Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2079: Shenye law enforcement vs. Shenye guardian? on

Chapter 2079 God Leaf Law enforcement vs God Leaf Guardian? on

"Well, what is Wang Daren doing? Direct escape. Is this an enemy of the entire Eternal God?"

Seeing that Wang Xian resisted the attack of Li law enforcement, Meng Muxin Li Muzhen was embarrassed by their faces.

Killing Tianjiao disciples and defying law enforcement is already an enemy of the entire eternal god.

Next, he will suffer the pursuit of the entire eternal god.

It is terrible to anger a god-level power!

"Wang Daren does not look like a bad person, now..."

Meng Muxin’s impression of Wang Xian is very good. The accidental fall of his master is due to the treasure.

But she also knows that the enemy is eternal thunder, not blaming the king.

Wang Xian has no need to compensate for so many treasures, but he did, which means he is not a bad person!

"He is not a bad person, but he is a bit extreme, finished!"

Li Muzhen’s face was a little embarrassing.

Around, everyone looked at this scene, the color of each face.

They did not think of it. In recent days, the limelight is flourishing, and the multi-big man who killed the top powerhouse of the eternal thunder will directly kill Fang Muqing without any hesitation!

With the strength and ability of Duobao adults, the future is in the future!

"Enter the energy tide to help Li law enforcement, if the other party resists, directly kill!"

The top powerhouses around are immediately following in the back position and chasing away!

"He has no influence in the tides of the ocean. Sure enough, it is the fate of that bone!"

When Li Jinghong entered the ocean tide, he saw that Wang Xian had already flown a distance of hundreds of kilometers and his face changed slightly.

"Black Forest Lockwood, give it to me!"

Li Jinghong bit his teeth, and some of the distressed look at the black thorns in his hand, flew directly toward Wang Xian.

This black forest lock is not an artifact, but a branch on the **** wood.

Moreover, this branch is disposable, and it can withstand all the energy and wither with one use!


The black thorns crossed a trace in the ocean tide and tangled directly toward Wang Xian's body.

The black thorns are very different, even in the ocean tides, the speed is still very terrifying!

"Since I have shot, you will stay here!"

He whispered in a sullen face.

"Well? What is this? Fast speed!"

Wang Xian, who was flying forward, sensed the thorns in the back and his face changed slightly.

He had an accident, and if he had a sacred wing, he would enter the ocean tide and even if he was at the peak of the gods, he would not want to leave himself.

When he sensed the black thorns, his face showed an unexpected color.


The dragon blood sword in his hand went directly to the black forest in the rear to lock the raft.


However, what surprised Wang Xian was that the moment the black thorn hit the dragon blood sword, immediately entangled and tangled toward his arm.


Wang Xian’s body was shaken, and the energy of annihilation slammed toward the black thorns.


However, the power of the five elements of annihilation fell on it, only to make the speed of the black forest lock wood sway slightly, still completely wrapped around his arm.

Wang Xian frowned slightly and saw Li Jinghong, who was holding the other end of the dark thorn, his face was not good looking.

"It seems that I still can't take advantage of the gods!"

Wang Xian brow is locked.

It didn't take long for him to come to the innocent star field. There must be many treasures and incredible existences in such a huge star field.

This dark thorn is a very strange and powerful thing.

"kill him!"

Wang Xian saw that his arm was entangled, and the dark thorn had entered his arm and was completely integrated with his arm.

And, some thorns and sorrows entered his chest.

If he cuts off the position of the arm and chest, he will suffer a lot of damage and lose a lot of dragon gas.

Faced with this kind of strange murderous Li law enforcement, Wang Xian did not have the slightest scruples!


The bones violently swayed, and the speed broke out to the limit. Wang Xian turned around and attacked directly toward Li Jinghong.

"Haha, confrontational confrontation, confrontation with me, Li Jinghong is not afraid of anyone at the same level!"

Li Jinghong saw Wang Xian flying over him, his face showing a cold look.

His palms spread out, and the staff in his hand gave off a sly light, and the thorns under his body spread around.

The whole field of thorns is completely centered on him.

"Do not consume energy, fast speed!"

Wang Xian’s eyes showed an icy look, and the colorful light flashed on his body, and the speed reached its peak.

"As long as you are trapped, you will die today!"

Li Jinghong screamed, and countless thorns entangled him.

The speed is completely ineffective in the face of this overwhelming thorn.

Because this field, there is no dead end!

Li Jinghong knows that it is very difficult for him to kill the horrible Wang Xian, but he only needs to entangle it.

The strong people in the rear will soon arrive. At that time, even if he has inserted the bone wing, it is difficult to fly!


At this moment, the whole thorn area was slightly shocked, and a huge grinding disc appeared on the top of the thorns, completely suppressing it!

"Artifact, and still a very powerful artifact!"

Li Jinghong saw the moment when the five elements of the big mill appeared, his face changed slightly.

Wang Xian's current five-line grinding is completely comparable to the artifact of the Seven Gods!


Five lines of great grinding appeared, and the thorns withered!

"Take this artifact to turn in and leave that bone!"

Li Jinghong’s eyes were extremely cold, his body was shocked, and a **** tree appeared in the sky.

The tree of gods is like a willow tree, with a horrible branch.

The branches go toward Wang Xianyu!


Wang Xian holds the dragon blood sword and goes straight to a piece of wicker.

The level of the **** tree can not be compared with the dragon blood sword, a piece of wicker directly breaks!

"Damn, the level of this **** sword is definitely not lower than the level of the six-year-old fire!"

Li Jinghong saw this scene and his eyes showed a greedy look.


He screamed, all the branches of the tree were entwined, like a horrible whip, toward Wang Xianzhu!

"It's now!"

Wang Xian’s eyes flashed a glimmer of light, and he saw Li Jinghong, who was only ten kilometers away, attacking directly.


Li Jinghong saw Wang Xian dare to ignore the Shenshu staring, and his eyes revealed cold.

However, the next scene is so confusing.

The branches of the gods passed directly through the body of Wang Xian.

There was a dragon on the blood-red long sword, and he went to his body.

"not good!"

Unprepared, plus the speed of the peak of Wang Xian, 10 kilometers away, he has no time to escape!


The dragon blood sword went and made a squeaking voice. Li Jinghong held the black forest lock arm and the general body was cut off.

The blood flowed out instantly and the wooden sign on the chest broke.

However, under the attack that Wang Xian believed that he must die, he did not die!

(End of this chapter)

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