Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1959: At dusk of the Vulcan Palace

Chapter 1959, the twilight of the Vulcan Palace


The incomparable battle of terror broke out over the Antarctic, and the two people of Qi Tiantian Xingmu completely locked the fire and the phlegm.

As the strongest dragon species in the Dragon Palace, the two have the strength to fight in the third stage.

With their strength, they can easily deal with these two people.

As for the gods of the surrounding Vulcan palaces, they are not so lucky.

The remaining six gods of the Vulcan Palace, two ignited two sacred fires, the other four, all of them are a **** of fire.

In the hands of the other seven members of the Dragon Palace, there is a huge gap.


The confrontation only lasted for less than a minute, and the gods of the Vulcan Palace stunned and turned to flee in the distance.

The gap is simply too big, they are not opponents at all!

"Want to escape, have you escaped?"

Yan Zesen holds a longbow with 10 arrows on it.


Each arrow turns into a horrible wind dragon, chasing away directly toward the gods who want to escape.

"All are the gods above the strength of the fire, which makes us fight!"

The gods of the Vulcan Palace are terrified in fear.

With their strength, they were instantly killed by two, facing the other seven powerful gods, and they were completely sent to death.

A **** of two blasphemy, can not help but utter low fear.

"Hey, how do you fight? I don't know how to fight, but I am as arrogant as I was, let's die!"

With a wave of arms and a wave, a drop of energy like a black viper attacks toward the front.

At least 100 million black snakes cover an area of ​​hundreds of kilometers in the sky.


"Leyron Lock Domain!"

Qi Qi stood in the distance, waving his face with the lightning hammer directly in his hand.

Countless thunder and lightning blocked the surroundings, and looked at this scene indifferently!



In the sky, the four gods that were blocked, one of them suddenly made a screaming voice.

Beside him, a light flashed brightly, followed by another **** of two sacred fires falling down.

"A group of miscellaneous fish, solve it quickly!"

The voice of the demon sounded in the void.


Yan Jian holds a metal sword and swings toward the front.

Thunder, arrows, swordsman, black snakes!

A horrible attack, the gods of the three Vulcan palaces attacked.

The scope of each attack covers a radius of fifty or sixty kilometers. Such a terrible attack can instantly erase a city.

"Brother, save us, save us!"

The sound of the desperation of the three gods sounded.

"No, Dragon King, I want you to die!"

Yan Yan heard the sound of a scream of screaming, his eyes were red, his arm moved, and the fire of the mountain appeared in his hands.

The whole mountain is slap-sized, with a horrible syrup flowing over it.

With a wave of his arm, the whole fire of the mountain suddenly became bigger.

The mountain is turned into a horrific mountain peak of 100,000 meters high. The magma flows above it, and the temperature inside it reaches at least several thousand degrees.

What is this concept that has approached the temperature of the sun!

"Oh la la!"

For a moment, the temperature around the Antarctic reached Baidu.

The surrounding frost melts rapidly and turns into sea water.

"Be careful!"

"Xingmu, then!"

Wang Xian looked at the fire and the mountain, and they reminded them of the Qitian Tianxingmu.

Not long ago, Yan Yan used this artifact to resist the blow of the crab.

To know that the fighting power of the crab is enough to match the **** of the six gods, you can imagine the power of this artifact.

With a wave of his arm, he threw the gods and branches to the comet.

Beating the branches, in the hands of the comet, can explode a more powerful attack!

"The inexhaustible wood, the gods, the entanglement!"

Xing Xingmu took over the branches of the gods and looked at the horrible artifact with a wave of his arm.


A kingdom of God appears behind him, and the kingdom of God is the appearance of a dragon's nest. The fire of the stars and the thorns fall down!

There are countless thorns that radiate flames, entangled in the mountains of fire.

In the entire sky, there was a scene of shockingness. Countless thorns descended from the sky and entangled toward the 100,000-meter peak.


A root of the gods and branches fell on the artifact, a little reddish!

"The fire is flowing, it is breaking!"

Yan Yan saw that Xing Xingmu had wrapped around the whole artifact, his face changed slightly, and he shouted loudly.

"Oh, toot!"

Followed by, the entire mountain is like an explosion, a sharp flame of flame, split away from the countless thorns.


In an instant, half of the thorns are broken, and the face of the comet is slightly changed!

"Get rid of this guy first, then help the star wood!"

Gossip stared at the fire, and the sorrow.


For a moment, the rest of the Dragon Palace’s princes assisted Qi Qitian in the battle against the fire.

The demon figure is hidden around, ready to make a deadly attack!

"Give me a roll!"

The fire was seen in the entire Vulcan Palace, and there were only two of them left, and the heart beat vigorously.

With a wave of his arms, a flame palace in the sky suddenly appeared in the gods, and the kingdom of God went to the gossip sword!

"Hey, fight me and dare to distract!"

Qi Qitian saw that the fire was released from the country of the gods, and his body shape was shocked. Behind him, the same dragon of the gods emerged.

Inside his kingdom of God, all are blood-red chains, except for the violent atmosphere, it is tyrannical.

The blood-red chain is built into an armor that looks powerful.

"Blood chain armor, mad dragon throne!"

Qi Qitian screamed, and one of the chains of God in China was instantly wrapped around him.


Qi Qitian's body shape has rapidly increased and his body size has reached three kilometers.

The blood-red chain is wrapped around the body, leaving only three horrible pupils with hooks.

The rear of the gods and dragons turned into a blood red throne.

For a moment, the energy in Qi Qitian is even more violent.

The Dinghaishen needle was covered by a blood-red chain, and he lifted the pin of the sea god, and he went to the godland of the fire.


Huge incomparable power falls on the kingdom of God, causing the entire Kingdom of God to fly directly into the sky.


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At this time, a powerful attack by the leader of the Dragon Palace came to him.

The whole world is covered by various energies!

"The gap is too big. The entire Vulcan Palace has six gods falling in an instant. This is a god!"

"How can the Dragon King have such a strong man, the Vulcan Palace is dangerous this time!"

"With less than six gods in a minute, there are only two gods left in the Vulcan Palace. Is this the true strength of the Dragon King?"

"Every time the Dragon King broke out the horrible power, once stronger than once, the Vulcan Palace did not think this time, they kicked the iron plate!"

A loud sound, sounds in the lower position!

(End of this chapter)

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