Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2040: Frightened and desperate innocent gods 2

Chapter 2040 Innocent Gods of Fright and Despair 2


When the flaming madness of the flame giant in the fire is ringing, all the powerful people around the earth are surrounded by a horrible killing!

"Stop them, it's easy!"

"This should be the planet that the gods and some disciples came to. I heard that the reiki has recovered, there is a kingdom of God, and they are destroyed. Don't be too simple!"

The disciples surrounded by the five major forces around them showed a relaxed look on their faces.

They stared high on the earth, with a murderous, glanced at them.

At the same time, they are also very surprised.

Holy grave?

What is the tomb of God? Is it the tomb of the eternal God?


When Wang Xian heard the words of the Flame Giant, there was a chilly murder in his eyes!

"Hey, Lin Shu, isn't there an endless chaotic star field in front? How did you suddenly run out of a planet from inside, and this group of guys waited for half a year, is waiting for this planet?"

At this moment, at the position behind the five forces, a young man lay on a suspended rock, eating fruit while watching the play.

"Holy grave?"

At this time, the old man on the side seemed to have not heard his words, muttering in his mouth, and his eyes sparkling.

"What **** tomb? Lin Shu, what's wrong with you?"

The young man glimpsed, curiously looking at the old man beside him.

"Young Master, we seem to have discovered a terrible treasure!"

Lin Shu’s breathing was a little bit rushed: “If it’s true, as the Lord of the Temple of the Emperor’s Temple, the tomb of the god...”

"The tomb of the god, the cemetery of the eternal God? Isn't it, there is the cemetery of the eternal God on that planet!"

The youth reacted, widened his eyes, and his face was full of shocked look.

Uncle Lin shook his head and was not sure.

"If... If there is a tomb of the gods here, I tell my father, my father tells Grandpa again, I am a great achievement, I don’t have to stay in the place where the bird is not pulling, and when I am too grandfather, I will reward me a lot. treasure!"

The youth was excited and his face was full of excitement.

"If there is a tomb of the gods, the young master is not only a great achievement, but may add another eternal **** to our eternal god!"

Uncle Lin also said with great excitement.

At this moment, the youth is shaking!

"Gangster, I will clean you up first!"

At this moment, in the void in front of the sky, a cold and incomparable sound sounded, and the whole person was like a horrible storm vortex. The distance of more than ten thousand meters was fleeting.

He had a scepter in his hand and slammed into the head of Ji Ling.

"You will solve this group of ants as soon as possible, and then go to the tomb of the gods!"

The sacred churchlor said to the surrounding gods and flew straight toward the earth.


At the same time, the leaders of the other four forces also flew toward the Earth as quickly.


The rest of the gods locked Wang Xian and they all screamed!


The 500,000 disciples around them also moved and rushed toward the earth.

"The gangster, die!"

In the forefront, Li Lao distance is only a kilometer away from Ji Ling.

The wind attribute artifact scepter in his hand exudes a horrible wind.

"Master, I am sorry!"

Ji Lingyi looked at his master and sighed helplessly and slowly closed his eyes!


When he closed his eyes, the sound of penetration came.

The crab standing next to Wang Xian carried his right arm and the entire right arm turned into a black sharp paw.

The huge claws stretched for a thousand meters and directly penetrated the old body.


At this moment, Li Lao, who was in the midst of severe pain, was full of horror and horror at this moment.

At this moment, he sensed that he penetrated his claws, slowly grew bigger and wrapped himself completely.

"How can this be!"

He couldn't help but snorted, his eyes were instantly bloody, staring at his penetrated body, amazement.

He ignited the **** of the gossip, and he was instantly pierced through his body.

Even if he was very careful, he was able to penetrate his body in an instant, and his face was full of shocking look.

"No no no!"

The threat of death shrouded his body, and he shouted in horror!

At this moment, all the gods that rushed forward were completely stunned.

They looked at the old man who was penetrated by his face.

Li Lao is the figure of the elders of Ling Xiao Bao Dian, and is the deputy master of Ling Xiao Bao Dian.

His strength is among all the people, second only to the owners of their temples and churches.

However, the moment just happened, it was actually penetrated into the body, and heard the horrible screams of the horror, and the pupils of the gods shrank slightly.

"Several people, don't be so anxious to enter our planet!"

At this time, Wang Xian looked at the five leaders who flew toward the earth and said lightly.

His face is full of smiles.

Just like the look of the gods just now, his face, his eyes, is full of disdain and contempt.

"The Lord, save me!"

The sound of panic and forgiveness sounded, and it was not necessary for Wang Xian to say that they were also stiff and ugly in the direction of Li Lao.

"Hey, a **** of the gossip, want to kill people in front of us?"

"And the gods of your innocent stars, the earth is also what you can give up?"

The thorns in the hands of the crabs slowly grow longer, and they will completely cover the old.

He was horrified and wanted to escape, but he was horrified to find that he could not escape the claws of the crab.

Nowadays, the power of the full-blown crab can counter the first-order existence of the eternal god, a **** of the gossip, he can easily kill.

"His strength?"

Seeing that Li, who was desperate to break free, did not break away, the face of the main hall of Ling Xiaobao Temple showed a dignified color.

Next to it, the priests of the Vulcan Palace are also slightly changed in their faces, and their bodies are parked in the void!

"How is this possible, how can a small ruin of the earth have such a strong?"

Around, the five powers of the gods slightly widened their eyes and looked at this scene incredibly!

This is just a planet that has been revived for more than a decade. It is already against the sky.

However, now, the person who shot the shot, actually killed the old man of the gossip!

Everyone took a deep breath and showed a dignified look on his face!


At this time, the fierce desperate screams, and all the five forces immediately looked at them.

The sharp claws were under the grip, and the gossip of the gods was completely dead.

A strong person who also belongs to a character in the innocent star field, is fallen!

Everyone's face changed dramatically, and the atmosphere instantly became strange!

Wang Xian swept all of them, his mouth slightly tilted!

(End of this chapter)

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