Chapter 2050 Arrival

"Pharaoh, don't forget our appointment!"

In the sky, Hua Er Cai’s two hoes waved toward Wang Xian.

Wang Xian smiled and nodded and waved at them!

"You two little girls, let's go!"

Guan Shuqing, they just flew over and got all the news, joking towards the two little girls.

"Hey, you are a group of women who are careful, we haven’t robbed you guys!"

The flowers and flowers smashed them and said.

"Oh, if you bring us some good things when you come, we will not give you two gimmicks!"

A group of girls waved at them!

Hua Cai Cai smiled and looked at her father!

"Dad, let's go, I want my mother!"

"Good, let's go, let's go!"

The smile of the **** Lord God has not stopped, and immediately nodded.

He turned to the front and a black hole appeared in front of them.

The flowers and children returned to Wang Xian and they smiled and followed the **** of the gods into the black hole.

In the rear position, the gods of the Eternal God Leaf deeply glanced at the Wang Xian people and followed them into the black hole.

This time, although they did not find the tomb of the gods, they did not receive any treasures, but they were given a more precious existence of the eternal God.

The youth has always had a smile on his face. The two aunts met with the grandfather, but he has a lot of credit.

This credit is even greater than the merits of discovering the tomb of the gods here. This grandfather will reward him well!

"The two aunts came back, the love of the grandfather and grandmother for the aunt, it is estimated that the whole eternal **** in the future is the world of two aunts!"

"I want to please two aunts in the future!"

In his heart, he thought about how to please two aunts in the future!

What he didn't know was that his father had the same idea at the moment.

"I didn't expect these two gimmicks to be the daughters of the innocent gods, and this time thanks to these two gimmicks!"

Looking at the flowers, they left, and the girls said with a slight sigh.

"There are two gimmicks, but a lot less fun!"

Feng Xiao smiled.

"Let's go, we continue to fly in the direction of the extraordinary mainland planet!"

Wang Xian said that when everyone returned to the Dragon Palace, the earth started again and flew in the direction of the extraordinary continent.

"The end, the eternal God is gone?"

"It seems that someone in the Dragon Palace is the relative of the eternal God!"

"It’s all right, it’s fine. It’s okay, the eternal God is really horrible. It is estimated that he can easily blast our planet!”

Everyone on the earth looked at the end of the unclear, and he was relieved at the same time with a slight relief.

The power of the eternal God is not at all that the Earth is not able to compete with the Dragon Palace.

This crisis can hide, and it is a great fortune for them.

The earth traveled again and soon flew out of the chaotic star field and completely entered the innocent star field.

"The extraordinary continent is in the remote corner of the north, which is regarded as the northern part of the innocent star field. The power of the north of the Megatron is eternal thunder, and the thunder gods suppress the north!"

“We estimate that we can get close to the planet of the extraordinary continent in a week!”

In the Dragon Palace, Wang Xian stood in front of the starry sky and listened to the report of the turtle.

"In the southern part of the extraordinary mainland planet, there are five or six life planets in close proximity. In the speed of the five gods, it can be achieved within a month. We can connect the array and transmit it instantly!"

"The five or six life planets are not eternal thunder, we can occupy it!"

The turtle looked at the starry sky and continued to analyze it.

Wang Xian nodded slightly, and the Dragon Palace can get a systematic reward for every ocean that occupies a planet, and this reward is also very rich.

Occupying the ocean of the planet is a means of rapid development of the Dragon Palace.

"Now the number of members of the Dragon Palace is still too small, at least doubled. If you can occupy these five or six planets, see if you can recruit more members!"

"Now some of the resources in the Dragon Palace are left out to promote new members in the future!"

Wang Xian sank a bit and said to the turtle.

"It is the Dragon King. It is indeed time to upgrade the number of our Dragon Palace members!"

The turtles nodded in agreement.

Nowadays, there are more than 26,000 men in the Dragon Palace. This number is not much, even in this innocent star field, only a small one.

At least increase the number of Dragon Palace to 50,000.

Although there are more members of the Dragon Palace and more resources for promotion, it is entirely possible for the Dragon Palace disciples to go out and practice in the future.

Let the Dragon Palace disciples enter this innocent star field and look for their own chances.

As Wang Xian and the Turtles talked about the development of the future Dragon Palace, time passed slowly.

After going through the things of the gods and gods, this time Wang Xian was a lot of vigilance.

"Dragon King, the extraordinary continent appears in our sight!"

The seven-day time passed quickly, and at this time, the earth has already reached the established position, near the extraordinary mainland planet.

"Place the earth in front of the extraordinary mainland planet and then rotate according to the laws of the universe!"

Wang Xian immediately told the turtles.

"It is the Dragon King!"

The turtles nodded.

"Xiao Xian, do you want to connect the passage of the extraordinary continent with the earth, so that people from the extraordinary continent can enter the earth, and let the earth enter the extraordinary continent?"

Feng Yan walked over and asked Wang Xiang.

"Yes, today's land on the earth is a huge opportunity for the extraordinary mainlanders. You can start with the elite members of the Dragon and Phoenix Empire and let them come to the Earth God to practice!"

Wang Xian nodded.

"Dragon King, we better open the channel with other planets so that we can develop faster!"

The turtles added to the side.

"For the time being, set the earth first, then check the situation around the planet, be prepared!"

Wang Xian said, immediately flew out of the Dragon Palace and looked towards the front.

At the moment, there is a huge infinite planet in front, this planet is dozens of times the size of the earth!


At this time, the earth stopped in front of the huge planet and slowly rotated.

"Are we at our destination?"

Everyone on the earth looked at the huge planet in front of him, and his face looked shocked!

"It should be here, you see the planet in front, it is the planet of life, there is an oasis ocean!"

Some strong men flew into the sky and said with amazement.

At the same time, on the super-continental continent, some powerful people also noticed the stars that suddenly appeared on their voids, one by one shocked.

Two distant planets, facing each other for the first time!

(End of this chapter)

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