Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1975: The gods are fallen, the dragons are broken

Chapter 1975, the gods are fallen, and the dragons are broken.

Next, it's your turn!

The gods of Ling Xiao Bao Temple and the Holy Church heard this sentence, and their hearts trembled.

They looked up and looked at the higher star field, where the horrible crab completely suppressed the two gods, Yuan Kui and Luke Owen.

This is their strongest god, igniting the five gods.

The existence of this horror, placed in the innocent star field is also the control of the existence of five or six planets, and now it is completely suppressed!

"You give me death, you are a thing that just ignited the fire, I will not believe that Brown Warren can't kill you!"

An angry voice sounded.

At the height of tens of thousands of meters above the Lingxiaobao Temple, Brown Warren holds a bright scepter, behind him, a majestic bright **** is behind him.

With a wave of his arm, countless bright spears went toward Xiaoran’s attack.

"Oh, even if I just ignited the fire, you are not my opponent!"

Xiaoran stared coldly at Brown Warren.

Holding the artifact, the **** country that is holding the lift is the **** country of the three gods, and the original constitution.

Xiao Ran’s current strength can be almost leveld.

Even if he just ignited the fire, facing Brown Warren, he was full of confidence.

"Xiao Ran is careful!"

Aside from the position, there was a voice of concern from Ji Ling.

"rest assured!"

"The first floor of the Eight Gods Fire Tower, a real fire, burning the sky!"

With one arm in his arm, the Eight-Fire Tower in his hand rises directly. For a moment, the Eight-Fire Tower is tens of thousands of meters in size.

In the first layer of the position, a direct spurt of a horrible flame.

The flame is blue and looks fascinating!


The power of the light was burned directly, and the overwhelming blue flame attacked Brown Warren.

"The guardian of the light god!"

Brown Warren whispered, his eyes screaming with an angry look: "Don't think you have an artifact, I will fear you!"


However, at this moment, a sound of penetration came!

"A **** of blasphemy!"

Immediately, a voice rang from his ear, causing him to open his mouth slightly.

"Cough and cough!"

He found that he could not speak.

Brown Warren slowly lowered his head and looked down. The fear found that his body was actually falling down.

" satisfied!"

He seems to use all his strength to spit out a few words, and suddenly feels black.

Xiaoran saw that this scene was slightly wrong. He thought he would compete with Brown Warren and let him know that he was the man of Ji Lingyi.


He pulled his mouth and looked at the direction of Ji Lingyi, and immediately went to support.

A **** of blazing fire, just dared to yell at his master, the master's men can easily kill it!


The second **** is fallen!

The sound of the world’s sorrows sounds!

Everyone was shocked to watch, the second **** of death, the **** of the church.

Still assassinated by that horrible figure!

In this war, especially in the battle of the Dragon Palace, the assassination of the demon is exceptionally easy.

"kill and kill!"

The rest of the Lingxiao Temple and the Church's gods have changed dramatically, and they screamed loudly and violently.

For a moment, the range of thousands of kilometers was covered with horrible energy.

The world is discolored, the sun and the moon are dull!

Everyone in the world looked up and looked at the sky. This scene is like seeing the explosion of stars in the universe, which is shocking and shocking.

"No, save me, save me!"

Ten minutes later, a terrible sound of the sound of the sky sounded in the sky.

Everyone's face shook again, and his mouth opened slightly, his eyes filled with fear.

"It is the **** of Ling Xiao Bao Dian, or a **** who ignites the fire of Sancha!"

At the Temple of Ling Xiaobao, a dozen gods stood there at this time, looking at the battle in the sky.

Looking at the fall of the third god, their brows jumped violently.

Even if they have experienced more horrible battles than this, but the degeneration of the gods still makes them very upset.

"Yuan Kui adults, save us, save us!"

After five minutes, another horrified voice came.

Seeing that figure, everyone took a deep breath.

The only **** in the Lingxiaobao Temple that ignited the four gods of fire, flashed a strong thunder of lightning.

His whole body was entangled in a thorn, and in his sky, there was a scene of horror.

A thorn is like falling down from the void, and there are at least hundreds of millions of thorns.

In the center of the thorns is a huge lightning fortress, but at this moment the fortress is completely covered by thorns.

At that moment, the fire of the four gods, it looks unusually weak and helpless!


Yu Xingmu and another warrior in the Star Wars surrounded the god.

They glanced at it, and a barbed barb pierced the body of the **** of the Lingbao Hall.

"Yuan Kui adults, save... save me..."

The inability to panic sounds and the interest rate slowly disappears.

The fourth **** is fallen!

"Do not!"

At least 100,000 meters in the starry sky of Ling Xiao Bao Temple, Yuan Kui saw this scene, his face showing angry snoring.

"Oops, we are not opponents of each other!"

Luke Owen saw that they had fallen into four gods on this side, and there was a panic in his eyes.

Four gods have fallen, and then, more and more gods will fall.

Even without an hour, their two forces will be completely finished.

This gave him a flustered look.

"Give me a burst, Lei Pool!"

Yuan Kui's face was so **** that he stared at the crab in front and waved his arm.

In front of him, there is a mine pool of about 20 kilometers, and a tens of meters high pole!

There are also three or four shields of soil properties.

These are all artifacts, and they are all obtained from the ancient land of the gods.

If they are not relying on these artifacts, they are not the opponents of the crabs.

Even without these artifacts, they may have to fall.


A huge explosion rang and the whole earth trembled slightly.

In the sky, lightning covers the entire starry sky, and dazzling lightning shines on the earth.

Artifact explosion.

Yuan Kui's **** red eyes stare at the central position!


However, at this moment, the special sound sounded, and Yuan Kui and Luke Owen’s face changed wildly, and there was a hint of fear in the eyes!

The **** of the five sacred fires is absolutely not so horrible!

This horrible crab has the strength of six gods.


"Escape, we are not their opponents!"

Luke Owen immediately shouted loudly, at this moment, he had no war!

(End of this chapter)

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