Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2046: Eternal God to the Lord, and the other surrender

Chapter 2046, The Eternal God Lord, and Mr.


The eternal **** of the East, the middle-aged faint of the scholars!

He raised the seemingly ordinary wooden staff in his hand and gently moved it toward the front.


The whole piece of void seemed to tremble, and a black hole slowly appeared. The black hole slowly shrouded everyone behind him.

In addition to middle-aged, the rear four or fifty individuals contain a huge amount of divine power.


The black hole is closed.


Soon, everyone appeared on a planet.


The majestic middle-aged man saw the black hole in front of him, his face showing a respectful and cautious look, and a middle-aged worship that slowly emerged.

"God Lord!"

In the rear of the middle age, the five figures quickly screamed in the void and shouted loudly.

Their faces are equally respectful.

Even if they are all gods, but in the middle age, they are all bowed from the heart.

Because this middle age in front of you is the eternal god!

"Komori, pass me the position of Xiaobei!"

The **** of the gods looked at the middle age in front of him, faintly said.

"It’s Grandpa. According to my own determination, 90% of the planet’s tombs exist on the planet, and they are still two!”

The middle age called Komori said immediately!

"If there are really two..."

The **** of the gods murmured in the main mouth, and the eyes shone with luster, and as a result, his grandson handed a branch to himself.

Under his induction, the wooden staff in his hand moved a little toward the front.


The black hole appeared again, and the **** of the gods stepped into the inside, with a group of gods behind him behind.

"Well? Moved, the planet moved again, they are ready to move on!"

In the chaotic star field, the youth looked at the earth and marched forward again, shouting in amazement.

"I don't know what God Lord is, what are they..."


Just before Lin Shu’s words were finished, a black hole appeared in front of them.

"See the Lord God!"

Lin Shu saw the figure in the black hole and immediately bowed.

"Too grandpa!"

The young people also took up the temperament of swaying their darling, and immediately deliberately worshipped.

The black hole shuttle is the unique ability of the eternal God, and the speed is hundreds of times faster than the speed of light.


Shenye God nodded faintly, looking at the position ahead.

"Little North, this is the planet you said?"

He looked in the direction of the earth and asked the young man.

"It’s too grandfather, I’ve been watching here for half a year. There are five forces just now. More than a hundred gods are here waiting for the arrival of this planet!”

"We heard the leaders of the five forces say they want to enter the tomb of the gods, but they are now killed by the mighty on this planet!"

"We have a fallen **** here, and he can be sure!"

The young man nodded immediately and took the illusion of the blood of the gods.

"When you meet the Lord God, the Lord says that it is all true, and the villain does not dare to hide anything!"

The phantom saw the excitement of the **** of the gods, and immediately guaranteed.

"God Lord, let's investigate!"

At this time, the gods standing behind them immediately said respectfully.

The **** of the gods did not speak, and the figure moved to the position directly in front of the earth.

The gods knew the character of the eternal God and immediately flew toward the earth.

"Several uncles, blocking the planet, completely control!"

The middle-aged man, known as Komori, said to a group of gods.


A group of gods suspended in the air, the first seven old men, their body trembled!

"Flowers are easy to fold, sleepy!"

The seven old men waved their arms and the thorns appeared in the void!


At this moment, the dense thorns seem to be endless, covering the entire earth.

The sudden appearance of the scene made people who were excited and talked on the earth completely stunned.

They looked up and opened their mouths slightly, his face showing a shocking look.


Each of the dense thorns is 100 meters thick and shrouds directly toward the entire earth!


At this moment, a green light shrouded the earth, and the earth stopped directly in the void.

Moreover, the root of the thorns directly surrounded the entire earth and was completely blocked.

There is only a few hundred kilometers of exit in front of it.

Seeing this horrible scene, everyone’s face is full of shocking look.

"This... What is this situation? Hey, is there a stronger person coming to attack us!"

"Scorpio, this... the whole earth is completely shrouded, this..."

Everyone was shocked.

This scene can be much more shocking than the five major forces attacked just now.

The whole earth is completely covered. What kind of existence can this be done?

"The **** of the gods, the Lord, and the surrender!"

Just then, a loud sound sounded through the earth.

"God Lord God? Eternal God Lord?"

Upon hearing this voice, everyone trembled and his face looked incredulous.

"Eternal God Lord, it is the eternal God Lord, the Scorpio, this..."

"How come, there is an eternal God Lord coming, what does this existence do?"

"It’s over, it’s trapping our planet directly, and it’s not good!”

Everyone has a trace of fear.

How strong is the eternal God, they do not know, even if it is the original Lord of the Light Wings, it is also the God of the backwardness, the strength of ten is not one!

What's more, this **** of the gods is one of the hegemons of the suppression of the innocent star.

This kind of existence is not comparable to the Lord of Light.

"Eternal God Lord?"

At this moment, Wang Xian, who was in the Dragon Palace of the Dragon Palace, heard this voice change dramatically.

As soon as they were in shape, they immediately came over the Dragon Palace.

An eternal God, definitely not the Dragon Palace can compete.

Even if there is a crab, it is difficult to fight against the innocent star, an eternal God who has suppressed hundreds of thousands of years.

It’s good to be able to retreat all over the body!

When they floated on the sea and looked at the sky, their faces changed slightly.

The whole earth has been completely shrouded!

“Shuqing, Qingyue, Fengqi, all of your girls immediately transferred the Dragon Palace to the extraordinary continent!”

Wang Xian immediately said to them.

"Little fairy!"

A group of girls were slightly surprised and their faces changed dramatically.

"The Dragon Palace can't resist the attack of the eternal God Lord. Just in case, just go to the extraordinary continent!"

Wang Xian looked at them and said solemnly!

"No, let's go, that little fairy you!"

A group of girls changed their faces and said anxiously.

"Let's look at the specific situation first, but in order to be on the safe side, the Dragon Palace first transfers the extraordinary continent, and you follow the past, fast!"


The voice of Wang Xian has just fallen, and a horrific pressure has shrouded the earth.

At this moment, even Wang Xian was shocked.


He urged the girls to look at the members of the Dragon Palace: "We are in the past!"

(End of this chapter)

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