Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2035: Innocent gods, waiting here

Chapter 2035, innocent gods, waiting here

"The gods of our pyramids have already had no news, and even the gods have split!"

"The gods of our innocent Xinghai have not been contacted, and they should have fallen!"

"Your pyramid is the resurrection of the gods with the evil spirits to destroy all. As for your innocent seas, there is only one **** to come to success, the fall is normal, and your fire **** palace is destroyed by a dragon king!"

"That is not a dragon king, but a leader of a powerful force. Our last news was almost destroyed when our church was merged with the Lingxiao Hall. The surviving gods took out all the resources and raised a resurrection. The god, a possession of the six gods and gods, ready to revenge, there is no more news, should fall in the hands of the Dragon King!"

A vast array of people are suspended in the air, and they radiate the horror of the atmosphere.

Everyone's face is not very good-looking, and the dignified atmosphere makes the surrounding voids seem to solidify.

The sound spreads through every figure!

"Wang Lingtian, what news can you have in Lingxiaobao Temple?"

The bright **** beast pulled a huge canopy car, an old man standing on the body with the power of light, holding a bright scepter, asked a sleek middle-aged faint!

The burly middle-aged hand holds a warhammer, and it has a horrible fighting spirit!

He looked at the old man with a fold on his face.

"We still have a member still alive at Lingxiaobao Temple, but she has betrayed us!"

The old man with a wrinkled face was cold and faint.


A group of gods around him raised their brows and a taunting look on his face.

"However, the old man can still contact her now. When he is in contact, he can see her current position through the starry sky!"

The old man said faintly, seeing the look of the gods around him, his eyes flashed a cold look.

"That would be troublesome and lock the position of the planet!"

A **** standing on the pyramid said to the old man.

"it is good!"

The old man nodded and immediately took out a mirror.


The mirror is shaking!

At this moment, Ji Ling’s face far away on the earth changed slightly, and some embarrassingly took out a mirror from the space ring.

In the next position, Xiao Ran, Liu Mengxin, dust flying, and Sun Lingxiu are located next to them.

The group is practicing in the eternal gods of the Antarctic.

"How is it?"

Xiao Ran saw the mirror and asked her concerned.

"It’s my master, the message from my master!"

Ji Ling’s face is a little embarrassing.

"Nothing, open it!"

Sun Lingxiu said to her.


Ji Lingyi nodded, his arm waved, and the mirror opened directly.

"Apprentice, talk about the situation of the planet!"

The mirror opened, and the face of the old man appeared. His face was majestic and ordered to Ji Lingyi!

"Master, you have nurtured me into a god. Over the years, I have brought you enough interests and resources. You will not have me in the future!"

When Ji Lingxi saw the old man, his body trembled and said with a bite.

She is grateful to the master who has cultivated herself as a god, but over the years, everything she has paid has been enough to repay her.

But in the face of the master who used himself as a chess piece, she was very chilling and simply broke off!

"Gangster, I can give you all this, and I can take all of you away, hehe!"

When the old man heard his words, his face did not hide his murderousness and shouted at her cold.

After saying this, he hangs up the mirror directly, and the picture is nothing.

When Ji Lingyi heard the words of his master, he bit his lip and his eyes were red.

"Ling, nothing, and I am!"

Xiaoran walked over and gently took her shoulders, whispering comfort.

"The Lord!"

In the innocent star field, the old man looked at the burly middle-aged, and stunned his body.

Around the eyes, all the gods of the powers are on their side, and the eyes are shining.

Everything on the planet, they have to get it.

Especially when they learned that the tomb of the gods appeared there, it made them all crazy.

God's tomb, that is the kingdom of the eternal God, if they can get the inheritance inside, they will have the opportunity to become the eternal God.

Really stands at the peak of this star field.

To this end, they even prepared to go down to the planet in person!

"Good news!"

The burly middle-aged face showed a faint smile: "The planet is moving towards us, watching the route, it should be ready to enter our innocent star!"


The gods around me glimpsed, and the eyes sparkled.

"The planet doesn't know why it is recovering, but since the aura is recovering, if they want to continue to improve, if they have ambition, they must enter our innocent star!"

A middle-aged man riding on a 10-meter-sized beast said a faint excitement in his eyes.

"That said, we just have to wait here?"

An old man in the innocent Xinghai squinted his eyes and looked at the leaders around him.

"On that planet, there are now more than a dozen broken gods, there are two tombs of the gods, how do we distribute them!"

An old man on the pyramid asked faintly!

"The two tombs of the gods are now open to no one, and by the time we have the skills!"

The burly middle-aged lord of Ling Xiaobao Temple said faintly.

"What about the rest of the kingdoms of God? If it is not well distributed, it will be the cultivation area of ​​the disciples under the door!"

The old man of the church said, faintly sweeping the other forces.

The surrounding gods slowly nodded and their eyes sparkled.

In their view, the most important thing is the tomb of the god.

Waiting to enter the tomb of the gods is a battle or a fight, then it will be said at that time.

"However, the information on this planet, we must not let other forces know, especially the five forces!"

At this time, the owner of the Temple of Ling Xiao Bao said with a dignified face.

"This is naturally known to us. Otherwise, with our strength, you will not give us such great benefits to you."

The gods on the pyramid said with a faint smile.

Among the five forces, their pyramidal forces are the weakest.

His five major forces can share these interests fairly, that is, some of them will tell the other forces about the news of the planet!

In particular, if the five major gods know that there is a tomb on the planet, there is no such thing!



Just then, there was a sudden roaring sound in the back of the void.

The gods of the five major forces were slightly surprised and quickly looked back!

(End of this chapter)

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