Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1966: Stepping on the raft 1

Chapter 1966 Chapter 1

In Lingxiaobao Temple, more and more people are coming with time.

From the powerful and powerful forces of the whole earth, millions of people gathered in the hall of Lingxiaobao.

This is equivalent to a little bit of strength on the earth, all have arrived!

"Even if the gods of the Lingxiao Hall have not yet arrived, there are already nearly 20 gods gathered around!"

"The Dragon King only brought one of his men to come!"

"The gods on earth have almost gathered, and almost all the elites have arrived!"

Millions of people stood behind the disciples of Lingxiaobao Temple. They looked around and talked about it.

All the disciples of Ling Xiao Bao Dian, all the elites on the earth, except for the disciples of the church, did not arrive. Today, Ling Xiao Bao Temple has gathered almost all the strong.

The marriage of this one can be said to be very eye-catching.

In the sky above the Lingxiao Hall, three satellites are suspended. These three satellites will be broadcast live in real time for this marriage.

This is also the practice of Ling Xiao Bao Dian and Sheng Tang, showing power to everyone on the planet.

This time, the marriage has focused on the eyes of billions of people on the planet.

Everyone is waiting quietly, waiting for the strongmen of the Linglong Hall and the Church.

Wang Xian and the rest of the gods are still sitting there quietly.

Time, slowly passed.

"Hey guys are a little slower!"

However, at this moment, in the position of Jiangcheng, Xiao Ran and Jian Jian gossip, they stood at the seaside, and looked at the position of the ocean.

Gossip saw the fluctuations in front and said faintly.

"Let the two men in the Starwood Warfare upgrade and spend a little time!"

Just then, the position in front appeared one by one.

Headed by Qi Qitian, a total of more than 2,000 figures appeared in front of them.

Standing in the middle is the turtle, the left side is Qi Qitian, and the right is the member of two Star Wood Wars!

Behind them, there are two thousand members of the Devil War Department.

Every member of the Devil Wars exudes a violent momentum, holding a metal stick in their hands.

Five meters tall, the black-painted scales are all over the body. On the top of the scales, there is a black spear with a needle, and a pair of fangs are exposed.

A long tail is somewhat similar to the magical Qitian Dasheng in some novels.

"Ready in the past!"

The turtle looked at Xiaoran and smiled.

"Call, trouble turtles, trouble the leaders!"

Xiao Ran’s eyes swept through the masters of his master, and the strong men of the Dragon Palace took a deep breath and nodded heavily!

"Oh, no trouble, some people dare to assassinate our Dragon King's disciples. This is not to give us the face of the Dragon Palace. Today, let the Lingbao Hall give a statement!"

The turtle said faintly.

"Hey, first grab the woman directly, the man slaughtered, find the behind-the-scenes messenger, send him to hell!"

The magic brake said on the side of the face.

Xiao Ran looked at the gossip and the magic brake, and smiled bitterly: "Thank you for the magic brake leader, when..."

"When you want to listen to Xiaoran's order for a while!"

The turtles on the side met him and said directly to the leaders of the Dragon Palace.

"It’s a turtle!"

"Do not worry, turtles, we know the size!"

The leader of the Dragon Palace nodded.

They also naturally know that this time is mainly Xiaoran's thing, mainly Xiaoran.

And there are things that need to be solved by himself!

"Thank you for the turtle, thank you for your leader, let's go!"

Xiao Ran nodded heavily, palms moved, and the Eight Gods Fire Tower was on the palm of his hand, exuding a powerful radiance.

He looked at his sister next to him, nodded, looked up and looked at the huge Lingxiao Hall.

This huge palace is once absolutely invincible in his view.

He didn't think of it anyway. Today, he has to set foot on this temple and ask the gods!


A group of people flew toward the Lingxiao Hall.

The leader of a group of dragons, nine dragons, two thousand members of the war department, two members of the Star Wars.

The members of the two Star Wars were promoted by the resources of these seven gods after killing the seven gods of the Vulcan Palace.

All members of the Star Wars, after igniting the fire, under the growth of the ancestral trees, their strength can be compared with the dragon dragons with the strongest attacking power of the Dragon Palace!

It is the most appropriate choice to ignite the fire of the members of the Star Wars.

Now with the comet wood, the Star Wood Warfare has three gods, all of which will have the strength against the four gods!

Twenty-two strong gods, two thousand members of the devil's war department!

"Ling Yu Bao Dian Temple is coming!"

Just when Xiao Ran was flying toward Lingxiaobao Temple.

In the Lingxiaobao Hall, a sound is heard.

Located in the center of the Lingxiao Hall, fifteen figures flew toward the table.

Around the fifteen figures, followed by 20,000 Heavenly Soldiers.

In the center of the fifteen figures, a woman in a legendary red dress is unusually eye-catching.

A red festive dress with a phoenix crown on its head and a faintly visible face.

However, she had a hint of cool color on her body.

"See the gods!"

When the gods of the Lingxiaobao Temple arrived, all the disciples immediately squatted on the ground and shouted loudly.

"See the gods!"

In the back position, the elites on the earth saw fifteen gods flying over, and the heart was also a glimpse, followed by a half-squatting on the ground, shouting respectfully.

For a moment, thousands of people around him were there.

Only close to the 20th of the platform, the gods faintly sat there, looking at the gods of the Temple of Lingxiao.

At the same time, the live broadcast of the three satellites is clearly displayed in front of everyone on the planet!

"Five fifteen gods, hey, this is the first time that Ling Xiao Bao Temple has revealed all the gods. It is worthy of one of the top forces!"

"Five fifteen gods, more than the Dragon King's power, I don't know if Ling Xiao Bao Dian still has other strengths hidden!"

"100,000 Heavenly Soldiers, more than a dozen gods, innocent is the Lingxiao Hall, the descendants of the gods!"

Everyone watching the live broadcast saw this scene, and the heart shook!

"Get up!"

In the center of the gods, Yuan Kui glanced over everyone in front and said faintly.


Everyone shouted loudly and looked at the gods in awe!

"Ha ha ha, we are not coming late!"

Just then, a pleasant voice came, the position of the West, the light shrouded dozens of kilometers.

One by one, the holy warrior with wings is accompanied by the left and right, and more than a dozen of the central gods riding the light of the tomorrow horse fly toward this side.

The sacred church is coming!

"Time is just right, haha!"

Yuan Kui looked at him with a smile on his face!

(End of this chapter)

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