Chapter 2085, The Cave

"Mrs. God, you sit, I will pour you tea!"

Coming to a luxurious mansion, the person in charge of the energy tide, the white-haired old man said with a smile, the law enforcement and guardians of the eternal **** leaves are scattered around to protect.

Li Muliang and the two brothers Li Muyuan who saw Wang Xian last time also followed.

"Pharaoh, you follow us to the eternal godland, we will take you there and play well!"

As soon as he sat down, the flower said to him with excitement.

"I want to stay here for a while!"

Wang Xian touched her head and said.

“Well? Stay here for a while? What's fun here?”

The flower looked at him with a puzzled look.

"Looking for some treasures!"

Wang Xian said with a smile.

If it is not the case of Fang Muqing, Wang Xian may stay here for a year or so.

In this year's time, the treasures that have been acquired should be able to improve his strength.

"Wang Daren has a powerful ability to explore the treasures in the energy tide. In the short eight or nine days that Wang Daren came, the value of the treasures harvested is close to ten artifacts!"

The responsible person of the energy tide, the white-haired old man said on the side.

"One artifact a day? So powerful?"

Cai Er looked at him with amazement.

Li Muliang and Li Muyuan on the side were also slightly surprised.

An artifact of the day, even for them, is a very horrible thing.

"When you talk about Wang Daren, don't mind, we are going to report your affairs to the **** of the gods, these two days, I didn't expect this to happen today!"

The white-haired old man continued to smile.


Wang Xian shook his head toward him, and he looked at the flowers and hesitated.

"The current energy tide has been heard to be the biggest in the past tens of thousands of years. There are more treasures. I have a beast in my hand that can explore the treasures in the energy tide!"

"Every day, I can harvest a lot of things, and the artifacts have gained a lot!"

Wang Xian did not hide from them.

"How long will it stay here? It's boring!"

The flower squinted slightly, and said with a displeased face.

"If you have someone who can trust, I can give this sacred beast to you forever." When the treasure comes to me!"

Wang Xian can't stay in this energy tide all the time, but this energy tide has always existed.

If the people of the Eternal God Leaf help to explore the treasures, the harvest here will be of great help to the Dragon Palace!

"Well? Looking for the beast of the treasure? If the Wang Gongzi can trust it, give it to us!"

The woman sitting on the side said.

"There are two gimmicks, and I naturally believe in your eternal god!"

Wang Xian said that treasure ants appeared in the palm of his hand.

"A small beast!"

The flowers looked at them and reached out and touched them.

Wang Xian placed the treasure ants in her palm and passed it a message.

"Taro, you and it feel it, it will pass some news to you!"

Wang Xian said to the flowers.

"Yeah, I will try!"

“Hey? It’s amazing, it’s amazing to explore the surrounding artifacts, and all kinds of treasures, it’s just amazing!”

Soon, the flower shouted with amazement.

"There is such a beast!"

When Li Muyuan and Li Muliang heard the words of the flowers, they had a surprised look on their faces.

"Kimyuan, you are looking for two people who have trusted, here to help Wang Gongzi explore treasures!"

The woman said directly to Li Muyuan.

"It's Grandma!"

Li Muyuan nodded immediately.

"That's the matter, let's not stay here!"

The flower looked up at Wang Xian.

"Yes, I will stay with you for a while, but I can't stay here for too long here!"

Wang Xian nodded and looked at Li Muyuan: "The treasure left you 30%!"

Giving them 30% of the treasures is already very much for them.

Even if all the people on the side of the eternal **** are together, it is difficult to obtain the treasure of 30%.

After all, once you have a treasure hunt, you can basically monopolize the treasures here.

"Good, thank you Wang Daren!"

Li Muyuan's face was a joy, and immediately nodded.

"The old king, you follow us home!"

Some flowers can't wait to say!

"it is good!"

Wang Xian nodded.

Their home is naturally the eternal kingdom of God, the **** of the gods.

Different from the **** country of the light wing **** and the kingdom of the mountain god, this is a living **** country.

The eternal gods of the Lord of Light and the God of the Mountain belong to the fallen, and most of the treasures inside have completely disappeared after hundreds of thousands of years.

Only some treasures are reborn with the recovery of the Kingdom of God.

After two consecutive passes, Wang Xian followed them quickly into the eternal goddom.

"A huge eternal godland!"

Looking at the tens of millions of kilometers around, Wang Xian’s face was shocked.

"The area of ​​the **** leaf **** country is not so large, only the center of the **** tree is the scope of the kingdom of God!"

The woman smiled and explained to Wang Xian.

"It turns out!"

Wang Xian nodded slightly, and after the Dragon Palace was upgraded again, the area would not be so big!

"Walk, let's go to the position of the tree of God, see, that is the pillar of our father's kingdom of God, an eternal god-level **** tree!"

The two hoes took his hand and flew toward the central position, pointing to the huge tree of gods.

"It’s really vast. It seems that I will follow your two gimmicks in the future!"

Wang Xian looked up and could sense the majestic energy of the huge emptiness tree, which is not the existence of a suppression domain.

The woman looked at the two daughters and left themselves behind, shook her head helplessly.

In the air, Wang Xian glanced around, and there were many **** trees, **** grasses, **** vines, and **** flowers. They could not be said to be everywhere, but at least a few hundred.

This is just a **** that can be seen by the naked eye. There may be more places that cannot be seen.

This is the foundation of the Lord God, which is completely incomparable to the current Dragon Palace.

"your Highness!"

Flying to the top of the tree of God, the guards of the two sacred fires at the entrance immediately shouted reverently.

Huan Caier nodded and pulled him to the top.

"Hey? Shantou, I just came back and didn't feel that you are curious. It turned out that Wang Gongzi is here!"

"Welcome to Wang Gongzi!"

Just flew to the position above, the figure of the **** of the gods suddenly appeared, smiling with a smile.

"Dad, you are back!"

Two little girls shouted with a smile.

"God, how? Is the problem at the junction with the Western Region solved?"

The woman came directly to the main body of the **** of God, and asked with concern.

"No, the magic cave is very strange. After I entered it, they felt something and fled directly!"

"If I don't say this, I will prepare some food and have a meal with Wang Gongzi. Thank you very much today, Wang Gongzi!"

The **** of the gods said, and invited to the king.

For Wang Xian, he is full of politeness.

If this attitude is to let the rest of the eternal **** know, it is a bit stunned!

(End of this chapter)

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