avatar led the 敖 敖 turtle tortoise and the nine dragons to the Arctic.

In front of them, there is a huge mountain of gods, and each mountain of God exudes a vast god.

The same as the Antarctic land, there have been more than a hundred thousand people gathered around here, but no one has entered the mountain.

Everyone is looking for a way!

"Ling Xiao Bao Dian and Sheng Tang went to the South Pole, just in time, the tomb of the gods in the Arctic, we have wrapped it!"

Just then, a loud voice overbearing suddenly enveloped around!

(End of this chapter)

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