Chapter 2122 Who kills who?


A violent crash sounded in the void, and millions of people who have been watching the battle here have seen this situation change slightly.

"This... The strength and speed of the Dragon King is terrible, and the Rain Magic Sword God has nothing to do with it!"

"Passive defense, the rain magic sword **** wants to kill the dragon king for three minutes is absolutely impossible, his speed is too fast, the attack is also very terrible!"

"This dragon king is not simple. I just had a face in the words of the rain magic sword god!"

Seeing the two people who are almost evenly matched in the void, everyone's face changed.

The strength and name of the rain magic sword **** is his own kill.

Everyone for his strength is unquestionable.

Even when Rain Magic Sword God said that it would take three minutes to kill the Dragon King, everyone believed it and waited for his big killings and wonderful performances.

However, the results were completely out of their accidents.

The Dragon King of the Dragon Palace is against it, completely unruly, not weak at all.

"I want to kill me in three minutes? Whoever kills is not necessarily!"

Wang Xian's dragon claws fell heavily above the countercurrent, feeling strong defense, and he held the dragon claw tightly.

Under the dragon claws, the countercurrent slowly contracts.


His body trembled slightly, and directly retreated toward the back like a running water, avoiding the attack of Wang Xian.

There was a dignified look on his face!

"Fast speed, his speed is not slower than me, even faster!"

The bright old man of the Northern Expedition Bank saw that the pupil of this scene was slightly shrunk, his face was a little moving, and he frowned slowly.


"Give me broken!"

Aside from the position, there was a strange noise, accompanied by a broken sound.

His blood red energy was rolling around, and the three hooks in the pupil slowly turned.

The **** red and strange pupils lock the rain magic sword **** in the void.

"Dragon King, Wei Chen to help you!"

Qi Qi snorted and a thunder banged beside him. In a flash, his figure disappeared and appeared beside Wang Xian.

His arm, like a thunder hammer and a thunder, struck together in the void.

In the eyes, a pair of hooks flew out and landed on the two arms.


For a moment, the **** red energy of the horrible hook jade attacked the rain magic sword god.

"Five lines of great grinding!"

Wang Xian saw Qi Qi rushing over and a smile on his face.

Jointly against this rain magic sword, he naturally has no opinion.

"Touch and touch!"

Rain Magic Sword God saw the strange attack of Qi Qi, his face changed slightly.

He waved the rain sword in his hand and went to the front.

Every time, his body couldn't help but step back toward the rear. When he resisted the attack of Qi Qi, the whole person retreated for dozens of kilometers.

The rain magic sword god's breathing is a little short, his face is gloomy.


At this time, the huge five lines of the five great dragons roared over the five dragons, and a gray power was covered by the rain magic sword god.

His face changed again!

"Yu Jian Tian Mo, a sword smashed heaven!"

The rain magic sword **** screamed and his face was extremely embarrassing.

A sword with a few hundred thousand meters appeared, and went to the five elements.


The horrible crash sounded, and the sword smashed on the five elements, causing the five elements to fly hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

"Ah, lord, save us!"

Just then, a scream screamed, and he breathed a little, his eyes swept below!

In the position below, there is a massacre, which is a one-sided slaughter.

At the beginning, they were one hundred and twenty strong gods, and two million disciples faced the Dragon Palace, which could be easily crushed.

However, the situation is completely reversed.

Two nine-year-old fires completely changed the battle.

The branches of the sky hang in the void, and they continue to harvest one life down.

The violent and horrible sticks swept a million miles.

They degenerate the gods of the gods and fall at a horrible speed.

Now three minutes have passed, and one hundred and twenty gods have already fallen by sixty!

Two million disciples, less than one million at the moment.

One-sided war!

For up to ten minutes, they will be completely dying in this void!

"Damn, **** it!"

The rain magic sword **** saw the scene below, the face was burning in anger, and violently stared at Wang Xian and Qi Qi.

"The Northern Expedition Firm, aren't you saying that they only have one Nine Dragons in the Dragon Palace?"

"Isn't there only eighty gods strong?"

Suddenly, the rain magic sword **** suddenly turned his head, staring at the location of the Northern Expedition, the **** red eyes cold martyrdom.


Sudden changes have surprised millions of people around.

Some of the forces’ eyes flashed to look at the location of the Northern Expedition, and the faces were amazing.


The bright old man heard the sudden questioning of the rain magic sword, and his face was angry.

His face changed slightly.

In this sentence, he wants to pull the Northern Expedition Firm into the water!

But seeing the strength of the Dragon Palace, the Northern Expedition Firm cannot easily enter the water.

The speed of the Dragon King is completely beyond his expectations, and even if he is his own shot, it is difficult to leave it.

Coupled with nearly a hundred strong gods, his Northern Expedition firm will lose a lot even if it is the end!

This is not in line with the purpose of their business!

"Our Northern Expedition Firm did not ask you to attack the Dragon Palace. Don't say anything, smear us, don't blame our Northern Expedition Firm for not talking about it!"

The bright old man sensed the gaze around him, and snorted, cold and threatening.

Rain Magic Sword God's red eyes are staring at the bright old man, holding his fist tightly, and his heart is very wrong!

"Dead, you die for me!"

He screamed and went to attack Wang Xian and Qi Qi!

"Dragon King, let me trap him!"

Qi Qi shouted, and a **** red chain appeared behind him.

The dense chain slowly covers a hundred kilometers!

"it is good!"

Wang Xian nodded, his arm waved, five lines of big grind appeared on the top of the head, and the yin and yang poles suspended below!

"The void is the enemy, the enemy!"

The singer screamed, and the dense blood-red chains entangled toward the rain magic sword.

"Five lines of great grinding, sleepy!"


At the same time, Wang Xian shouted, and the big mill began to work. The earth's attributes, water properties, and wood properties were all shining.

The road full of bounds is covered by the rain magic sword god.

With the dragon dragon species teamed up against a rival of the same level, Wang Xian asked himself, no one in the entire universe can resist!

"Today I want you to see who killed who!"

Wang Xian’s face showed a stunned look.

The top five lines of the head are ground, the feet are yin and yang, and the bulls are rushing toward the rain magic sword!

These two days are quite busy. I owe a chapter yesterday and the day before yesterday. I should be able to make up today!

(End of this chapter)

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