Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2060: Heaven and earth treasure

Chapter 2060: Heaven and Earth Treasures

"They are coming!"

"No hostility, don't worry!"

Li Muzhen, they saw Wang Xian three people flying over, a smile on his face.

Jumping past the sinister tide, Wang Xian came to Li Muzhen a hundred meters in front of everyone!

"Three, hello, are you the strongest in our east side?"

Li Muzhen looked at the three people Wang Si, up and down, and asked some curiously.

"No, we want to go to the eternal **** leaf, the array transmission has been closed, so we can only fly over!"

"It happened to pass by and met the group of people who didn't know how to live!"

Wang Xian swept through their group of people and said with a smile.

"Oh? Is there a few friends on the side of Eternal God?"

An old man asked them slightly toward Wang Xian.

"Well, there are friends out there!"

Wang Xian did not hide anything. He nodded and his eyes fell on young men and women with green clothes and leaves.

"You are disciples of the Eternal God?"

He asked.

"We Li Muzhen, sister, Li Mulong, you don't know? They are..."

"Yes, we are disciples of the eternal **** leaf, be regarded as the core disciple!"

Wang Xian’s voice just fell, a young man immediately spoke, but his voice just fell, he was directly interrupted by Li Mulong, faintly said.

"We still thought that you are looking for opportunities in the energy tide, and where are you going to go?"

Li Mulong continued to ask.

"Go to the Eternal God Leaf Center!"

Wang Xian said directly.

"Go to the center of our eternal god? Are three friends in our eternal kingdom?"

"The three killing the eternal thundering disciples can help us. We can send them in the upper reaches of our country. We can quickly enter our eternal kingdom, or let us go to the upstream position with us!"

Li Muzhen said to Wang Xian.

"Yes, thank you all!"

Wang Xian arched his hand and said with a smile.

"No, the enemy of the enemy is a friend. It is really courageous to say three people. The disciples who killed the eternal thunder, if they are known by the eternal thunder, will be attacked by terrorists!"

Li Mulong reminded Wang Xian.

"Oh, what is the eternal thunder of him? In this vain air, they have no strength and want to find us trouble, we naturally kill them directly!"

Wang Xian smiled and said without hesitation.

In this vain air, whoever kills them can know.

As for the people who watched the eternal god, there is no relationship at all. The two sides are hostile and have no influence on him!

"This friend's mentality is really good. It seems that the age is not very big. It is really extraordinary to be able to achieve the gods at such an age!"

Li Mulong looked a little deeper and looked at it.

"We have got the treasure, let's go!"

"Three, just beside us!"

Li Muzhen said to them, flying along the tide toward the front.

According to them, it is the upper reaches of the tide and the location of the tide near the black hole.

Wang Xian has no worries around them. As long as he enters the territory of the eternal god, he has nothing to fear.

There are two little gimmicks, who dares to provoke yourself?

I am afraid that the **** of the gods and gods will see themselves and call a brother!

Now Wang Xian has a feeling of licking his daughter's potential.

But this taste is also very cool!

A group of people flew toward the front, crossing a black hole in the northern part of the East, and the length was terrible.

"The front has reached the upstream position, where there is a base for our eternal **** leaves, where three can be transmitted!"

Five hours later, a huge incomparable continent appeared on the side of the energy tide.

Yes, it is a continent, a square of four squares, and many buildings on the mainland.

In front of the mainland, there are hundreds of millions of people gathered together, and the semi-god level exists.

They are in front of the tides, some are practicing around, and some are staring at the energy tide.

To the upper reaches, the surrounding aura is about ten times that of the outside world, and it is a good place for cultivation for many people!

Li Muzhen said as he pointed to the front and toward Wang Xian.

“Is all these disciples of the eternal **** leaf?”

Wang Xian looked at the densely packed hundreds of millions of people, many of whom were strong in the realm, and said with a slight surprise.

"Fifty percent is our disciple of the eternal **** leaf, and the rest are forces attached to our eternal gods, or our forces in the east!"

"Our East is still united, and everything is dominated by our eternal gods. Of course, we treat them much better than the eternal thunder and the powerful forces in the North!"

Li Mulong introduced to Wang Xian.

“There are three people who are not interested in joining us forever. We have great benefits when we join us!”

Li Muyu said with a smile.


Wang Xian shook his head.

Li Muzhen did not force them to be the arrogant son of the eternal **** leaf. If they did not look at Wang Xian, the strength of the people would be high, maybe they would not care!

"Mr. Li is good!"

"Lee brother, have you got the artifact?"

Close to the location of the upper mainland, a voice of respect came.

Apparently, both Li Muzhen and Li Mulong have some status in the entire eternal god.


Wang Xian heard their conversation flashing slightly.

"Look, there is a strong shimmering flash in the center of the tide, it must be the heaven and earth to the level of the gods, it must be!"

"Hey, Lingbao is shaped, there are tidal beasts guarding around, this...this is definitely a very powerful world!"

Just as they were about to enter the mainland, they suddenly heard an exclamation.


Li Muzhen and Li Mulong both glimpsed and immediately looked at the tide.

Wang Xian also raised a brow and turned to look.

"That is?"

When he glanced over his eyes, his eyes were amazed.

In the center of the energy tide, a group of white light is unusually eye-catching.

And in the sky above the white light, a virtual image of a kilometer size is condensed, and the phantom looks a bit like a wing.

This white light flows along the energy tide, and the speed of the flow is not very fast.

And, around this white light group, there is a tidal monster with only huge wings, they are all around the holy white light!

"What level of treasure is that that can cause such a big vision and protect the energy monster?"

Li Mulong was shocked by their faces and full of shock.


At this time, Wang Xian, who was on the side, sensed the excitement of the treasure hunt in the mother's nest.

His palms moved, and the palm-sized treasure hunter appeared in the palm of his hand, and his six tentacles were aligned with the white light.

"The world is treasured, the level is beyond the scope of investigation!"

(End of this chapter)

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