Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1977: The gods are fallen, the clouds are broken

Chapter 1977, the gods are fallen, and the clouds are broken.


Ling Xiao Bao Temple slowly split, and a large piece of large building fell toward the lower position.

Ling Xiao, began to break!


In the sky above the 100,000-meter-long sky of the Lingxiaobao Temple, Yuankui saw that the Lingxiaobao Temple was degraded by the gods. When it was broken, it was hit by a huge earth hill.

It was like the power of a meteorite impact, causing blood to spit out in the mouth.

"Dragon King, if you dare to kill us and dare to destroy the Temple of Lingxiao, the earth will lose its power and will not reach the innocent star field, and it will be lost in the stars!"

Yuan Kui's blood-red eyes stared at Wang Xian underneath, angry martyrdom.


Wang Xian heard his words and raised his brow slightly.

However, he did not let the members of the Dragon Palace stop attacking.

Even if the earth does not go to the innocent star field, staying in the original galaxy will not have any problems.

After all, the former Earth is a lonely life planet in a few thousand light years.

"Your gods have moved the earth to the innocent star field, I am afraid it is also uneasy!"

The turtles control the huge incomparable turtle shells, and they are going to the gods, and they are cold and cold.

"Damn, damn, you guys, **** beasts!"

Luke Owen was snarling in a wolf.

He did not think of it anyway. Today, with the Lingxiao Hall, it would be like this.

According to their own forces, there is no problem in suppressing the gods of the entire earth.

Even if the Dragon King showed more than 20 gods, the Temple and the Temple of Lingxiao did not have too much fear.

Because there is also a big gap between the strong people.

They have two major forces, each with a **** that ignites the five gods, and the power to destroy the dragon king should be easy.

However, I did not think that the Dragon King had a stronger presence than them.

Now, they are in the hall and the church, and they are finished, completely finished!

Looking at the sounds of screams by the gods, Luke Owen and Yuan Kui are very incomparable.

"Get into the temple, and there are guardians in the temple!"

Yuan Kui’s eyes swept around, and in a short while, Ling Xiaobao Temple had fallen ten gods.

This is ten gods!

"Quickly, enter the temple!"

Ling Xiaobao Temple, a group of gods, went crazy toward the central temple.

"Escape to the church, the church can resist the attack of the other side!"

Luke Owen is also crazy, screaming and fleeing toward the West!

"Oh, all fall!"

The crab was completely locked in Luke Owen and Yuan Kui, and the huge body, two huge pliers, directly attacked them.

"Block me!"

Three artifacts are suspended around Yuankui, and one of the shield's artifacts directly resists the crab.

"St. Beams!"

Luke Owen screamed, and the light of the sacred light descended from the sky and stalked directly toward the crab.


The shield artifact was directly hit, and the sacred light was directly broken.

A huge incomparable paw, attacking Luke Owen.

In front of the huge claws, Luke Owen felt like an ant.


The power of horror fell on him, causing his face to change dramatically, and his mouth immediately spit out a drop of divine blood.

The blood of God drew a ray of light and flew toward the west at a horrible speed.


His body, his country of God, fell directly to the lower position.

"No, Luke Owen!"

A screaming scream came from around, and everyone looked at the body of Luke Owen who fell to the bottom. The five gods left in the church, his face sinking, almost desperate.

"Escape and escape, as long as you enter the law, there is a chance to live!"

"I can't fall here, can't!"

Yuan Kui saw this scene, burning with blood, and a horrible glory shrouded the whole body.

His whole person is like a blood-red thunder, and he has not entered the temples in the middle of the Lingxiao Hall!


For a moment, a powerful radiance bloomed in the temple.

"come on in!"

Yuan Kui snarled toward the outside.


"Enter, go in!"

A voice of desperation snorted, watching the last trace of life, the seven or eight outside powerhouses were completely desperate to fly over here.


A **** was severely wounded. He bit his teeth and spit out the blood in his mouth. The blood of the gods radiated the gods and flew toward the temples.

"Well? Crab, attack the temple!"

Wang Xian saw Yuan Kui escape into the temple, watching the rising array, frowning slightly.

Seven or eight desperately desperate gods, even at the expense of a drop of blood to escape, in this case, it is difficult for members of the Dragon Palace to completely retain them.

He immediately ordered the crab.

"It is the Dragon King!"

The crabs lifted huge incomparable pliers and attacked the temples below.


A horrible force fell on the battlefield, and there was a turn on the temples covered by the formation.


However, the buildings around the temples seem to be unable to withstand the power of this horror, and the surrounding area is rapidly cracking.

The entire temple of the gods, separated from the Lingxiao Hall, fell to the lower position.

"A strong tactic!"

Wang Xian looked at the above array and was able to withstand the attack of the crab. His eyes flashed a little surprised.

"Yuan Kui adults, flee, we flee quickly, flee to the church!"

However, at this moment, in the temples shrouded in the array, the **** of a church immediately shouted loudly.

"Go to the church!"

Yuan Kui did not hesitate to control the formation immediately, and took the temple to the west.

If they do not escape, they are surrounded by the mighty dragons, even if they are hiding in this formation, they are just waiting to die.

As long as the other party is around the temple, one day they will be killed.


The entire temple is full of powerful glory and flies toward the west.

In the rear, the crabs attacked for dozens of times in a row, and they were not able to break the array.

Throughout the temple, a brilliance was made, carrying eight gods flying in the direction of the church.

Among them, three of the eight gods escaped with only one drop of blood!

"No need to chase!"

Wang Xian saw this scene and said faintly toward the crab.

The gods that escaped are no longer a climate. This time the Dragon Palace has gained so many opportunities, it is easy to kill them in the future!

Around, everyone in the entire Lingxiaobao Temple, everyone in the whole world, seeing this scene, the body could not help but tremble.

Ling Xiao Bao Dian and Sheng Tang, twenty-eight gods, really fled, but five.

The rest of the few, only a drop of blood and blood!

(End of this chapter)

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