Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2033: Dragon Palace is invincible, sweeping all enemy

Chapter 2033, Dragon Palace is invincible, sweeping all enemy forces

Did the Dragon Kings really be killed by the Lord of Lights?

Everyone looked at the huge head that appeared out of thin air, and his face had a shocking look.

The light wing God Lord is coming out soon, which means that he has nothing, then...


Just when everyone kept guessing, it was when Yan Yan and tens of thousands of servants were excited and excited.

The light-winged God of the head of the skull made a scream of miserable screams, and the fierce cry shocked the world.

Everyone has a big shock and a big eyes.


The sky above, like the complete collapse of the glass, the complete dissipation of the field, a scene that shocked everyone.

At this moment, the body of the light wing **** was bitten by a huge incomparable creature, and a large amount of blood was scattered on his white, bright body.

One of his tiger's palms disappeared completely, and the rich **** smell spread throughout the starry sky.

In the position behind the Lord of the Light Wings, the Dragon King stands in front of the starry behemoth!

"Hey, why are you running? Do you want us to be your gods? Why do you want to escape?"

The gossip magic brakes their voices taunting.


The Lord of Light Wings swayed the huge body with great brilliance and wanted to break the bite of the crab.

But the crab is the dragon that swallows. His most powerful place is the tooth, which is the dragon head. How can it be easily broken off?

There was a madness in his mouth.

In the position below, everyone heard the sound of their gossip, completely stunned!

Especially when I saw that the Lord of the Light Wings was completely bitten by the Dragon King's men, I was shocked by one heart.

This...this is not the light wing gods who killed the dragon kings, but the light wing gods want to escape, want to escape!

"This is impossible. It is absolutely impossible. The Guangyi adults are the Lord of God. This is the God Lord who can suppress the whole world in the innocent star!"

"Even if the Lord God has not recovered to the peak, it is definitely not the ordinary gods can compete!"

Yan Yan is a bit embarrassed at this moment. As a **** coming from the advent, as a strong innocent star, he naturally knows the power of the **** of the light wing.

Even if it is not restored to its peak, even in today's strength, in the innocent star field, it is the strongest presence of the five gods.

Even as long as there are some resources, the Lord of Light Wings will become the star of the sixth innocent star.

However, now it will be defeated by the Dragon Palace!

How can this be?


On both sides of the bright ladder, the tens of thousands of servants looked at this scene in the sky.

A trace of cold sweat appeared on the top of their heads, and they opened their mouths, only to feel the sky above.


At this moment, there was a scream of screaming in the air. Under the stunned eyes of all, the **** of the light wing broke free.

His body rips straight away, with only one head, the legs are stretched out, and half of the body breaks free, quickly escaping toward the eternal **** below.


The crab snorted and the head bit the half body of the light wing **** to sweep away from Wang Xian.

"Do you think you can hide in the eternal god?"

As he moved, he quickly chased the front half of the Lord of Light, and swooped toward the eternal God of God below.


In the sky, the blood of the Lord of the Light Wings is like rain falling on the ground.

His hundreds of kilometers of body shape quickly shrinks into the eternal goddom, and the entire eternal kingdom of God flashes a glimmer of light.


The light flashed, and the power of rejection repelled the sputum and all the servants.

The Lord of Light Wings has closed the entire eternal kingdom of God.

The sacred servants who were excluded were screaming.

"You think that with this country of yours, you can resist me!"

The scorpion crab chills toward the light wing god, and the huge dragon claws directly grab the sky above the eternal kingdom of God.


A horrible force falls on the kingdom of God, causing a huge gap in the light barrier.

In the eternal God, the Lord of Light Wings looked at this scene with amazement. His face was full of fear.

"How is this possible, how can there be such a terrible existence in a small planet!"

"Wu Guangyi waited for hundreds of thousands of years before resurrection. It was hard to wait for this opportunity to be resurrected. I am not willing!"

He looked at a rip in the eternal godland and saw the crab rushing in, his face despair!

"Go, we are gone!"

Wang Xian’s figure was moving, and he turned to the side of the body and said that he was flying toward the eternal god.

"Hey, give me a chance, give me a chance, I can give you this eternal godland, don't kill me!"

When Wang Xiangang entered the inside, he heard the horror of the **** of the light wing.

"Oh, kill you, this eternal godland naturally belongs to us!"

The crab said, the huge body attacked again.

"No, I am willing to be your servant, don't kill me!"

The Lord of Light Wings saw the crabs that had been killed, and couldn’t help but ask for mercy.

"Wuwu? I still call myself in front of us? You are still dead!"

The huge dragon head of the crab is directly biting toward the tiger's head of the light wing god.

This was a serious injury, and he was not able to stop the attack of the crab.

The crab bite on the head of the light wing.


At the same time, a full of devastating darkness and earth properties covered his head.


In a dull voice with a desperate voice, the vitality of the Lord of Light Wings completely dissipated.

Wang Xian, they looked at this scene faintly, with a smile on his face.

"It's a huge resource to put away the body of this light winged god!"

Wang Xian ordered the members of the Dragon Palace.

"It is the Dragon King!"

A group of people in the Dragon Palace nodded with excitement.

"Move all the treasures of the eternal kingdom to the Dragon Palace!"

Killing the Lord of Light and Wings is another great resource. These resources should enable the Dragon Palace to add a lot of power to the gods.

In addition, the corpse of the Lord of Light Wings should be able to sing one of them, at least to the point of five or six sacred fires.

At that time, the high-end combat power of the Dragon Palace will also increase!

Wang Xian, they smiled.

Aside from the position, the dust flutters and looks at the silence in this heart.

An eternal God who can easily kill himself is now easily killed by the Dragon King.

He couldn't help but be thankful. Fortunately, he didn't go to the Dragon Palace to provoke the Dragon King last time, otherwise he was already killed.

(End of this chapter)

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