Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1997: There is no more sacred church in the world

Chapter 1997, there is no more sacred church in the world


Yuan Kui looked at the indifference of the crab in the cold, with a trace of disdainful pupil, could not help but swallow a spit.

A strong person who can kill the Chiyang gods in less than a minute, what does he resist?

Can't resist it at all!


At this time, the crab's arm waved, and the whole turned into the arm of the dragon that swallowed it, and went directly to Yuankui.

"No, I am not willing, I am going to fall on a small planet!"

At this moment, feeling the fatal death threat, he shouted desperately and unwillingly.

Yuan Kui wants to escape, but there are ten people around them blocking them, let alone, even if they are not blocked, the attack of the crab is still not what he can hide.

The gap is too big!


The head of the devouring dragon bites on his body, making it a desperate scream.

With the death of the Chiyang god, Yuan Kui’s death, a dozen gods surrounded by a group of dragons and dragon palace members, this moment completely collapsed.

Even the gods that can rival the seven sacred fires, even the gods of the five sacred fires are easily killed by the dragon kings, not to mention the fact that they are the most sacred and sacred!

"Dragon King, I surrender, I surrender, beg you not to kill me!"

"I am willing to be an external member of the Dragon Palace, I am willing to surrender!"

Several gods don't want to die, they are hard to resurrect, they experience death, and they are full of fear.

But a pity...

"no no!"

Soon, the sound of despair sounded, and in the sky above the Dragon Palace, the sound of the sorrows of the heavens and the earth kept ringing.

When the sound of the fifteenth voice of the heavens and the earth fell, the whole world returned to a calm.

Around the water, the gods of the death of the water torrential rain plunged down, the wind attributed the gods to death, and the wind blew.

The entire space is unusually chaotic.

"Hey crabs, take people to the church, kill all the embers of the Lingxiao Hall and the Church!"

Wang Xian directly ordered the crab.

"It is the Dragon King!"

The crab nodded and looked at the ten members of Qi Qi.


Qi Qi nodded, followed by the crab, and flew directly toward the church.

"Hey~ This is a complete massacre. They are completely easily abused!"

"Who can think of such a quick ending? The nuclear washing of the land is easily resisted by the Dragon Palace, and the six top-level gods of the Dragon Palace are easily killed!"

"When everyone thinks that Ling Xiao Bao Dian and Sheng Tang can compete with the Dragon Palace, who can think of this situation!"

"This time, Ling Xiao Bao Dian and Sheng Tang, it is completely disappeared on the earth, and all the forces that have come down are all fallen!"

Hundreds of kilometers, I saw this scene one by one, my face full of shock and awe.

After this war, the Dragon Palace and the Dragon King will completely lay the throne.

A high throne!

"The sound of the sorrow of the heavens and the earth should be the beautiful rhythm of the Dragon King!"

"Adults, playing the martial arts, the Chiyang Fire God Yuankui adults and a group of real dragons, killing the Dragon Palace, completely in our expectation."

In the position of the sanctuary, Luke Owen stood in the sky above the temple, with a smile on his face looking at the direction of the Ocean Dragon Palace.

Every voice of sorrow and sorrow makes the smile on his face more intense.

"After destroying the Dragon Palace, no one can compete with us on the entire planet!"

Luke Owen said with a smile.

"Unfortunately, can't be as you wish!"

Just then, a cold voice came into their ears.

At this moment, Luke Owen has had several other gods who have fallen and resurrected their faces, and they quickly look up into the sky.

" did you come over, how could this be, you guys..."

When they saw the crabs and they were all in shape, the pupils shrank slightly, and the forehead was filled with cold sweat.

They stuttered and their faces changed dramatically.

"They are all dead, and you will accompany them. Since then, the temple has disappeared completely!"

He said faintly, he raised the hammer in his hand and thundered the red blood on it.

"No, how is this possible, to Chiyang their strength..."

Luke Owen was so blank that he quickly hid in the church.



The two figures beside him were unable to escape, and were immediately hit by lightning, and the body fell toward the bottom.

"You think that this temple can still keep you!"

The crab looked at the temple underneath the powerful array of methods, and his face was cold.

He moved a little, and there was a black tail behind his back, and the tail turned into a horrible speed.

The black scales of the entire tail are covered, and the tail has a horrible spike that looks heavy.


The crab swung its tail, and the sharp spike stabbed directly toward the formation.


A dull voice sounded, and the horrible tail directly penetrated into the array.

"No, how is this possible? This is a way to withstand the attack of the gossip gods and fires, suddenly you become so strong!"

When he saw the moment when the formation was broken, Luke Owen’s face completely showed a desperate look.

At this moment, he also understands why Chiyang Yuankui will be killed so quickly.

Directly break the array? Is this what they can do at the top of the Lingxiao Hall?


The crab was staring indifferently at Luke Owen, and the horrible tail was stirred.


The sound of the collapse of the crash came.

The sound of screams sounded inside.

“Take all the useful materials away, then clear them here!”

Qi Qi said to a group of people beside him, he held a spear and threw it directly down.


The entire church occupied a range of seven or eight hundred kilometers.

A sacred mountain and a palace.

But soon, the huge church was a little bit of a collapse.

Standing in the West for more than a decade, the invincible church began to collapse.

Just like the Lingxiao Hall on the eastern sky.

They are all in the space ring of all the resources they have in the church.

Half an hour later, the huge church was ruined.

Around the location, everyone looked at this behemoth crashing down, one face with a shocking look.

"Since then, the Lingxiao Hall and the Church have been completely erased, and the earth will have no sacred and holy church!"

When the sanctuary collapsed completely, the crabs were suspended in the sky.

A majestic voice came from the mouth of the crab and resounded throughout the world.

Everyone can hear it clearly.

At this moment, everyone in the whole world has a slightly open mouth.

Especially those disciples who followed the coming of the gods, at this time the big shock in their hearts, the face is extremely embarrassing!

(End of this chapter)

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