Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2012: I shouldn’t be arrogant

Chapter 2012 I should not be arrogant

At this moment, everyone on the whole earth trembled again.

The familiar sharp voice covered the entire planet, and the horrible starry skyworms ravaged again.

The dust is flying in the sky, and countless starry locusts fly from his body to the surroundings.

One billion, two billion, three billion, four billion, five billion!

There are 5 billion star-studded locusts, each of which is two or three meters in size, covering the position above.

This scene is similar to the day when the starry sky worms raged.

Everyone is afraid to look at the starry skyworm.

At first, if it weren't for the emergence of the starry beast, many people wondered if the Dragon Palace could withstand so many starry locusts.

Although there are not as many star-stall locusts flying out of the dusty body, it is dense, at least several billion.

The same scene that covers the sky, makes everyone very incomparable!

"The inheritance of the Arctic tomb, he must have been the inheritance of the Arctic tomb, when the starry sky was afraid to enter the energy column into the Arctic tomb, it was originally conquered by him!"

"It is him, the dust is the inheritance of the tomb of the Arctic gods, Scorpio, when the stars and locusts were attracted to him!"

"It was his inheritance of the original Arctic tomb. He was the inheritance of the mountain god. Not long ago, there was a voice in the tomb of the Arctic god. I was a dust, now I am covering the stars!"

At this moment, some people quickly think of what happened when the starry skyworms just appeared.

And, the voice of the Arctic tomb not long ago, immediately made everyone more certain!

The inheritor of the Arctic tomb is dusty.

At the beginning, the tombs of the north and south poles attracted the attention of the whole world. The billions of people in the world once went to the tomb of the North and South Arctic to seek opportunities.

However, everyone did not think that the biggest chance of the Arctic tomb, the successor of God's inheritance, has now been revealed to the world.

Everyone looked in awe at the starry sky covered by starry skyworms.

At this moment, the world is shaking.

"He...provoked the Dragon King, he does have this qualification, and even he may have to take over the sky!"

Some people muttered and looked at them blankly.

Five billion star locusts, only so many star locusts, need the Dragon Palace to send all the power.

This is still in the case of the dust and flying, if he shot again, is it not possible to suppress the Dragon Palace?

Take over this sky, do you really have to take over?

"Well, he turned out to be the inheritor of the Arctic **** tomb, and he still has so many starry locusts!"

Tian Yuanzi saw this scene and his face changed dramatically.

In the face of the five billion star locusts, he can feel his own smallness.


Xiao Ran Ji Ling's face changed dramatically, his eyes filled with a dignified look.

"Master is careful, we are not his opponent!"

Liu Mengxin also sinks in his heart and quickly says to Sun Lingxiu.

Sun Lingxiu Guan Shuqing Feng Yan, a group of girls feel the overwhelming pressure, the face is also showing a dignified and shocked look.

They are facing so many creatures for the first time, and they are also facing the star locust for the first time.

They can sense that their own group of people is definitely not the opponent of this starry skyworm.

Even facing the young man, you must be jealous.

"What should I do? Call the little fairy that wolf?"

Guan Shuqing's face is slightly embarrassing to say.

"No, we don't have to rely on him, hey!"

Blue Qingyue blinked and stared at the starry skyworms in the sky, snorting.

Obviously, the girls have not completely forgiven Wang Xian.

"Sisters, let's get into the void!"

Blue Qingyue’s arm waved, and a black hole appeared in front of himself, stepping directly into it!

"Go in!"

The rest of the girls did not hesitate, they knew the ability of Lan Qingyue.

"Follow it!"

Sun Lingxiu said to Liu Mengxin Xiaoran, they entered the black hole with their dreams.


Xiao Ran took the amazing Gu Ling and the Tian Yuanzi on the side, and entered it!


When they reappeared, they have come to the sky above the sky locusts.


Below the position, has been paying attention to the closeness of the crowd, the dust of the crowds seeing them disappear into the black hole, picking a brow!

"Have you gone? Oh, would you like to go to the Dragon Palace in person?"

He said faintly, the voice spread throughout the sky.

All the people below were slightly open and stunned.

"Escape, you are not qualified to let us run away!"

Just then, the icy sound of blue and blue moon sounded in the void.

"Oh, it seems that you have to completely suppress you!"

The dusty eyes showed a cool color, and he raised his head slightly, and the starry skyworms in the sky took the initiative to open a road.


Immediately, under the shocking eyes of all, his body gradually grew bigger.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, the body of less than two meters becomes a few kilometers!

The mountain-like thick, mountain-like breath exudes from his body.

His body gives a mountain-like feeling.


Tens of millions of star-stall locusts flew to his back, condensing into a pair of huge locust wings!

The dust flies slowly into the void.


In the position below, everyone looked at this scene with horror.

"This gesture is really invincible!"

Everyone took a deep breath and they stared at the void.

It is a pity that the sky-space locusts completely cover their sight!

"Blood, my pet likes it!"

Lan Qingyue saw the dust flying a few kilometers of body flying into the void of hundreds of thousands of meters, his face showing a cold look!

"Master, the dust is very strong!"

Liu Mengxin saw the power of the dust and the face, worried about the face of Sun Lingxiu!

Sun Lingxiu shook her head toward her and said no need to worry.

"I don't like to kill women, but I will suppress all of you and suppress the Dragon King!"

The dust flies coldly and stares at Guan Shuqing, and the arm is gently waved!

"Eternal Mountain!"

A low-pitched, a huge mountain appeared in the void, the mountains are tens of thousands of meters in size, more horrible than the suppression of Xiaoran Shenfeng!

When I saw this mountain, Xiao Ran was full of dignity and worry on their faces!

"Little blue, ready to eat!"

Lan Qingyue stared at the dust and the body was slightly shocked.


A dull voice rang out of nowhere, and slowly, behind the blue-green moon, there was a black hole with a size of hundreds of kilometers.

A horrible head slowly drilled out of the black hole, and it stared excitedly at the starry sky worms, staring at the dust!

What is the blood physique, I like it most!

(End of this chapter)

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