Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2094: The gods smashed the northern region

Chapter 2094


A cold murderous spurt toward the east!



Followed by, a roar of a demon and a beast came.

At the forefront, the mounts under the soldiers were violent.

The momentum is like a rainbow, earth-shattering!

This kind of horrific war is definitely not the earth, not the extraordinary on the mainland.

"Let the group of people fly down!"

The Fengshen dragon stopped its shape and floated ten kilometers in front of Tianyang Shencheng.

Wang Xian stared at the soldiers riding the demon birds in the sky, his face showing a cold look, faintly speaking toward the nine Fengshen dragons.


The nine dragons opened a huge dragon head and made a noise.

The horrible Longwei swept away in front.

"Hey, hey!"

"Hey, hey!"

"Oh la la!"

The roaring Longwei swept over, the position above, one is like a goshawk encountering natural enemies, shaking his wings.

Followed by the embarrassing eyes of everyone in the Tianyang dynasty, the hundreds of thousands of goshawk monsters fell toward the lower position.

The soldier on the top of the face changed dramatically and wanted to stop it, but it didn't matter.

In the position below, the monster like a rhinoceros squats on the ground, making a low-pitched fear!


"Damn, that is the powerful beast of the wind attribute, and it has a strong repression for the Green Eagle!"

On the 5,000-meter wall, the generals of the Tianyang dynasty saw this scene change dramatically.

Not yet fighting, the strongest Green Eagles in their own side lost their fighting power, making them look very embarrassed.

"Where is the power, even dare to invade our Tianyang dynasty!"

The Emperor Tianyang saw that the night was also slightly changed. He stared at the nine huge creatures in front.

Nine creatures, he can clearly sense its strength, can be comparable to the five gods.

Nine five sacred gods and gods pulled a dragon chair, sitting on a dragon chair with a young man with a head.

What strength is that young man?

Nowadays, several top elders in the dynasty are not there. Seeing such a terrible group of people, Tianyang’s emperor’s face is somewhat dignified.

"You invaded us and now want to ask who we are?"

Wang Xian Yao Yao stared at the tall and burly Tianyang Emperor, asked with a cold face.

"Well? We invade you?"

The Tianyang emperor's face changed slightly, and immediately thought of the situation that his three sons and a group of elders got.

"They are dead, and it's your turn to dare to invade us, so we're ready to die!"

Wang Xian stared at them with a sullen look, and his body shot a horrible murderous.


The next moment, the nine Fengshen dragons opened the dragon mouth, and a horrible sword spurted out from the mouth and attacked toward the Tianyang gods!

Every wind sword is 100 kilometers in size, and the distance of ten kilometers is fleeting!

"Damn, fight!"

When the Emperor of Tianyang heard Wang Xian’s words, his face changed dramatically. The five elders were already dead. They were able to kill five elders who had a gossip. Among them, there must be a strong man of nine sacred fires.


On the wall, the ministers of the Tianyang dynasty saw the nine great swords and immediately waved their weapons.

A hurricane and a storm greet nine giant swords.

The sound of the wind property bursts in the air!


Wang Xian sat on the dragon chair and waved his arm to give an order for the attack.

His gaze was locked in the tall and burly Tiandi Emperor.


"Tianyang gods are gods, come and die, hehe!"

Qi Qitian roared and immediately flew into the air of tens of thousands of meters. He held the pin of the sea and stared coldly at the gods.

"Come and die!"

Qi Qi and a famous dragon dragon species flew to the same position in the sky, and screamed.

The blood-red energy flows through them, exuding a heart-rending and violent power.

In an instant, more than fifty gods of the Dragon Palace were directly suspended into the sky.


The rest of the Dragon Palace warriors screamed

Each member of the eye-eye arrow is full of bowstrings, and each bow has five or six bows.


The attack immediately attacked the disciples of the Tianyang dynasty below.

"Oh, they have more than fifty gods!"

"Good horrible arrows, be careful!"

On the city wall, the Tianyang gods saw a group of gods floating in the air, and the faces were very different.

More than fifty gods, they only have only 20 on this side, which is almost twice the difference.

Unless their gods are far above the other, they will be finished.

However, feeling the violent momentum, obviously the strength of the other side is definitely not weaker than them.

"How is this possible, Zhao Yuan, they are coming to the planet, the other party is afraid to come out to fight, how can there be such a strong strength now!"

Emperor Tianyang saw this scene and his face changed slightly.

"Emperor, what do we do now?"

At this time, the ministers on the side of the court saw the gods in the Dragon Palace suspended in the sky, and some of them panicked and asked the Emperor of Tianyang.

"What can I do? Kill me!"

The emperor of Tianyang bite his teeth, others have already called, how can they escape?

Can escape escape?

Even if you can escape, the entire Tianyang dynasty will also be destroyed.


His arm waved, the whole body was windless, and a huge cyan moon knife appeared in his hand.

The moon knives are inlaid with a variety of wind **** beads, exudes a horrible atmosphere!

"When I kill the guy with the double horns, I will kill all their gods!"

The Emperor Tianyang’s face was full of self-confidence, and his arm waved, and the moon knife pointed directly to Wang Xian.

A wind condensed into a point, directly attacked Wang Xian.

"Haha, today the Dragon King is destroying the gods!"

Wang Xian laughed and saw a grinding disc in his hand.

Grinding the size of the palm, directly at the wind.


A loud bang, Wang Xian immediately flew to the position of the sky, a wave of arms, the five elements of the big grinding immediately suspended in the sky.

A gray energy swept directly toward the wall.


The Emperor of Tianyang held the moon knife and looked at the gray energy.

"Come on!"

Wang Xian has a shape and flies directly to the height of hundreds of thousands of meters!


The beast of the Tianyang Emperor’s body made a roar and flew directly into the sky.

"Today, the Emperor will marry you!"

Tianyang Emperor jumped to the beast and his face was filled with cold murderous, violent rampage.

He held the moon knife in both hands and leaned forward!

A knife, directly open a knife mark visible to the naked eye, terrible.

Just like a knife to open the road to life!


On the wall, the rest of the generals saw the emperor rushing out, and his face was embarrassed and biting his teeth toward them.

The next million troops are killing the rest of the Dragon Palace members.

The war across the planet broke out!

(End of this chapter)

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